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Isometric Exercises - Do They Work?
Isometric exercises were all the rage before bodybuilding became so popular. They are a different type of muscle building and are static, meaning you just apply pressure and hold it. You can push your arms against the wall and hold there. They really do provide a benefit even though they aren't as popular as they were before bodybuilding.
• It Works. Isometrics actually provides more muscle contraction than the weight lifting and strength training that involves movement and is great at building the specific groups of muscle that it is working.
• It's Fast and Easy. Isometric exercises can be done almost any time almost anywhere and you can get results even if you can only take a couple of minutes at a time. If you can't do a full workout you can do just a few exercises and still benefit.
• It's Cheap. You don't need to go to an expensive gym or use any machines for the traditional isometric exercise. You can use walls and your own body parts and get an adequate resistance for good exercise.
There are a few drawbacks and that may be why we don't hear much about isometrics since they were replaced by traditional body building.
• Raises Blood Pressure. It can raise your blood pressure if you hold your breath and most people tend to do just that and it does cause your blood pressure to jump and it could cause serious problems. If you do try these exercises, be sure to breathe regularly.
• Too Specific. Isometrics only works a specific muscle group at a time and you would need to do them form many angles and positions to get the same effects as weight lifting since bodybuilding works the muscles through an entire range of motion.
In spite of the drawbacks, isometrics can still be beneficial when done during your workout instead of just replacing it. Here are some ways to add them into your regular routine to be most beneficial.
• Do Them at Work. If you don't have the time for the gym, there are many isometric exercises you can do at work against the wall, a desk, and with your own body. How about a workout instead of the afternoon coffee break.
• Add Modern Equipment. Isometric exercise came before the traditional body building and didn't have the benefits of the modern equipment we use now. For the modern isometrics you can use equipment like free weights and resistance bands, simply using them while you stay still instead of the traditional way with motion.
• Mix It Up. Why not add isometrics to your current routine instead of trying to work in an extra workout just for them. Lift your weights and then hold them steady after you have done your regular reps to add to your workout.
Isometric exercises can be a beneficial addition to improve your body even if you shouldn't use it as your only bodybuilding routine.
Would you like to get rid of pain and be healthier YOU? Check here to find out how: Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.
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Tek hareket ile tüm vücut nasıl çalışır ? Cevap = Bodyblaster !!
Günümüzde artık eski moda spor salonu egzersizleri bodybuilding rutinleri değerini yitirdi...Artık bir hareket ile daha fazla kas grubunu nasıl çalıştırırız nasıl daha fazla yağ yakarız sorularına cevap arıyoruz...İşte size mucize bir hareket daha...BODYBLASTER !!
Videoyu dikkatlice izleyin...Tabii ki kolay bir egzersiz değil Pro bir antrenman...Size güzel bir WOD ( workout of the day ) yazıyorum...Bir deneyin memnun kalacaksınız...
800 meters run
60 bodyblasters
800 meters run
Kolay gözüküyor değil mi ? :) Bir deneyin...Vücudunuzda çalışmayan kas grubu kalmayacak...
Stress and Exercise - Help or a Potential Hindrance When Not Approached Properly?
Stress is something so insidious and difficult to recognize and manage and it is a subject which I intend to expand on in later articles. Stress manifests in so many different ways, then once recognised it is often hard to identify which area of your life is causing the stress and why.
The general population often seem poorly equipped with tools to manage stress, myself included, and when not managed properly it can progress to other, more serious forms of mental unrest such as depression. With statistics of 1 in 4 people having a mental illness likely being a gross underestimation it is obvious people need better ways of dealing with the stress that come with a challenging modern life. Everyone's mental well-being sits along a continuum between full health and debilitating illness and it is our responsibility to be aware of where we are on this and how we can care for our minds as well as our bodies.
It is far more common for health promotion to be focused around achieving and maintaining a healthy body, but what about daily advice on how to keep you mind healthy, and are the two directly linked? I think they are.
There is an increasing focus on advising exercise as a form of management for stress, anxiety and depression to try and move away from the prescription medication response that has become the norm.
It has been well documented in the past that exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety and help with the management of depression, partly through a physical response by increasing the release of Serotonin (a happy hormone) and partly through the increased sense of achievement and self-esteem in provides for people.
However in my opinion is also has to be incorporated into peoples lives in a fun and relaxing way otherwise it gets put on the 'to do' list and ends up causing increased stress when it doesn't get done.
Often people need to change their attitude towards exercise and make multiple lifestyle changes to ensure they have more coping strategies to manage stress.
Some tips for stress relief
Eat well, a low stimulant (sugar and caffeine) diet full of fruit and vegetables will help maintain good levels of nutrients essential for stress relief. The ones particularly important are the B Vitamins, founds in green leafy veg, beans and lentils. Aswell as being essential for managing everyday stress responses there are increasing studies now linking B Vitamin intake with reduced risks of degenerative cognitive function and illness such as Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Also Vitamin C is very important, which is found in abundance in fruit and veg, it may also be helpful to take a supplement as levels in supermarket fruit and veg can be widely variable.
As well as contributing to poor blood sugar control stimulants can increase the levels of stress hormones in the body adding to the feeling of anxiety and irritability. Some substances, such as coffee, actually act as nutrient robbers, so they deplete the body of essential minerals.
Exercise daily, in whatever form you like, but raise your heart rate and enjoy it, get some fresh air and have some 'you' time.
Write lists of the things that are stressing you out the most and then write an action plan on how to deal with it, even if you just write little steps at first. This will immediately make you feel more in control of the situation and when the jobs are ticked off, it will make you feel like you are taking action and dealing with the problem.
End your evening by focusing on some positives! Think of three things that you are grateful for in your life at the moment, this will help put things into perspective and get your mind into a positive place before trying to sleep.
Set some achievable goals to work towards, this will help take your mind off the areas of your life that are stressing you out and help focus on some new exciting challenges. This is where I find exercise works well, as it combines a physical beneficial response as well as refocusing your mind on the task immediately in front of you.
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Facebook, Dosya Paylaşım Özelliğini Duyurdu
Geçtiğimiz hafta halka arzını duyuran Facebook’tan yenilik üstüne yenilik geliyor. Çevrimiçi dosya depolama ve paylaşım servislerinin hayli popüler olduğu bu zamanlarda Facebook yine kendini gösterdi. 1 milyara yakın kullanıcısı bulunan Facebook, oldukça büyük bir hizmetin ilk ışıklarını yaktı.
Henüz bazı hesaplarda denenen online dosya paylaşım hizmeti, Facebook grup kullanıcılarının şikayetleri üzerine düşünülüp hazırlanan bir servis. 300 milyondan fazla Facebook kullanıcısının, grup sayfası içinde dosya paylaşımı yapabilme isteklerini dile getirmelerinin ardından yukarıdaki ekran görüntüsünü paylaşan Facebook, kısa bir süre sonra dosya paylaşım servisinin devreye gireceğini söyledi.
Daha önce Facebook tarafından satın alınan Friendfeed isimli sosyal ağda böyle bir hizmet zaten yıllardır olmasına rağmen, Facebook’un böyle bir servisi bu kadar ertelemesi oldukça şaşırtıcı. 25 MB’a kadar dosya paylaşımına olanak tanıyacak olan sistem, müzik dosyalarını ve .exe uzantılı dosyaları kabul etmeyecek. Ancak video yüklenebilecek.
Google Yeni Bir Sosyal Ağ Satın Alıyor!
Google, sosyal ağlar arasında kendine iyi bir yer edinme çabaları içinde. Son hamlesi ise, bu çabaları destekler nitelikte. Meebo, önceleri eBuddy tarzı bir çevrimiçi çoklu anında mesajlaşma istemcisi görevi görüyordu. Fakat 2011 yılının kasım ayından itibaren, bambaşka bir rotada seyrediyor.
AllThingsD adlı bir sitenin haberine göre ise Google, rotasını değiştiren 6 yaşındaki bu siteyi satın alıp, almayacakları üzerine tartışmalar yapıyor.
Meebo, 2005 yılında kurulan, internet tarayıcısı üzerinden mesajlaşma platformlarını kullanabildiğiniz bir web sitesiydi, ki Meebo Messenger hizmeti hâlen sürmekte. Mountain View, California merkezli bu girişim, kendini müşterileri için sosyal ve mobil uygulamalar geliştirme rotasında genişletti. Yayıncılar için de çevrimiçi iletişim hizmetleri sundu.
2010 yılı finans raporlarında ise, Meebo, son çeyreği 25 milyon $ yatırım alarak kapattı. Khosla Ventures tarafından sağlanan bu yatırımdan sonra, Draper Fisher Jurvetson ve Sequoia Capital de yatırım yaptı. Şirket, şimdiye kadar 62.5 milyon $’lık yatırım aldı.
Angry Birds Yapımcılarından Bir Oyun Daha..
Tek oyunla milyar dolarlık bir değer yaratmak Rovio'nun da içine sinmemiş olacak, Finlandiya merkezli şirket yeni bir oyun için kolları sıvadı. Amazing Alex adlı oyunun önümüzdeki iki ay içinde piyasaya çıkması bekleniyor. Rovio CEO'su Mikael Hed, Finlandiya TV'sine yaptığı açıklamada, oyunun eğitici özellikleri bulunacağını ve Alex adlı bir karakterin etrafında şekilleneceğini belirtiyor.
Şirketin alan adını satın aldığını da ekleyelim. Hed, üzerlerindeki kalite baskısının çok fazla olduğunu söylüyor, Angry Birds'ün mobil oyunlara getirdiği yüksek standartı yakalamak istediklerini ifade ediyor.
Google'dan Anneler Günü'ne özel logo
Google bu yıl da anneleri unutmadı. her yıl olduğu gibi bu yıl da geleneği bozmadı ve Anneler Günü için anasayfasında özel bir logo yani Doodle yayınladı.
Anneler Gününün Tarihi
Anneler Günü, anneleri anmak ve onurlandırmak amacıyla tüm dünyada farklı zamanlarda kutlanan özel gün. Anna Jarvis'in kaybettiği kendi annesi için 1908 yılında başlattığı anma günü, 1914 yılında Kongrenin onayıyla Amerika çapında genişledi. Zamanla başka ülkelere de yayıldı.
Sleep, Exercise and Nutrition: The Three Essential Aspects on How to Grow Taller
How to increase height is the concern of many people who can't realize the necessary natural prerequisites. The right food intake, rest and exercise leads to additional growth output.
Height increment is a natural process if proper steps are followed and requires absolutely no medication if an individual is interested and dedicated enough on how to grow taller. The essential components helpful in generating the required growth hormones naturally are sleep, exercise and healthy diet plan. If these factors are not taken into consideration, it leads to decreased growth factor of individuals. You should concentrate on healthy diet plan with foods having proteins, calcium, vitamins and minerals that assist in growth enhancement. Drink plenty of water and avoid consumption of junk foods, alcohol and nicotine to get closer to your desired height. Growth hormones are released during sleep which is the reason why a routine sleep of 7 to 9 hours for grown-ups and 10 hours for adolescents is essential to get the necessary impact on body growth. Exercises that prove to be effective in how to increase height include Jumping, Sprinting, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming and other such activities that help to stretch out your spine for an erect body posture.
Doing bone stretching exercises regularly helps individuals to gain additional height and act as stimulants to generating growth hormones. Food intake also matters a lot in your how to grow taller routine. Foods with high glycemic index prove beneficial in increasing your height. You should concentrate on healthy diet plan with foods having proteins, calcium, vitamins and minerals that assist in growth enhancement. Drink plenty of water and avoid consumption of junk foods, alcohol and nicotine to get closer to your desired height. Morning stretch out and breathing exercises, exposing your body to early morning sunshine, walking, massaging and relaxation proves beneficial for your plan of how to grow taller naturally.
Healthy eating, sleeping and exercising habits enhance your chances to grow taller. You should concentrate on healthy diet plan with foods having proteins, calcium, vitamins and minerals that assist in growth enhancement. Drink plenty of water and avoid consumption of junk foods, alcohol and nicotine to get closer to your desired height. Drink plenty of water and avoid consumption of junk foods, alcohol and nicotine to get closer to your desired height. Morning stretch out and breathing exercises, exposing your body to early morning sunshine, walking, massaging and relaxation proves beneficial for your plan of how to grow taller naturally.
Also, an erect posture during sitting, standing and sleeping with back flat on bed helps to straighten your spine that proves effective in how to increase height faster.If these factors are not taken into consideration, it leads to decreased growth factor of individuals. You should concentrate on healthy diet plan with foods having proteins, calcium, vitamins and minerals that assist in growth enhancement. Drink plenty of water and avoid consumption of junk foods, alcohol and nicotine to get closer to your desired height. Avoiding sleep depreciation, eating smartly and doing simple regular stretching exercises paves the way to a healthy living and also helps to achieve the desired height sooner. If proper steps on how to grow taller are followed, it leads to perfect body functioning physically, mentally as well as spiritually.
For more details on how to grow taller naturally through simple and straightforward routine planning, visit
Learn the secrets on how to grow taller. For more info on how to grow taller and various natural techniques assisting in increasing your height, visit
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How to Stay Safe When Using the TRX
Fitness is something which every human being needs. People want to engage in some form of physical activity due to some reason. Various reasons may be mentioned but it all actually boils down to good health. Without any physical activity, a lot of our bodily functions cease to work properly causing us to get sick.
The recommended duration of physical activity is two hours in a week. Some people worry about this because they cannot find enough time to get off work, school or watching the kids. With the TRX, getting that two hours is a piece of cake.
The TRX suspension trainer is a great and revolutionary workout system that is used by athletes, bodybuilders and normal folk all over the world. It offers tons of benefits that are not present in any other fitness system. However, efficiency is only a part of the equation. Alongside this, the product should also be safe and secure. Since the TRX is made of top grade equipment, it is very unlikely for it to cause harm. Ignorance of the user, on the other hand, is one of the major causes of accidents. Here are some tips which will help one stay safe while working out with the TRX.
1. Double check the anchor
The TRX suspension straps are able to withstand weights of up to 1000 pounds. However, this is totally useless if it is not anchored to a firm object as it will give way. In order to be sure that it is secured, tug on the straps several times at full force. If it does not budge, you can proceed with your workouts.
2. Be sure to have enough energy
It is pretty common for people to suffer accidents in the gym when they are extremely tired. A good example would be accidentally letting go of the dumbbells or losing your grip on the lat pull machine. The same also holds true for the TRX. If you are not careful, you might let go of the suspension straps and end up hurting yourself. It is also possible that the resistance will overpower you and cause you to get off-balanced.
3. Do not overdo the workouts
Some people think that the TRX is a very simple workout system. Due to this, they set the straps to the maximum resistance possible. Sadly, most people are overwhelmed by this and end up tearing their muscles and injuring themselves.
The muscles that are deeper within the body, such as those which support the spine and abdomen, will benefit from deep TRX exercises conditioning.
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