Bayram Cigerli Blog

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I've fallen and I can get up!

It’s not unusual for me to fall off the wagon as I continue my quest to get in shape and change my lifestyle.  Such is the case right now.  I’m working more hours and I’m noticing that the weight I did lose is starting the come back.  The good news is that I’m aware of this and I’ve started going to the gym again, but only 2 times a week.  Hey, it’s a start! I used to go 4-5 times a week but I burned out and had to step back.  Now I’m at it again.  The gym that is, and I’m working on portion control too.  I’m talking to a weight management coach now and one of my goals is to reduce my sugar intake.  I did the opposite and I’m not sure why I starting eating more sugar.  I’ll have to ponder that a little more. Hmmm, maybe my last hooray of sugar before I get serious….I don’t know.



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