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Germans suffered after defeat in 1945

Two young concentration camp guards after their first "interrogation". (Source: Dr. Gerhard Frey, VorsichtFdlschung, p. 298.) "In Bergen-Belsen the intestines were torn out of the guards' abdomens while they still lived. Young SS assistants heard the men moan and scream. Their death throes lasted three days."

In 1945 the Soviet Minister of Propaganda, repeatedly called for the rape of German women: in the resultant orgy of sex crimes, millions of German women fell victim to the ideology of anti-Fascist hatred. Hundreds of thousands of them lost their lives. Millions were raped.
Bormann, meanwhile, was issuing orders through the Gauleiters on a wide range of issues. It came to his attention, for example, that doctors were already carrying out abortions on many rape victims who arrived as refugees from the eastern provinces. On 28 March, he decided that the situation had to be regularized and issued an instruction classified 'Highly confidential!' Any woman requesting an abortion in these circumstances first had to be interrogated by an officer of the Kriminal polizei to establish the probability that she had really been raped by a Red Army soldier as she claimed. Only then would an abortion be permitted.

"The American Senator Joseph McCarthy, in a statement given to the American Press on May 20th, 1949, drew attention to... cases of torture to secure... confessions. In the prison of Schwäbisch Hall... officers of the SS Leibstandarte... were flogged until they were soaked in blood, after which their sexual organs were trampled on as they lay prostrate on the ground... On the basis of such `confessions' extorted..."

This soldier from the SS division Hitlerjugend enters captivity. In many cases members of the SS, whose courage and chivalry had often been acknowledged even by their military opponents, were brutally tortured and murdered after the war.

Russian soldies were filled with the bloodlust combined with a mad desire for revenge. As a Russian commander said after the war how he felt then....

'I can admit it now, I was in such a state, I was in such a frenzy. I said, 'Bring them here for an interrogation' and I had a knife, and I cut him. I cut a lot of them. I thought, 'You wanted to kill me, now it's your turn.'

RAPE OF GERMAN WOMEN: After Germany lost the Second World War


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