Bayram Cigerli Blog

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A horrible way to lose a Life.

Just recently, around 8:30 GMT, an odd competition was held, The World Sauna Competition was held in Heinola, Finland. Basically, the competitors have to sit in a steaming sauna , where temperatures reach up to 110 degrees Celsius, for the longest time possible (sounds simple enough).The Winner would  get  a lot of money from what I hear.

Back to the point; it was the finals, pitting Vladimir ( A Russian)  against his Finnish Rival, Timo. 1 vs 1 , seems simple enough. Though a few minutes later, both men collapsed and were unconscious. Sadly, Mr. Vladimir   died during the event and his fellow finalist is currently in the hospital. Apparently, the heat was too much for them ( Who could blame them ? 110 Degrees !!! ). The organizers are stunned, his family shocked, All of Finland is in shock .

It's a shame how a life can end in such ways, Others happen everyday ( though not like this ), people die due to landmines, improperly fixed holes in the ground (I've personally seen that :S). Enough with this, the Human life is Sacred, that is why it mustn't be taken away by anyone besides the Will of God !


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