Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Rebels pay the Penalty !

The saying goes , ' One man's Terrorist is another man's Freedom Fighter' , Although that doesn't seem to be the case in the French Camp back at the world cup. To all those who need a refresh a memory, let me enlighten you. During the World Cup of 2010, The French team were playing very, VERY badly ( they got a draw and two losses I think). Before France's Last Match, Anelka ( a talented French Striker ) apparently criticized the coach and insulted him ( He was sent back to France for his behavior ), But the trouble wasn't finished for the French Coach as other star players on the team supported Anelka, such as the likes of Ribery and Patrice Evra.

In the end.. France lost in what was their worst EVER world Cup Performance and as to what happened to Anelka and his little Revolt ?

Ans : As of August 17, 2010, Anelka was handed a Record 18 Match Ban !! Ribery was also handed an 8 match ban, Evra ( who was Captain of France , at the time) was given a mere 3 match ban.

From my point of view, it was very silly, it's entertaining to see a bit of drama in the world of Football, but I still think the Zidane head-Butt incident was MUCH MORE thrilling ! :P


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