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We are ready and waiting for the nice weather to arrive! The porch floor has been swept, the furniture re-arranged and they summer pillow covers put on. All we need is a little sunshine!
This is the other side of the porch, which ends up being more of the "entry". It is where the shoes and boots end up and where the constant stream of items coming and going is temporarily is parked.
This year I am going to try and spruce it up a bit. The table is very handy to stack smaller items and I am hoping to add more chairs so it is also functional. It would really fun to be able to have breakfast out here in the summer, don't you think?
Are you ready for warm weather? Or are you already enjoying it? (lucky you!)
You work these muscles 23,000 times a day, on average, but chances are, you're using them incorrectly. In our sleep-deprived, high stress lifestyles, many of us are breathing incorrectly several thousand times a day, everyday over the course of our lives.
The core musculature like the rectus abdominis, diaphragm, internal and external obliques also allow for efficient breathing. If you're not breathing correctly, the sequencing and integrity of all of these muscles will be compromised. Your hours of "ab circuits" will all be for naught.
In my opinion, emphasis on proper breathing while training (or just normal daily function) is paramount. Here's why:
Prevents facilitation (overuse) of trapezius, scalenes, and sternocleidomastoid muscles
Teaches proper diaphragmatic activation
Proper core sequencing for all activities
Improves ability to return to parasympathetic nervous system (reduce stress)
Better recovery and reduced risk of injury
Intra Abdominal Pressure
In any big lift like a squat, bench, or deadlift, creating sufficient intra-abdominal pressure is mandatory for safety. To quote Dr. Yuri Verkohansky, "Without breath-holding, far greater pressure is exerted on vulnerable structures of the lumbar spine, in particular the intervertebral disks and ligaments." Basically, if you're not breathing correctly, you risk herniating a disk or placing additional shear forces on your vertabrae. I see far too many lifters getting under (or over, in a deadlift) a loaded barbell without sufficient abdominal bracing.
Shoulder Stability
If you breathe through the neck and chest, as many people I interact with do, your shoulders are going to remain in a shrugged or elevated position. This means the shoulders are unstable and you will have an increased risk for rotator cuff tears, dislocations, pectoralis major/minor tears, or labral tears. If the muscles normally used to stabilize your shoulder, like the serratus anterior, are forced to help you breathe instead of performing their primary roles, your shoulders are in danger.
Hip Stability
Similarly, the stability of the hips will also be compromised without proper breathing. Muscles like the quadratus lumborum may become overactive if the rectus abdominis or external obliques aren't firing correctly.
If you're training your aerobic energy system, which requires oxygen to function, and you're not getting sufficient oxygen into your lungs, guess what? You're not going to be able to run/bike/swim as hard or quickly as you would otherwise. Shallow, chest breathing is not optimal for oxygen uptake. Rather, deep breaths through the diaphragm are ideal.
Chest and neck breathing is the result of the sympathetic,"fight or flight" nervous system taking over, while diaphragmatic breathing brings the body back to the parasympathetic "rest and recover" nervous system. Remaining in the sympathetic nervous system = increased recovery time. If you're trying to train hard and improve performance, you need adequate recovery.
Have I convinced you just how important your breath is to all facets of training and general health yet?
Now, take a moment to monitor your own breaths. Are you breathing through your mouth? Does your chest expand as you inhale? Do your traps constantly feel tight?
The ideal way to breathe is through the nose, with the tongue on the roof of the mouth (which will encourage diaphragmatic expansion) and expand the belly and the ribcage with each breath. Your ribcage should expand 360 degrees with each inhalation. We want lateral expansion of the ribs at the same time as it expands forward and backwards.
Now, I'm going to give you some tips on how to improve your breathing habits. Here are three of my favorite "core" and breathing exercises:
Crocodile Breathing
Lay down on your belly with your hands crossed in front of your head
Take a big breath in through the nose with the tongue on the roof of the mouth
Focus on expanding the stomach and the lower back as you inhale
Exhale slowly and completely through the mouth
Manual Resisted Breathing
Lay on your back and have a partner sit next to you.
The partner should place his/her hands on your stomach
As you inhale through the nose, keep the tongue on the roof of the mouth
Partner provides gentle resistance to your diaphragm during inhalation
Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds at the top
Exhale slowly and completely through the mouth
Kettlebell Breathing Drill
Place feet hips distance at a right angle against the wall
Hold a light dumbbell or kettlebell on the belly (10-15 lbs)
As you inhale, focus on pressing your stomach up against the weight and expanding the rib cage
Count to ten as you inhale, pause at the top, and count to ten as you exhale through the mouth
These are three fantastic exercises to bring your body back to the parasympathetic nervous system and find some peace from your chaotic day. If you take these simple steps to improve your breathing, I can guarantee you that the results will be profound. You will improve your mechanics, become more stable and mobile, and, most importantly, inch towards a more stress-free lifestyle.
Just breathe!
Works Cited:
Anderson, Tim, and Geoff Neupert. Original Strength: Regaining the Body You Were Meant to Have. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print
Dooley, Kathy. "The Professional Website for Dr. Kathy Dooley" | Dr. Dooley Noted." The Professional Website for Dr. Kathy Dooley" | Dr. Dooley Noted. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.
Myers, Thomas W. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2001. Print.
Eltepe : Türkçe Yeltepe , Bulgarca Vihren ‘ dir . Bulgaristan ‘ ın Pirin dağlarının en yüksek tepelerindendir . Yüksekliği 2915 m.dir .Bulgaristan ‘ ın önemli bir tepesidir .
Elsvortit : Mineraloji ile ilgilidir . Hidratlı tabii niyobiyum , uranyum ve kalsiyum oksidi demektir . Kübik sistemde billurlaşan bir yapıya sahiptir . Mineralojide özel bir öneme sahiptir .
' ... hürriyetin de, eşitliğin de, adaletin de dayanak noktası, ULUSAL EGEMENLİKTİR.'
“Bütün cihan bilmelidir ki artık bu devletin ve bu milletin başında hiçbir kuvvet yoktur, hiçbir makam yoktur. Yalnız bir kuvvet vardır. O da millî egemenliktir. Yalnız bir makam vardır: O da milletin kalbi, vicdanı ve mevcudiyetidir”
Tarihte bugün Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin açılışının 95’nci
I have been into sewing the last few weeks. And mostly on a Sorbetto Top craze! Sounds like ice cream, doesn't it? Makes me think of lazy summer days. Above are five tops I have made for myself and I am now working on outfitting the sisters! They are so addicting to make!
There are so many things to love about this top! It has a bit of a vintage feel to it; it is so simple it can be whipped up in two hours, and because it is basic it is really easy to add details like ruffles, scallops, pleats or lace.
I also love the fit, it is the perfect balance between fitted and looseness, making it so comfy to wear! The only modifications I made was to add 2" in length and shorten the bust dart by 1/2".
You can find the Sobetto Top pattern at Colette Patterns in a free download! I have been following the Colette blog for a couple of years now and always find her designs beautiful and inspiring.
The Sorbetto only takes 1-1.5 yards of fabric, so it is a great project for using up small pieces.
So far I have made six for myself and I have two more planned! But the nice thing is I have bought fabric for only one! The blue flowered top on the dress form was a tunic shirt, the bright pink was a yard of fabric given to me, the pale pink was a linen skirt and the other two were fabric left over from other projects.
I think the sewing room is going to need a bit of tiding this weekend......
Regarding the above, please note that the deadline for appealing the 2013 valuations is now the end of 2015 [extended from the 24 April.]
My understanding is that once this deadline has expired, if you then decide to appeal, a fee will be charged.
There are various rumours circulating regarding the property tax for 2015, with most predicting that there will be a huge increase in the tax payable. Please ignore any rumours - no decision has been made about the tax to be levied yet.
Bodies, stays, and busk points, OH MY! This week, for ‘History Bitches Gets Undressed, Part 2,’ I speak to guest co-host Sarah Bendall about the predecessors to the corset. Tune-in to hear about Catherine de' Medici’s rumored connection to the stay’s invention, how busks and busk points were exchanged as love tokens, and how little views about women’s bodies have changed from the 17th century! For visual references to the garments discussed in the podcast, check-out the show notes!
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