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Painted Ceilings

What do you think of painting ceilings a color? Are you for or against? A firm believer that any color other then white will make it look like a cave? Or are you all for livening things up? 
After getting the the back splash in the kitchen finished, I felt it was time for a few changes in the kitchen! I had plenty of ideas for the kitchen while I was planning it, but somehow when it came time to finish it up and move in, it didn't come together like I had envisioned. Over the summer I have been pondering this, when I had a spare minute! 
When I was working on my front porch, I looked at a lot of pictures on Pinterest and Houzz. There was a lot of blue ceiling porches! I love them! I also read it is a southern tradition and suppose to keep the bugs away. So to get back to kitchens, suddenly I thought maybe a blue ceiling in the kitchen would be pretty. It would add some interest and bring in a bit more of my blue color scheme. 

Transitional Kitchen by Shaker Heights Architects & Building Designers Shaker Interiors
What do you think? 
The family seems unsure of the idea, I don't think they have the vision yet! I got a lot of weird faces when I asked what they thought. Anyone taken the plunge? Do you like it or not?

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