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İnsan suresinin yorumu

1. Insanin üzerinden, henüz kendisinin anilan bir sey olmadigi uzun bir süre geçmedi mi?

2. Gerçek su ki, biz insani katisik bir nutfeden (erkek ve kadinin dölünden) yarattik; onu imtihan edelim diye, kendisini isitir ve görür kildik.

3. Süphesiz biz ona (dogru) yolu gösterdik. Ister sükredici olsun ister nankör.

4. Dogrusu biz, kâfirler için zincirler; demir halkalar ve alevli bir ates hazirladik.

5. Iyiler ise, kâfûr katilmis bir kadehten (cennet sarabi) içerler.

6. (Bu,) Allah'in has kullarinin içtikleri ve akittikça akittiklari bir pinardir.

7. O kullar, siddeti her yere yayilmis olan bir günden korkarak verdikleri sözü yerine getirirler.

8. Onlar, kendi canlari çekmesine ragmen yemegi yoksula, yetime ve esire yedirirler.

9. "Biz sizi Allah rizasi için doyuruyoruz; sizden ne bir karsilik ne de bir tesekkür bekliyoruz."

10. "Biz, çetin ve belâli bir günde Rabbimizden (O'nun azabina ugramaktan) korkariz" (derler).

11. Iste bu yüzden Allah onlari o günün fenaligindan esirger; (yüzlerine) parlaklik, (gönüllerine) sevinç verir.

12. Sabretmelerine karsilik onlara cenneti ve (cennetteki) ipekleri lütfeder.

13. Orada koltuklara kurulmus olarak bulunurlar; ne yakici sicak görülür orada, ne de dondurucu soguk.

14. (Cennet agaçlarinin) gölgeleri, üzerlerine sarkar; kolayca koparilabilen meyveleri istifadelerine sunulur.

15. Yanlarinda gümüsten kaplar ve billûr kupalar dolastirilir.

16. Gümüsten öyle kadehler ki onlari istedikleri ölçüde tayin ve takdir etmislerdir.

17. Onlara orada bir kâseden içirilir ki (bu sarabin) karisiminda zencefil vardir.

18. (Bu sarap) orada bir pinardandir ki adina Selsebîl denir.

19. O insanlarin etrafinda öyle ölümsüz genç nedîmler dolasir ki, onlari gördügünde, etrafa saçilip dagilmis inciler sanirsin.

20. Ne yana bakarsan bak, (yiginla) nimet ve ulu bir saltanat görürsün.

21. Üzerlerinde yesil ipekten ince ve kalin elbiseler vardir; gümüs bilezikler takinmislardir. Rableri onlara tertemiz bir içki içirir.

22. (Onlara söyle denir:) Bu, sizin için bir mükâfattir. Sizin gayretiniz karsiligini bulmustur.

23. (Resûlüm!) Kur'an'i sana biz, evet biz indirdik.

24. Artik Rabbinin hükmüne (boyun egip) sabret; onlardan hiçbir günahkâra, yahut hiçbir nanköre boyun egme.

25.Sabah aksam Rabbinin ismini yâdet.

26. Gecenin bir kisminda O'na secde et; gecenin uzun bir bölümünde de O'nu tesbih et.

27. Su insanlar, çarçabuk geçen dünyayi seviyorlar da önlerindeki çetin bir günü (ahireti) ihmal ediyorlar.

28. Onlari biz yarattik; onlarin yaratilisini sapasaglam yaptik. Diledigimizde (kendilerini yok eder) yerlerine benzerlerini getiririz.

29. Süphesiz ki bu bir ögüttür. Airtik dileyen Rabbine bir yol tutar.

30. Sizler ancak Rabbinizin dilemesi (izin vermesi) sayesinde (bir seyi) dileyebilirsiniz. Süphesiz Allah her seyi bilendir, hikmet sahibidir.

31. O, diledigini rahmetine dahil eder. Zalimlere gelince, onlar için elem verici bir azap hazirlamistir.
Yorum :
İnsan suresinde pek çok konu üzerinde durulmuştur . Cennettekiler şöyle anılıyor : “ Onlar kendileri imrendiği halde yoksula , yetime ve esirlere yedirirler . Biz Allah rızasını umuyoruz . Sizden ne bir karşılık , ne de bir teşekkür bekliyoruz . “
Cennettekiler için bir çok nimet sayılmıştır : “ Temiz içkiler , Selsebil denilen bir pınar , gümüş kaseler , gümüş takılar , yeşil ipekten giysiler , ne bunaltıcı bir sıcaklık ne de dondurucu bir soğuk , nedimler ,..vb. “
Cennettekiler yaptıklarının karşılığını almışlardır . İnanmayan ve hayırlı iş hiç yapmamış olanlar için elem verici bir azap vardır .
Tanrı doğru yolu göstermiştir , artık dileyen şükredip hayırlı işler yapar dileyen nankörlük edip kötü işlere dalar .
Bazıları dünyayı çok severler fakat korku dolu bir günü unutarak hayırlı işleri unuturlar . Halbuki insan erkek ve dişi dölünden yaratılmıştır ve de denenmek üzere yaratılmıştır .

Tanrının azabından korkmayanlar için demir halkalar ve yakıcı bir ateş azabı vardır . 

Yoon Jong Muc

Yoon Jong Muc
NABBA Worlds 2014

Rainy Days

We have had a lot of rain this week. Rainy days in the autumn make me want to stay at home!
 They are made for staying cozily at home, don't you think?  Not going to work and energetically, efficiently conducting business. 
How I would love to stay at home and potter around, a few pleasant chores like sweeping or laundry and then a bit of baking. Perhaps a few loaves of bread for dinner and a pie or cake. A lovely delicious smelling soup on the stove, warm and homey bread in the oven.
 And in the evening, when the gloom is settling into dark, a bit of knitting curled up in the chair.

My Weekly Training and Nutrition Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Two nights a week I have "treat" meals - whatever I choose. They are usually Saturday and Sunday night, but it does vary. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week before what I want to have for meals, make the grocery list, and prep the food on Sunday's. A lot of times people will ask me if I get bored eating the same thing everyday. The answer is no. It is only 5 days a week that I eat the same thing. I eat to live - not live to eat. It took me a long time to come to that.  I also do this to save money. I live alone so I can't really cook tons of different things during the week because it's too expensive and will go bad. There are also ways you can switch up your eating day to day. Like my Quest Bars for instance; I eat a different flavor everyday, same with my yogurt. You can read here for meal prep ideas!

Total down (since 11/25/13):  64 pounds!

Meal 1 (7:15 AM)
1 egg, 1 egg white, spinach, and low fat cottage cheese all scrambled together, with a side of organic whole grain bread (the deli in my grocery store makes this fresh - it is so delicious).

Meal 2 (4 10:30 AM)

Meal 3 (1:15 PM)
Chicken breast cooked via crock pot and cut with a side of hidden veggie macaroni and cheese casserole (I used spinach fettuccine noodles)

Meal 4 (3:45 PM) 

Gym 4:30-6PM

Meal 5 (6:30 PM) [Post workout]
Angus beef pot roast that marinated in fat free Italian dressing, Worcestershire sauce, and Chicago seasoning for 24 hours then cooked low via crockpot; with a side of oven roasted asparagus topped with low fat mozzarella and a balsamic glaze.

Meal 6 (9 PM)

Bed time 11PM
Sunday: (Rest)

Monday: (Weight Circuit)
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-25 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)

Tuesday: (Full Body Plyometric)
Back in February, I wrote about my "at home" workout that I created since I was snowed in for two days and could not go to the gym. I call this "The Hot Mess Express". I create a playlist on my Iphone that is 35 minutes long and blast it on my Bluetooth speaker while I exercise. It's about 9-10 songs, so I do 9-10 different routines. I repeat the routine for the entire song then switch.

Below are different routines I do during a song. I repeat the exercises for the entire song then I will move onto the next routine. I did this for 35 minutes:
Mini suicides runs
Kickboxing cardio routines (I have 3-4 different routines for this. I do not know the names of the exercises so that is why I am not listing that out right now)
10 Jumpsquats, run in place, then 10 jumping jacks
10 regular jumping jacks, 10 scissor jumping jacks, jog around the living room
10 pushups, jog down the hallway, walking lunges back to the living room
20 burpees, 10 high kicks
10 pushups, jog around the couch, 10 jumpjacks

Wednesday: (Rest)

Thursday: (Weight Circuit)
-10 minutes cardio: Inclined walk on tredmill (speed: 3.5, incline: 7)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-35 minutes Lateral cardio
Friday: (Legs)
-20 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 10 and 11)
-Leg Workout:
   -Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
   - Leg Extension (3 x 15, 50 pounds)
   - Leg Curl (3 x 15, 110 pounds)
   - Leg Press (3 x 10, 270 pounds)
-10 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline, 9/12 and Resistance, 9)
-Hard, long Stretch

Saturday: (Weight Circuit)
-20 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-10 minutes cardio: Inclined walk on tredmill (speed: 3.5, incline: 7)

The City

My Dad has been working on a temporary assignment in New York City for some time and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see him, as well as one of my favorite cities, before his assignment was over. To top it all off, my Mom was game too, so we decided to all meet up in the city and do a bit of exploring.

The great thing is that my parents have both been there long enough that they were not as interested in the touristy side of things, so we did what I love, which is to wander around the neighborhoods exploring, eating and people watching. Also, they have both been doing a fair bit of walking and so they had built up a good stamina. In addition, they have figured out the subway system and enjoy utilizing the public transportation options. As you may know, my parents live in a very rural, mountainous area where there are only about 12 neighbors in a 50 mile radius, so it was fun and interesting to see them in a city setting. My Mom has discovered a new-found love for blogging, and was snapping photos of everything along the way.

I arrived very late on Friday, after taking an after work flight from San Francisco. I thought this (and the three hour time difference) would cause me to sleep in a bit, but we were up the next day around 6 and were ready for some action! We started by meeting in Central Park. Dad and I ran there and Mom walked. After meeting up, I went for an additional few miles while they headed down toward the breakfast place. Later, I met them in Hell's Kitchen at the Galaxy Diner, which was okay, but was nothing special.

Who you gonna call?

Afterward, we headed down to the Staten Island ferry, them via subway and me via the East river. We took the ferry over to Staten Island, which is free, and affords a really nice view of the Statue of Liberty and the city skyline. After we got back to Manhattan, we wandered up toward SoHo. We wanted to get a nice pastrami sandwich at Katz' deli, which is where one of the scenes in When Harry Met Sally was filmed. However, it was overcrowded and overpriced, so we walked over to Chinatown and had a really great pho at Pho Grand.

Mural along High Line

On Sunday, we got up and headed toward the High Line. Once again, I ran and my parents took the subway. The funny thing is that I beat them every time! We walked along the High Line to Chelsea and stopped for a bagel and coffee, before heading down through the meat packing district to Tribeca, where we were going to see the Ghostbusters firehouse. It looked just like it did in the movie! Next, we headed over to Brooklyn and took a really nice walk along the promenade and over to Dumbo, where we rode the merry go round and ate yummy pizza.

Brooklyn Promenade

After a shower and a small break for me, I headed back out to meet Mom and Dad in the upper East side, where we were planning on having dinner. However, it was pouring rain and it took me a long time to make my way up to see them. I even had to buy a $5 umbrella from the guy on the street! I finally got up to meet them, and we wandered around the upper East side to the Heidelberg, where we ate pig knuckles and sauerkraut and drank liters of beer. I think with this, I sufficiently tired the parents out, because as soon as we got home, everyone pretty much passed right out!

Manhattan Bridge

Monday was Labor Day, and we got up, went for a run, and then met up with a coworker of Dads (and a former coworker of mine) for breakfast at The Comfort Diner, where I had the most delicious lemon ricotta pancakes! To walk off the pancakes, we headed back over to the East River and then just sat in the shade and watched the boats on the river for a while.

Run / Walk Schedule

That night I took a bus to the Newark airport where I flew to Germany, but that is a story for another day!

What is your favorite thing to do in a big city? What is your favorite city to visit? Do you ever split up your runs into smaller pieces?

The Hump Day Blog Hop!

Happy Hump Day everyone! We are halfway through the week and the hump day camel is too freaking cool, so lets have some fun and a blog hop to celebrate.

This is a little different than a link up. To participate, simply add your blog link. There is no required entry or anything like that. This is about networking, making new friends, and finding new blogs.

All I ask:
1) "The Hump Day" blog hop button button be displayed anywhere on your blog page or a specific entry with a link back to me or the weekly co-host. (Please do this. These blog hops take a lot of work and preparation.)
2) You don't have to follow me, but in the words of Blake Shelton: it'd sure be cool if ya did.
3) Mingle with your fellow Bloggers.

Image Map
The Hump Day Blog Hop

Giveaway ends at midnight EST!

Didim Apollon Tapınağı – Antik Çağın Kehanet Şehri

Antik çağlarda halkın en alt tabakasından, en üst tabakasına kadar kehanetlere, 'bilicilik yapan kâhinlere', büyü ve fala olan
inanç oldukça fazla idi. Üstelik bu inançları, onların yaşamlarını yönlendiren
en büyük faktördü. Ancak dinsel duyarlılıkları oldukça karışık ve değişkendi. Kendilerince yararlı ve güzel olan her şeyin ayrı bir tanrısı olduğunu varsayıyorlardı. Mesela denizlerin

Painted Ceilings

What do you think of painting ceilings a color? Are you for or against? A firm believer that any color other then white will make it look like a cave? Or are you all for livening things up? 
After getting the the back splash in the kitchen finished, I felt it was time for a few changes in the kitchen! I had plenty of ideas for the kitchen while I was planning it, but somehow when it came time to finish it up and move in, it didn't come together like I had envisioned. Over the summer I have been pondering this, when I had a spare minute! 
When I was working on my front porch, I looked at a lot of pictures on Pinterest and Houzz. There was a lot of blue ceiling porches! I love them! I also read it is a southern tradition and suppose to keep the bugs away. So to get back to kitchens, suddenly I thought maybe a blue ceiling in the kitchen would be pretty. It would add some interest and bring in a bit more of my blue color scheme. 

Transitional Kitchen by Shaker Heights Architects & Building Designers Shaker Interiors
What do you think? 
The family seems unsure of the idea, I don't think they have the vision yet! I got a lot of weird faces when I asked what they thought. Anyone taken the plunge? Do you like it or not?

Hidden Veggie Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake

Friday morning before going into work, I decided to stop at Smoothie King to purchase a protein shake. I like going there for wheatgrass shots so I decided to get breakfast as well. I noticed they had a Pumpkin Spice protein shake available. I did not know how good it would taste though. Nonetheless, I decided to try it.

I was shocked at how absolutely delicious it was! I wish I could go back everyday and purchase one, however, $8 protein shakes are not in my budget, so I had to improvise. Which is ideal anyway so I can make it healthier!

What you need:
  • 1 cup of protein powder (I use vanilla creme)
  • 1/2 cup of organic pumpkin
  • 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • A couple of dashes of Pumpkin Pie spice
  • 2 packets of Stevia
  • Handful of fresh spinach of kale

What you do:
  • Blend all ingredient in a blender or food processor. 

I made my protein shake today with two cups of spinach (I need to get my nutrients) so it was green, but you still could not taste it -- the delicious pumpkin taste prevailed! 

Giveaway Winner and Blog Updates

The winner of the Mini Knitted Pumpkin giveaway is.....
Congratulations! Please message me with your address and I will send it on it's way to you.

Don't forget you can always knit yourself our own mini pumpkin!

A little update on the blog's new look. Did you notice I tidied things up a bit? Gave it a cleaner look? What do you think? I am also working on putting together a page on my house. Hopefully, it will make it easier for you to "take a tour". 

Hope your week is off to a good start!