Who remembers watching Renegade on late night USA channel in the 90's? Honestly the opening credits are better than the entire show so I never made it past 10 minutes when I was a pre-teen. But looking back on it now it got me all kinds of pumped up. I am considering watching the entire first season with a weightlifters prospective. For you young bucks that ain't tracking its outlaw Lorenzo Lamas as the buff, long haired, mystery hunk, riding a motorcycle and shooting automatic weapons. UR' MOSHIN. tell me that Lorenzo Lamas is not the hardest name you ever heard. Lorenzo is like the bastard offspring of John Stamos and diesel fuel. Spot L wearing the long hair/tucked in tank top combo I wrote about in the summer fashion post two months ago. so advanced. really looking forward to this look making a comeback.
patent leather vest with gold chain. |
Before I tackle today's topics just wanna take this chance to showcase some of the baddest dudes walking this earth. The intent is to get you focused and pumped up. Form your "mental male motivator" from these guys. So walk with me as I take you through the halls of the Alpha Male Alumni. Take a knee, silence your phones, and pay your respects to those who came before us. Harness their energy, their attitude, and their look and channel it into your next lift.
First stop is by far the most underrated but thanks to the resurgence of the Mad Max franchise I have a feeling he will soon be adoring your laptop wallpapers and becoming a name thrown around in the weight room very often. the intimidating, haunting, and utterly terrifying...
Lord Humungus
as if this thing wasn't cool enough scope that Misfits tat on the right delt. |
when you are so strong your enemies are both scared and sexually confused. Is he gonna fuck me or kill me? which one would I prefer? |
strong "Under The Sign of The Black Mark" vibes. |
Go watch Mad Max: Road Warrior and root for this villain.
next is an obscure inductee but hes burst onto the scene in the last few months, getting a lot of press coverage. The real life warlord Abu Azrael. His call sign is Arabic for "the father of the archangel of death" (dare you to tell me that doesn't make you wanna war). After looking at his pictures no other moniker will suffice for such a monster. Quick back story on this dude, hes a 40 year old Iraqi University Professor who has a wife and four kids. He quit his university gig and left his home to travel to the war zones in his coutnry and dismantle Islamic State soldiers personally. Hes famous for taunting IS on social media and does interviews laughing, smiling, and giving his position to the enemy, welcoming any IS hadji who wants a shot at the champ. I saw an interview where he was showing off an IS walkie-talkie he took off of one of his kills. You could hear the hadjis talking on it and he was just dialing in randomly and totally trolling the IS dudes. It was absolutely flawless. I may have teared up a little. His prop is an axe that is rumored to chop off the heads of IS militants hes killed. I seriously should not have to even type anything else to convey just how fucking rad this dude is. So refreshing to see someone actually give a shit about their country and do something about it. Here is a link to a more in depth article about him that you should check out. hes a real life fucking commando.
Abu Azrael
a triple fuck of supremacy. could be the most high speed Iraqi I have ever seen. |
never a smile so intimidating in all my life. |
Georg Karl Julius Hackenschmidt
this dude looked like this in the 1920's. how is this even real? |
inventor of the bear hug and the hack squat. |
real quick, this dude was born in 1877. this is what he looked like for most of his life. this man was making gains during the great depression, WWI and WWII. you have ZERO EXCUSES now. none. you should be ashamed of yourself. I AM ASHAMED OF MYSELF!
Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson
Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson
Icelandic strongman who plays Mountain in Game of Thrones.
He was on Game of Thrones, hes placed 6th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd in the Worlds Strongest Man contest, and hes from Iceland. Its just not fair. there was never a chance for you. |
Watch his training videos on YouTube. He can dead lift close to 1,000 lbs. the pinnacle of alpha male. Really into Iceland just constantly putting out insanely strong men and women for the last 40 years. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong country. I want to be a product of that genetic drift from one of the strangest/rad countries on Earth.
the fist Black Metal Militia. 70 years ahead of their time. |
1. Lets update your gym playlist with some recommendations from yours truly.
Chapel - Satanic Rock & Roll
This band is so fucking good. They haven't put out anything in a long time which sucks but they are still active. This album from start to finish is an entire workout. You will never slow down and you will worship every riff. Of all the bands doing the black thrash thing these guys do it better than everyone even Midnight. a must for your playlist.
Gatecreeper - new single/music video "Poisoned Mind"
If my blog has a "house band" its Gatecreeper. Ive been pushing these guys on everyone since their inception and not a soul has turned it away. This band was made to produce high quality, dead lift ready anthems. Aside from how well produced their demo is and how seriously heavy the riffs are bottom line is that they are fucking good songwriters. That is what has taken them to the next level. There are a hundred of these kind of bands but no one can write a goddamn song. they just fart out one riff and then just kinda surf it. boring. not these dudes. everything they create has been A+ heavy fucking metal. its not too late to get on this band. Just like your strength gains this band is gonna blow up.
Sovereign - "Nailing Shut The Sacrosanct Orifice"
The guitar player from Gatecreeper's other band. Sadistic US Black Metal from Arizona of all places. No joke this is one of the best American black metal bands out right now. I put them up there with Nightbringer. No fluff, no experimenting. Just ritualistic, dark, and punishing. I was forwarded this album many months ago in advance and it has stayed in my BM playlist since. This is one of the rare acts where each song stand alone is good and played together front to back is even better. I sincerely hope we get some more offerings from this band this year. Would like to see them get more exposure and infect their truly satanic hymns into other corners of this country.
with the look to match. 10/10 |
Metallica - "Mercyful Fate Medley"
I fucking love Mercyful Fate. I didn't think it was possible for a cover song to rival the original but this one comes danger close. Its all of the best songs and riffs of The Fate compiled into a nearly 11 minute montage of pure heavy metal done in the vintage Metallica vein. The reason this song is so good for the gym is because its long. Great introduction to anyone who is not familiar with Mercyful Fate. Which I hope is very few because they are the creators of black metal. Shout out to Tipper Gore and PMRC for launching Mercyful Fates career in the United States. Sucks that some of Metallicas best stuff is just a medley of another bands stuff. regardless great tribute and great song(s).
Aura Noir - "Black Thrash Attack"
This is a band that I knew about for the last few years but never listened to them because honestly their name just rubbed me really wrong. I just couldn't get some cheesy symphonic mall metal band out of my head. I know the error of my ways now and enjoy their tunes. Not every album is a home run but this album is my favorite. solid 90's black thrash. almost punk rock in a way. get some!
2. Trying to juggle my life and my gains.
If you are like me then you stay moving. Your schedule is pretty rigid and you have little time to devote to outside interests. I am in school full time (M-Thur 0800-2000) and that's just classroom/lab time. I still have homework, lab reports, studying, and memorizing to do outside of that time frame. I also am a married man raising a 3 month old daughter. After that then comes my gym time. So I am stretched pretty fucking thin.
The best way to combat the fatigue or life/work/parenting is "trim the fat" and what I mean by that is pick a hobby and drop everything else. In this case if you are serious about getting strong and looking stronger than your only hobby is weightlifting. Sorry but its gotta be done. You have to make it your priority. If it cant fit you make it fit by realizing that your other interests are likely getting in the way of weightlifting. For me it was hard but I love film and I love reading. I am a film nerd. Watching movies and ranking my favorites has been a long passion of mine for many years. In the last 6 months as my life has accelerated I have had to stop watching movies. I just don't have the time and focus that I once had. Im sure later down the road the opportunity will arise where I can fit movies and books back into my schedule. Until then I have to focus on my craft.
Think of it like this. When your life slows down in 20 years and your like, say 50 years old, will you really be able to lift and "gym" the same way you can now? highly unlikely. You will however be able to sit your ass down in a chair and watch a movie or read a book. You will be able to paint a picture or turn a screwdriver on your house project or buy records and listen to music at your leisure. We must strike now. If you wait and put off weightlifting and creating the body you desire for when you "have the time" then you will never have the time! Because it has not been driven into your psych that you must lift weights. Trust me if you lift long enough it just becomes part of who you are. You do it until you can no longer physically do it.
When you are stretched too thin it will alter the course of your strength progression. Focus on your craft when you are at your prime. Your prime is NOW! Remember weightlifting is like investing money into a Roth IRA. The more you put in now the more you will have later on down the road to work with and play with. So when you are older you can still function and be active to pursue your hearts content. I know that sounds really pussy and "deep" but its true. Build yourself today so you may stand tomorrow.
"Sir, when you go to the gym what are exactly are you lifting?" |
My next published post I already have in the works. It's gonna dive into some of my all time favorite lifts and accessory lifts that have really helped me grow. A few of them you are probably all familiar with but there is a couple "dark horse" lifts that I don't see dudes hitting. My hope is that it will help you unlock the "dark drive" that you have rooted within you. Maybe you forgot about them and when I bring it up you will be like " oh damn. that's my shit. haven't done those in a minute." I will also reveal a couple more recipes and remedies for eating on the go. When you are hurried with life and don't have the time to properly prep a meal.
Doğal Uydumuz Ay Bizden Hızla Uzaklaşıyor
By İstanbul Avrupa Ucuz Web Site Sayfası at 05:48
Ay Bizden Hızla Uzaklaşıyor, Ay Uzaklaşıyor, Ay ve dünya, Doğal Uydumuz Ay Bizden Hızla Uzaklaşıyor
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Apollo astronotlarının Ay yüzeyine yerleştirdiği ayna sayesinde bilim insanları lazer teknolojisi kullanarak Ay'ın uzaklığını çok duyarlı olarak uzun zamandır saptamaktalar. Buradan çıkan en ilginç sonuç Ay'ımız bizden her yıl 3.8 cm uzaklaşmaktadır. Bunun nedenini de yine bilimciler ortaya koymaktalar, Ay'ın yer üzerine uyguladığı tedirginlik kuvveti buna neden olmaktadır. İki cisim (Yer ve Ay) probleminde toplam açısal momentumun korunması gerekir. İşte yer ekseni çevresinde dönmesini yavaşlatırken bu momentum kaybı Ay'ın yörünge hareketine etki etmekte ve bizden uzaklaşmaktadır. Bu durum yerde bir gün uzunluğu Ay'ın yörünge dönemine eşit oluncaya kadar devam edecek.
Bu uzaklaşma oranı eğer uzun yıllardır sabit olsaydı geriye doğru gidip Ay'ın yaşını bulabiliriz. Bu durumda Ay'ın yaşı 1.5 milyar yıl çıkıyor. Halbuki Apollo astronotlarının getirdikleri Ay taşlarından bulduğumuz yaş 4.5 milyar yıldır. O zaman bu uzaklaşma oranı geçmişte daha azdı ve giderek arttığı sonucunu çıkarabiliriz. O zaman ne oldu da bu oran gittikçe artıyor diye araştırmalar devam ediyor.
Tedirginlik kuvvetinin etkili olabilmesi için yeryüzündeki okyanusların büyüklüğü önemlidir. ABD'li bilim insanları Kuzey Atlantik Okyanusunun derinliklerinden aldıkları veriler ile 50 milyon yıl önce sözkonusu okyanusun bugünküne göre daha dar olduğunu ve bu nedenle o zamanlar tedirginlik kuvvetlerinin daha az etkili olduğunu ortaya koydular. Okyanus yüzeyleri genişledikçe bu uzaklaşma oranı da artacaktır. Gelecekte gerçekten küresel ısınma süreci ile buzuların erimesi sonucu okyanus yüzeyleri artarsa Sevgili Ay'ımız bizi iyice terkedecek demektir. Ama unutmayın milyonlarca yıl sonra ve yine unutmayın ki bizi hiçbir zaman terk edemez...
Decoration Day
Don't you love this vintage picture? Source is here. |
Originally, it was called Decoration Day as it was set aside to decorate the graves of soldiers fallen in the line of duty. (It is thought this was based on an even older Southern tradition of once a year tidying and decorating family tombstones. It was also tradition to make a day of it and bring a picnic lunch!)
Above is the tiny bone picture frame of a relative who gave his life in the Civil War. I am honored to have in our family history collection. His name was James L. Hall, he served in a Pennsylvania company and died in Andersonville Prison at the age of 34. Even though he isn't a direct descendant (his sister was my 4th great-grandmother), it is fascinating this little portrait has been handed down generation by generation.
3 Reasons Why Your Neck is Always Tight
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 11:35
Corrective exercise, exercise, Fitness, Mobility, Shoulder, stability
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If you had to pick one place where you regularly carry the most tension in your body, what would you choose? I'm willing to bet you chose your upper trapezius muscles.
The upper trapezius muscles seem to be (in my experience) some of the most overused and abused muscles in the human body. Many people I see are, either consciously or unconsciously, in a constant shrugged posture: their shoulders are by their earlobes and necks are pulled forward. Why is this?
There are a few factors that contribute to tight upper traps:
- Posture. Sedentary individuals seldom remember to sit upright. Often times, you see people with significant flexion in the thoracic spine, protraction of the cervical spine (neck) who are hunched over their computers. Forward head posture will place extra stress on your vertebrae. According to chiropractor Dr. Jason Queiros, "Every inch you hold your head forward, you add 10 pounds of pressure on your spine. Let’s say you’re leaning into your monitor by just two inches, that’s 20 extra pounds that your back and spinal column have to endure." The muscles in your back and neck need to compensate for this imbalance.
- Breathing. Stress individuals have the propensity to overuse accessory muscles for breathing like the scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, and the upper trapezius, rather than the diaphragm. The tonic muscles in the front of the body shorten, while the phasic muscles in the back lengthen. Neck breathing facilitates a constant "shrugged" position of the shoulders, which are going to put your upper trapezius muscles into overtime.
- Shoulder stability. The overworked upper trapezii may prevent the other shoulder stabilizers and rotator cuff muscles from functioning as they should. The lower and middle trapezius, the serratus anterior, the rhomboids may all be dysfunctional or under-active as a result.
Now, the way most people look to alleviate tight traps is through stretching or massage. While these modalities can be extremely effective, they are usually short-lived in their relief.
To nip the problem in the bud, you need to address all three of these elements above simultaneously. Surprisingly, changing your breathing first may favorably impact the other two areas. When the breath is out of whack, the body cannot function optimally!
Now, conjunction with adding some breathing drills into your daily routine, some supplementary shoulder stability work could do you some good. Here are a few of my favorite exercises:
- Scap push-ups
- Y's and t's
- Cable external rotation
- Bear crawls
- Wall slides
- Reverse shrugs
- Serratus pull-overs
- Band tears
What's most important, throughout all of these movements, is to make sure you're not shrugging your shoulders, otherwise your efforts will be ineffective. I often find myself tapping my clients on their shoulders to remind them.
If you want to find provide your traps with some relief, corrective exercises and breathing drills are going to be the most effective methods to lessen tension. Once you're aware of it, you'll probably be surprised to find out just how often your body instinctively reverts to a shrugged position. The key is consistency. Let some of your other surrounding muscles do their job and give your traps a break...
Avicii - Waiting For Love Şarkı Sözleri Çeviri
Ünlü DJ Avicii'nin beklenen şarkısı Waiting For Love Yayınlandı. Şarkının Sözlerini ve Türkçe anlamını aşağıdan okuyabilirsiniz.
Waiting For Love
Where there's a will, there's a way, kinda beautiful
Nerede olmak istersen, bir yol var, güzel türden
And every night has its day, so magical
Ve her gecenin sabahı var, büyüleyici
And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle
Ve bu hayatta aşk varsa engel yoktur
That can't be defeated
Yani Karşı koyamazsın
For every tyrant and tear, for the vulnerable
Her zalim ve gözyaşı için, savunmasızlar için
In every lost soul the bones of a miracle
Her kayıp ruhta kemikten bir mucize
For every dreamer a dream, we're unstoppable
Her hayalperest için bir hayal, biz durdurulamayız
With something to believe in
Bazı şeylere inanma konusunda
Monday left me broken
Pazartesi beni kırdın
Tuesday I was through with hoping
Salı Umutlanıyordum
Wednesday my empty arms were open
Çarşamba, boş kollarım açıktı
Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love
Perşembe Aşk için bekliyor, aşk için bekliyor
Thank the stars it's friday
Cuma yıldızlara teşekkürler
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday
Cumartesi vahşi bir ateş gibi yanıyorum
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday
Pazar günü kiliseye geleceğimi zannetmiyorum
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love
Aşkını bekliyor olacağım, aşkını bekliyor.
To come around
Etrafına gelerek
We are one of a kind irreplaceable
Biz eşsiz türlerden biriyiz
How did I get so blind and so cynical
Nasıl bu kadar kör ve alaycı oldum
If there's love in this life we're unstoppable
Eğer bu hayatta aşk varsa bizi durdurulamayız
No we can't be defeated
Hayır karşı koyamayız
Monday left me broken
Pazartesi beni kırdın
Tuesday I was through with hoping
Salı Umutlanıyordum
Wednesday my empty arms were open
Çarşamba, boş kollarım açıktı
Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love
Perşembe Aşk için bekliyor, aşk için bekliyor
Thank the stars it's friday
Cuma yıldızlara teşekkürler
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday
Cumartesi vahşi bir ateş gibi yanıyorum
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday
Pazar günü kiliseye geleceğimi zannetmiyorum
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love
Aşkını bekliyor olacağım, aşkını bekliyor.
To come around
Etrafına gelerek
Elgin şehri ABD ' nin neresindedir ?
ABD ‘ de bir şehir olan Elgin , Chicago ‘ nun kuzeybatısında bulunur . Bir ticaret merkezi niteliğindedir . Elgin , ABD için önemli sayılabilecek bir şehirdir .
Doğuş Otomotiv Trafik Hayattır!
Önemli olan ne kadar hızlı vardığınız değil, nasıl vardığınız...
Trafikte aşırı hız yapmayın! Çünkü Trafik Hayattır!
Aşırı hız son yıllarda kazaya sebep olan unsurların başında yer alıyor. Özellikle gençlerin yaptığı trafik kazalarının çoğu aşırı hız nedeniyle meydana geliyor. Doğuş Otomotiv’in kurumsal sorumluluk markası Trafik Hayattır, ‘aşırı hız’ı konusunu ana mesajları arasına