Bayram Cigerli Blog

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To Facebook or not to ?

Almost everyone nowadays uses Social networking sites, be it Facebook, Myspace, Twitter  etc.. But is it really worth it ?  Sure.. with facebook (for example) you can keep up to date with your relatives and friends, play a couple of games and upload some videos or pictures of your day.

Facebook has impacted my school so much that, if you Don't have more than a 100 friends of facebook, you are considered a loser ( Lame Stereotype !! ), I myself, am a periodic user of facebook, as in just checking and looking at the news, Speaking of news = Facebook is also one of the new frontiers in Internet Journalism, for stories can be reported here that have otherwise been missed by CNN, BBC, Reuters etc..

In other words, Facebook and the Following Social Networking Sites are leading a new revolution into the world, A new Technological and Social Revolution which could possibly lead us to  lose our personal touch and just makes us  more dependent on Computers then we've EVER been on anything since the First Millennium B.C. !!


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