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Notice from the Cyprus Police:

Owners and shop staff are transferring daily money to their store cash, both during the opening hours and during the closing hours of the store. Any carrier of such funds is a possible target of robbery, and the chances of victimization are increased when the preventive measures taken are inadequate.  

In addition to the efforts made by the Police, the following is a set of preventive measures that can be taken by the owners and the staff of shops who take such a transfer to and from their shop.  

1.  Avoid transferring money at night time, since in the dark the conditions are favorable to the perpetrators and make it easy for the money transporter to be targetted. 

2. It is preferable to make more than one transfer with smaller amounts of money during the day. 

3.  Avoid using motorcycles and mopeds when transferring money. 

4. We recommend using a car, having the doors and windows closed all the way. There is always a danger when we are sitting in our car, for example at a photo-controlled junction when the red traffic light is on, anyone on board to open the car door and steal the bag / briefcase where we have the money we are carrying. 

5.  We seek, whenever possible, to be accompanied by another person of our confidence in the transfer of money. Check your insurance cover as your insurer will likely stipulate the number of persons who should accommpany any money transfer and a breach of this will invalidate your insurance cover.

6. We use briefcases specially designed for this purpose and we place them in the car in a place that is not visible.

7.  We pay special attention to our actions when loading / unloading money, if possible in a space covered by closed monitoring circuit and with adequate lighting.  

8.  Before we leave, we make sure there is no suspected person or vehicle in the area, which we also do when arriving at our destination and before we get out of our car.  

9.  Before we reach the place where we transfer the money, we are alerting a person of our confidence to expect us. 

10. We do not disclose to other persons that we are transferring money, nor the amounts or the place to which we will transfer them.  

11.  During transportation we are alert and observant and inform the Police of suspicious persons and vehicles without delay on 112 or 199 telephones. We do not disclose to anyone that we are transferring money, the amounts or the place to which we will transfer them.

12.  We do not keep large amounts of cash at our private residence.  If we do, the money is placed in a safe suitable for the amount of money in question.   We also do not publicise to anyone that we keep cash at home, nor keep it in full view of anyone looking in the window.   We also take all the precautions outlined above when we approach, enter and/or leave our residence.


Kartacalılar tüccar bir millet olarak bilinir. Samilerden oldukları sanılan ve MÖ 200 yılı civarında Roma'ya rakip olacak derecede güçlenmişler ve Sicilya'ya kadar sokulmuşlardır. Olaylar Pön Savaşlarının meşhur komutanı Hannibal'in babası Hamilca Barca zamanında başlıyor. Tüccar bir millet olmalarının yanında Tanrıları Baal'e insan kurban eden bu halkın kendi içinde de inançlarından rahatsızlık duyan kimseler vardır ve bu kimseler varlıklı kesimdendir. Savaşı ve paralı askerleri finanse eden bu tüccar aileler Haimlcar'da hoşlanmamakta ve onun gözden düşmesini istemektedirler. Tarih, entrika ve harika çizimler eşliğinde bir tarih çizgiromanı okumak istiyorsanız yapmanız gerekn aşağıdaki linkten satın almak. Tamamı Renkli büyük boy.


Message from the British High Commission in Cyprus:

Read our revised living in #Cyprus guide with all the latest information on #Brexit and the updated document by the Cypriot Ministry of Interior with advice to British nationals on residency and citizenship @ConstantinosPetrides #BrexitCY…

In Praise of Card Catalogs

We recently saw an old card catalog at an antique mall. What memories that brought back!

When I was in grade school and high school, I frequently rode the bus downtown on Saturdays to the main branch of the Cincinnati Public Library.  In those days, decades before the advent of online catalogs, the library had row after row of these sturdy wooden structures. That’s how one found the books, usually older ones, that were in the stacks and not on display.

Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a book about books called Through the Magic Door. To me, those card catalogs were magic doors to mystery. Through them, I encountered the novels of such great writers as John Dickson Carr, Ellery Queen, Agatha Christie, Leslie Charteris, Stuart Palmer, and others less well known.

And then there was Sherlock Holmes.

Looking up “Sherlock Holmes” in the card catalog opened to me the whole world of what Sherlockians call the Writings About the Writings – scholarship about the Great Detective.

Among the books I remember reading in those days were Carr’s The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Queen’s The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vincent Starrett’s The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, Edgar W. Smith’s Profiles by Gaslight, and S.C. Roberts’ Holmes and Watson. Now each of those books is part of my own library, along with a few hundred more.

All because of the card catalog. Do you remember card catalogs?


If anyone has lost an earring at the Amphitheatre, could you please contact me on 99 143105.


Home required for kittens.  The mother deposited these at a house with a dog so unfortunately they cannot have a permanent home there!

If you can help, please phone 99983550.

Erkan Akıllı Kimdir?

erkan akıllı kasları

Estetik Vücutlar kategorimizde bu haftaki konumuz Erkan Akıllı. Vücudu ve kariyerindeki başarıları ile ön plana çıkan Erkan Akıllı uzman diş hekimidir. 1980 Adana doğumludur. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesinden mezundur. Daha sonra ise İstanbul Diş Hekimliği Fakültesinde Oral İmplantoloji anabilim dalında doktorasını yapmıştır. Kendisi ve uzman ekibiyle İstanbul Şişli'de bulunan kliniğininde çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.

erkan akılı vücut geliştirmeSosyal medyada ciddi bir takipçi sayısına sahip. Bu sayıya ulaşmasında kariyerindeki başarılarının yanı sıra vücut geliştirmenin de payı yadsınamaz. Fitness modelleri kıskandıracak bir vücudu ve oyuncuları kıskandıracak bir yakışıklılığa sahip. Kadınların aradığı o "mükemmel erkek" tabirine uyan bir isim Erkan Akıllı.

Vücut geliştirmeye bakış açısı ise tamamen fit ve sağlıklı olmak üzerinde. Verdiği röportajlarda vücut geliştirmeci olmadığını ve bu sporu sağlık için yaptığını söylüyor. Onun için büyük kas kütlelerine ulaşmak değil, fit bir formda olmak çok daha önemli. Vücudunu bu kadar estetik kılan da bu bakış açısı.

Erkan Akıllı 186 boya ve 84 kilo vücut ağırlığına sahip. Yağ oranı ise oldukça düşük. Estetik ve parçalı bir vücuda sahip.

Estetik Vücutlar kategorimizdeki diğer yazılara ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Kişisel Yorumum : "Yetenekli bir adam. Kariyerini fitness üzerinden yapsaydı inanıyorum ki onda da başarılı olurdu. Umarım ismini daha sık duymaya başlarız."



Cyprus Mail - 1 October 2018 - article by Bejay Browne

The most ambitious project for Chlorakas in more than a decade is set to change all that

THE creation of a new beach, breakwaters and leisure facilities is earmarked for Chlorakas in Paphos, and at a cost of around €4 million, is being hailed as the most ambitious and important project for the area in more than a decade. The project will hopefully get underway next year, according to officials.
The beach will also be the first ‘organised and safe area’ for locals and tourists to enjoy, according to the local community leader, Nikolas Liasidis

Although there are a couple of small beaches in Chlorakas, such as Sandy Beach and Vrexi, this stretch of coastline is prone to huge waves, dangerous currents and a rocky shoreline, meaning it’s not always suitable for swimmers, Liasidis told the Sunday Mail.
“It’s not easy to swim in Chlorakas and the project is a very important one for us as we don’t really have any safe beaches, although we have a beautiful 6km coastline”, he said.
“We are a tourist area and it is dangerous to swim, this is no good and we need to create a safe beach as soon as possible. It will benefit us economically and also be good for tourists and locals too, for our quality of life.”
The proposed beach will be in the area known locally as Alitzi, running between the Saint George Hotel and the Laura Hotel.
“It will run from in front of the Laura and be around 500m along stopping next to St George.”
A spokesman for the Paphos Lifeguards association welcomed the news and said that Liasidis has their full support.
He noted that the Chlorakas coast was popular with overseas and local visitors as it was home to many hotels, hotel apartments and tourist complexes, and a new and safe beach would be a huge benefit.
“This is such a dangerous area with generally no safe place to swim and we have had drownings and serious incidents here in the past.  We are really pleased that the community leader is trying to do something and we are on hand for any advice needed,” he said.
He noted that although some of the hotels along the coast may employ their own lifeguards, none are from the state.
“The breakwaters created in from of the Venus hotel further along the coast have worked really well and this is now a safe place to swim. For Chlorakas, they are a good idea too,” he said.
The project consists of a number of stages.
Firstly, five breakwaters will be constructed in the sea to create a safe coastline for swimmers, said Liasides, noting that it’s proposed that the government will pay for up to 50 per cent of the cost and the remainder will come from the coffers of Chlorakas community council and the local hotels.
“We are negotiating now. It’s our opinion that the hotels and the community board together should pay 33 per cent and the government should pay more, at 67 per cent. The government has a different opinion, it’s a sticking point for us but we are negotiating, I am hopeful,” he said.
The local leader noted that the council has already secured all of the relevant licences, the final one was granted in May this year, which is from the environmental department.
“This was the last one and we are now ready to begin,” he said.
Chlorakas is a popular place to live and visit and also home to a large community of expats of all nationalities. According to the 2011 census, it has 5,356 inhabitants, and this number has grown in the last few years.
It has numerous churches, tavernas, cafes, a shipwreck, a couple of museums, an outdoor theatre and stunning views of the coast, but nowhere good to swim, say villagers.
“My family have lived here for years and love it. But we really do need a beach of our own, it will change our lives,” said resident Maria Demetriou.
The construction of new breakwaters is just one part of a three-point plan for the community board, explained Liasidis.
“The first point is the wave breakers, these are also important as it will help reclaim the sand to form a beach. This is our starting point.”
Community leader Nikolas Liasidis
He added that the second point of the overall plan was to build a restaurant and a large beach bar at the new beach, which will be able to cater to the entire area.
The third was to create a new access road and a parking area, the design of which has already begun with the civil engineers, he said.
“It will be in Ayios Georgiou street and behind the Poseidon villas of Leptos.”
The Chlorakas community board has already rented a piece of Turkish Cypriot land from the relevant authority – this happened four years ago- to create a parking area, he said.
Also, there will be parking in front of the Laura Hotel water park.
“We will hold a tender process to see who will have the winning bids to secure the licences for the beach bar and the restaurant, these will be given to two different companies,” he said.
The community board is planning to operate the 150 or so sunbeds and umbrellas at the new beach, which will allow them to make a good income and earn some money back.
“We are hoping that the breakwaters will get underway at the end of 2019 and it will take at least two years to complete the project.”
The new, organised beach will have lifeguards on duty, and Liasidis is also committed to making disabled access easy. This will include a special chair and other equipment to help them in and out of the sea, he said.
“This is an important point for me, I want everyone to enjoy it.”
As the proposed area is a large one, there will also be beach volley courts, showers, changing rooms, toilets and other facilities.
Liasidis has three and a half years left as a community leader and is hoping to get the project completed in that time.
“It’s my main goal, I want to finish what I started. I will probably stand again. I know at 35 I am one of the youngest community leaders, I really care about where I live and the people’s quality of life.”

He added that he hoped the community board and hoteliers can reach an agreement with the government in 2018, so that plans can get underway at the end of next year.

Jeung Seup

Jeung Seup
Workout Summer 2018