Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

About Last Year....,

As most people do when the new year is approaching, is looking back at what happend last year and possibly getting ideas for the new year.

Here below a little List with - Blogposts - Highlights:

* Vacation Early Morning Jogging on Gran Canaria Video
(with somewhat weird self composed (Royalty Free) 'Film Music')
You can see the 'PhotoShow Video' here below:

(BTW if you want some great info and tips about how you can create your own
Video's you definitely want to have a look at: Using Video)

* About How you can Become a TRAVELPRENEUR
with Making Money with Photography and Travel Writing.
Making Money with Photographyand Making Money with Travel Writing

* About Cruise Ships and about How to Cruise for FREE!
How to Cruise TRAVEL for FREE!!!

BTW How about getting into the Mood for Cruise TRAVEL
by getting an inspiring Subscription on a great Magazine
such as the one here below:

To continue...,

* About How to find the Best Hotels

* About Two Highly Recommended Products:

* and loads of other interesting Video's, Blogsposts, FREE Reports and MORE!!!!



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