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Sivilceler Nasıl Geçer?

pürüzsüz cilt için yapılması gerekenler

Fitness sporu ile uğraşan kişilerin bir çoğu bu spora daha iyi görünmek ve fit bir vücuda kavuşmak için başlıyor. Ancak iyi görünmek sadece fit bir vücut ile olmuyor maalesef. Yaptığınız kasları daha iyi sergileyebilmek için vücudunuzda sivilcelerin olmaması ve cildinizin doğal ve pürüzsüz görünmesi gerekir. Peki vücudunuzdaki sivilcelerden nasıl kurtulabilirsiniz?

Bu sorunun cevabını vermeden önce sivilcelerin neden çıktığını ve bunu neyin tetiklediğini bulmamız gerekiyor.

Sivilceler Neden Çıkar? : Sivilceler cilt yağının gereğinden fazla üretilmesi, ölü deri hücrelerinin dökülmesi ve bakteri birikimi olarak sıralanabilir. Bütün bular derinizdeki gözenekleri tıkar ve sivilce oluşumuna neden olur.

Sivilce Problemi Genellikle Kimlerde Görülür? : Ergenlik dönemindeki bireylerde, annesinde veya babasında sivilce problemi olan kişilerde ve cildi yağlı olan bireylerde görülebilir. Aynı zamanda vücut temizliğine gereken önemi göstermeyen kişilerde de sivilce problemi ortaya çıkabilir.

Sivilcelerin Artmasını Tetikleyecek Unsurlar Nelerdir? : Hormonel artışlar, kullanılan ilaçlar, yanlış ve eksik beslenme(fast food vb), kozmetik ürünleri ve makyaj. Ayrıca çıkan sivilceleri patlatmak, hem daha fazla çıkmasına sebebiyet verir, hem de ileride kalıcı izler bırakabilir.

Not : Kadınlara üzülerek söylüyorum ki, sivilcelerini kapatmak için yaptıkları makyaj onların daha da fazla çıkmasına sebep oluyor.

Şimdi sivilcelerin neden çıktıklarını ve neyin tetiklediğini öğrenmiş olduk. Şimdi asıl konumuza dönelim. Sivilceler nasıl geçer?

Dengeli Beslenin ve Bol Su İçin

Her şeyin başı beslenme. Yediğiniz şeyler sizin nasıl bir görüntüye sahip olacağınızı belirler. Eğer siz fast food, yağlı yiyecekler ve şeker miktarı yüksek besin ve içecekler ile besleniyorsanız sivilceli göbekli biri olursunuz. Bunları tüketip kaslı ve sivilceli bir vücut hayali kurmayın. İlk önce bu besin öğelerini hayatınızdan çıkarın ve günde en az 2 litre olmak kaydıyla bol sıvı tüketin.

Nemlendirici Kremler Kullanın

Cilt tipinize uygun nemlendirici kremler kullanabilirsiniz. Bu sayede sivilcelerin sayısında azalma ve tamamen kurtulma söz konusu olabilir.

Duş Alın ve Yüzünüzü Yıkayın

Yazımızın başında sivilcelerin oluşumlarının yağlı cilt tipinde daha fazla görüldüğünden bahsetmiştik. Eğer cildiniz çabuk yağlanan bir yapıya sahipse normal birinden çok daha sık banyo yapmalı ve çok daha sık yüzünüzü yıkamanız gerekir. Ayrıca şunu da belirtmeliyim, cildinizdeki yağ su ile çıkmaz. Yüzünüzü yıkarken sabun kullanmalı ve duş alırken muhakkak banyo lifi kullanmalısınız.

Önemli Uyarı : Vücut temizliği cildinizi kızartacak düzeyde veya canınızı acıtacak seviyede olmamalı. Özellikle banyo liflerini kullanırken gereğinden sert ve bastırarak yaparsanız bu sizin sivilcelerinizin daha da artmasına sebebiyet verebilir.

Kıllarınızı Kısaltın

Vücudunuzun ve derinizin daha rahat nefes alabilmesi adına vücut kıllarınızı ve özellikle saçınızı ve sakallarınızı kısaltabilirsiniz. Bu sayede cildiniz daha rahat nefes alır ve saçlarınız daha geç yağlanır. İlk etapta bu işlem sizin sivilcelerinizi daha görünür bir hale getirse de uzun vadede sivilcelerinizdeki azalma sizi mutlu etmeye yetecektir.

Giydiğiniz Kıyafetleri ve Yastık Kılıfınızı Sık Sık Değiştirin

Cildinizdeki yağ kıyafetlerinize bulaşabilir ve bu kıyafetleri uzun süre giymek sivilcelerinizin artmasına yol açar. Ayrıca yastığınızın kılıfı da gerek saçınızdaki yağdan, gerekse cildinizdeki yağlardan dolayı çok çabuk kirlenebilir. Bu nedenle sık sık değiştirmelisiniz.

Doktorunuza Başvurun

Eğer yukarıdaki yöntemleri uygulamanıza rağmen bir sonuç alamadıysanız veya sivilceleriniz normalden çok daha fazla ise ve kaşınmaya, kızarıklığa yol açıyor ise muhakkak bir uzmana başvurmalısınız.

Not : İnternetten bulduğunuz yemek tarifine benzer karışımları evde hazırlayıp yüzünüze sürmeyin. Her insanın cilt tipi ve yapısı farklıdır. Başkası için iyi gelen bir karışım sizin sivilcelerinizi daha da fazla artmasına yol açabilir.

The Curse of the New Year’s Resolution

It’s almost March and the original grit and hope that brought so many people to Jean-Robert’s Gym in January is starting to wear off. I call it the “Curse of the New Year’s Resolution.” We all start out with great intentions. To get fit, lose some weight, and regain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the demands of daily life can quickly take over. It’s usually important things like family, work, school, soccer games, or simply trying to fit in one more thing in the day that slow us down, but they don’t have to.

While our days seem to be overly packed with too much to do, I have found that the people who come in regularly, some even for just 30 minutes, seem to do better than those who don’t. Regular exercise can help you in many more ways than just losing weight. A simple workout can improve your whole life.  

Aspen BikingEnjoy the Outdoors

In almost every article I write, I comment on how great it is to live in Aspen. I love living here and getting outside to explore, hike, bike and do all those activities Aspen has to offer. A visit to our Facebook page quickly reveals it’s an important part of all our lives. 

If you need motivation to get to the gym, walk out your door, look around and start imagining yourself doing all the things you want to do. Whether it is snowshoeing in Ashcroft, biking Sunnyside, or hiking Smugglers, it all starts with one little step. 

Improve Self Confidence

Too many people join gyms after the New Year just to lose weight. Losing weight is a good idea, but it is better to focus on being healthy and having a better quality of life. When I talk with people who are working out to feel better, I’ve noticed they have more self-confidence and generally feel better about themselves. They notice more improvements than just what a scale reads.

Decrease Stress

Even a little exercise can decrease stress. Studies continually show how daily exercise produces endorphins which help relieve stress and anxiety, and can even help you sleep better. If you’re overwhelmed by the challenges and business of life, as little as 30 minutes of exercise will help you feel more relaxed and better prepared for the next challenge.

Help and Inspire Those Around You

Workout with friends at Jean-Roberts
Do you sit around with friends and joke about how you should go to the gym or share memes that have cats eating donuts on a treadmill? I should admit, I like that too, but imagine how great it would feel to spend 30 minutes a day with a friend while making your lives better. 

Going to the gym is more fun, it adds a level of accountability and it helps to inspire the people around you. Just think, if you could get 3 or 4 of your friends to join you, in a very short time instead of wishing you were walking the trails, you’ll be on them.

Are You Ready to Get Going Again? 

Start by setting small goals that you can accomplish and hit those goals. It might be as simple as, “This week I’m going to the gym 3 times for 30 minutes.” I might be, “I’m going to call Jen and we are going to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” If you need help figuring out what works best for you talk to one of our personal trainers here. We can help you develop a plan that works with your busy schedule and gets you on track to exceed your goals.

Remember, You can do this!

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The Red Eyed Gaudí Frog Did It Again,Again an Other Sale!

Thanks for visiting this Blog,

This Best Selling Cute Frog just draws your attention like a Magnet,

infact it actually - is - a Magnet, one that can't wait to get on your Fridge!

Thank You for
Buying this Frog!

We are very pleased to see that you
like our designs,

BTW on our Digital Camera Ideas Blog we actually
wrote a somewhat more comprehensive

Thank You for Buying
& - Thanks for your Support - Blog Post

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special benefits like being kept up-to-date
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Buttons & Magnets,
With Magnetic Appeal!

As you could read in a recent blog post titled:

Recently Sold In Our Store

This Design seems to have 'Magnetic Appeal',
with again an other Sale!

This Red Eyed Gaudí Frog Design seems to - JUMP -
to a possible Bestseller Position!

and compete with our Other Popular

South African Ostrich Face Button

South African Ostrich Face Button

by Edelhertdesigntravel
Or any of our other
Great Looking Travel Magnets!

Buttons &

Frog Symbolism:

In the West we know about popular fairy tales
with Princes and Princesses

In most Chinese Culture Frogs are
a Sign of Prosperity. and with
Feng Shui Frogs are recognisec as a
Sign of Affluence.

Some other Keywords that I read about are:

- Luck, Purity, Rebirth
- Renewal, Fertility, Healing
- Metamorphis, Transition,
- Dreaming, Opportunity,

To name a few.

It's also associated with
Yought, Spring, Summer,
Good Fortune and Abundance.

And even with True Love,

(In Japanese word for Frog ('Kaeru')
also means returning to place of

So I am not surprised that
this Frog has such
Magnetic Appeal!

You can also discover it on
a special customizable Coffee Cup


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Much Ado about Hip Mobility

Since I've made a post about shoulder restrictions, I've received a few requests about how to loosen up stubborn hips.

This is my dad, unintentionally showing off his
perfect bottom position and impressive ankle
One thing I'd like to mention, which has been noted in previous posts, is that some people are just genetically and anatomically better suited for squats. Let's take my father, for example. My dad, who does not exercise, and has no notable sports background has a picture perfect squat. He has never mobilized a day in his life, and no one taught him proper squatting mechanics. In fact, I was stunned to watch him squat down to reset our Internet modem with absolute ease. Others will take weeks or months of mobility/motor control drills to execute a partial squat. If you're interested, Dr. Stuart McGill has an excellent video discussing this concept. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do to change one's acetabulum or femurs.

Don't be discouraged! There's hope for you yet. What we can do, instead, is put someone who may be...inept at squatting into a position that optimizes his or her anatomy. We can play around with foot position, stance, and different squat styles to see what is best suited towards their anthropometry (limb length/proportions). I always recommend that those who are struggling with their squat mechanics work with a qualified coach/movement practitioner to improve. If that is not an option for you, then you should spend some time playing around on your own trying different set-ups.  Record yourself when possible. Remember that your squat will not necessarily look the same as mine.

Once you've settled on your ideal stance and foot position, now we must consider the role of motor control (yay for unintentional rhyming) in the squat. As you can imagine, there are many possible compensatory patterns that one might display throughout the movement. From knee valgus/varus, to shooting the hips back too far, to letting the chest drop, I've seen it all; this is when attention and mindfulness become especially important. Again, it will be invaluable to have a coach review your mechanics in these cases. With just a few simple cues, most errors are immediately fixable, and then you may continue to practice these on your own and engrain the proper sequencing in your head.

One exercise that I typically use with my clients who are learning to squat is the pole squat drill: this allows the person to understand how their weight should be distributed, and helps them achieve a lower bottom position almost immediately. I would also introduce them to the quadruped rock, which mirrors the sequencing in a squat and warms up the hips. These movements are best suited in the beginning of a session.

For clients who still have difficulty squatting after those drills, the goblet squat should become your friend. It is generally easier for individuals to assume a better position in a goblet squat. Holding weight in front of the body forces you to maintain a more vertical torso and achieve better depth. I always prescribe these (typically with a pause at the bottom) before moving clients on to barbell variations.

While many people spend an endless amount of time trying to stretch the hell out of their hip flexors, I find that those efforts are often wasted. Instead, implementing movements such as the goblet squat with a tempo (slow negative and 1-2 second pause) will allow you to kill two birds with one stone. Similarly, tempo single-legged exercises will do wonders for opening the hips. Bulgarian split squats necessitate a decent amount of hip flexibility, so it may be beneficial to start with a traditional lunge, again with a slow eccentric phase.

Finally, at the end of the session, the happy baby pose is ideal. Not only does this provide a nice stretch, but it's actually quite relaxing. You can also use this time to practice your diaphragmatic breathing. Focus on pushing your belly against your thighs as you inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth, and repeat. 1-2 minutes should be more than enough.

In the long run, an arsenal of hip flexor stretches isn't going to address the source of the problem. Teach yourself proper squat patterns, train your lower body with an eccentric emphasis, and show your hips some love. If you're diligent in your efforts, you'll be dropping it low on and off the dance floor in no time.

Jang Ho Yeon

Jang Ho Yeon
Competition Fall 2016