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Travel in worlds Largest Ship - Five times the TITANIC

Worlds largest ship called the Oasis of the seas set off to its maiden voyage yesterday and thousands of visitors gathered to have a glimpse of it. Many of them waited hours to watch the ship take of the beach.

The ship is five time the size of the TITANIC and is cost the company around $1.5 billion. Ship has seven neighborhoods, an ice rink, a small golf course and a 750-seat outdoor amphitheater. It has 2,700 cabins and can accommodate 6,300 passengers and 2,100 crew members.

Accommodations include loft cabins, with floor-to-ceiling windows, and 1,600-square-foot (487-meter) luxury suites with balconies overlooking the sea or promenades.

The liner also has four swimming pools, volleyball and basketball courts, and a youth zone with theme parks and nurseries for children.

happy journey


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