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Wisteria Extravaganza: Kitchen Chairs

One of my favorite things about Dallas is the Wisteria outlet, which is dangerously close to where I live.  I have made three major purchases in the past couple months for too good to be true deals that induced a rapid heart rate: a mirror, an entryway table, and these newly purchased chairs.  The chairs just happened to be the ones I had my eye on, and had initially come to the store to find:

My favorite was the Wegner Wishbone Chair at Room and Board but Wisteria's were a quarter of the price, so I was even willing to pay in full.  Even though they don't come in the array of colors that Room and Board's selections do, I was happy to settle with white.  When I saw the chairs in all their glory in their 40% off section and a massive store sale to boot (additional 20%) I was thrilled-can you say steal!  But I had to pick them up in a mishmash of colors, knowing that I must paint them, so in the end, I may just get my dream yellow Wegner chair a la my initial Room and Board inspiration:

Room and Board Wegner Wish Bone Chair
I went to a number of places to purchase all of my supplies: sandpaper, primer, lacquer finish, and painter's tape.  On my last stop, someone who refinishes furniture for a living overheard me and we struck a deal: $25 a chair.  I could breathe a big sigh of relief, because I am not a huge DIYer and was nervous about the outcome of me tackling this project alone.  To top it off, I could pick any yellow paint color under the sun, which he could color match, so I wasn't stuck with the slim choices of the spray paint colors.

I have been awash in a sea of yellow paint swatches for days, deciding on the perfect match.  I am looking for a color that is not too bright but is also not the pastel color of a plastic Easter egg.
I have these stools in the color I am seeking from a photo I took of David Jimenez's designed Palm Springs house (see here and here), and as always, the yellow doors of the Viceroy Palm Springs provide my inspiration color.

Image via Viceroy Palm Springs
In the end, I decided to go for it with a swatch I had from Valspar: Lemon Curd.  Now to drop off my chairs, and hope that this all turns out as planned!


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