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IAN PARKS 02 Spéciale dédicace à un lecteur "Anonyme" et un brin réac!!!

What I Learned (2): The Relay

The Relay is over. I am tired. Sore. Dehydrated. And Happy. I am glad I did it. I will go over the recap in a few days, but for now, I want to say that I learned a lot from doing this. I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant going in, mostly because it was going to be a new experience for me, but also because I was going to spend the weekend with strangers, doing a strange thing. I was a bit scared.

But now? I am not scared anymore. I had a good time and it was an experience I will never forget. And I learned a  lot too! Here are a few of the things I learned. 

Jonnycat's Dirty Dozen

- You run by yourself but you are not alone. Most of the race was spent running alone, since the teams all started at different times, the race tended to be a bit spread out. Sometimes you pass a few people on your run (or sometimes they pass you, but we tried not to let that happen**!) but many times you are running a pretty quiet road all by yourself. However, the van goes on the same route and stops along the way to make sure everything is going well. So you never feel like you are alone. The team is always there.

- Inside the van, everything goes. Yup, you eat in the van. You sleep in the van. Your dirty feet and socks are in the van. You laugh in the van. You sweat in the van. Everything happens in the van. And this leads to...

- A stranger can be your new best friend. You spend a lot of time in the van, talking, laughing, joking, cheering each other on, giving high fives and hugs and pats on the back. You get to know these people in less than 48 hours. A bond is formed pretty quickly. I now have five new friends.

- Support is a multifaceted word. My group was awesome. If one of us was having trouble, the group would meet the runner at each mile with water, cheering and dancing and doing whatever it took to keep the runner's spirits up. Sometimes we even ran with each other for a little while. Also, I learned that the little net inside of your running shorts has a few different, interesting names that I was not aware of.

- Talking about certain body parts is par for the course. All body parts are open for discussion. Body glide goes on these parts in massive amounts. This is normal.

- There are many Hills. This race pretty much went up, then down, then up, then down...the entire time. I ran 4 legs and all of them had hills. There were no flat runs. That is the same for all my van mates. We had a couple of "easy" legs, but they too had hills. If you are not a hill runner, this makes things very hard. Even if you are a hill runner, it is difficult.

-**And many Kills. Kills also are hard. In case you don't know, a kill is when you pass another runner. Some of the other vans had tallies on the side of their van. We did not. We kept that info in our heads. Since the other relay teams are so spread out, on some legs (my 2 a.m. leg for instance) you don't see one other runner the entire time. On others, you see a dozen. So we tried our best to pass who we could, even though we were not running this race competitively. It still brought an element of challenge and competition to our team, between us and the other teams, as well as between the members of our van.

As you can see, I learned a lot. Team sports can be difficult because you have to count on other members of your team. But also, because of this very thing, team sports can be great. You have someone to count on and you have someone counting on you. This creates a bond that can't be broken and an element of fun you just can't get by yourself.

Do you/did you play any team sports and if so, do you like it more or less than individual sports? Do you know an alternate name for the liner that goes inside your shorts (you can privately email me if it's not fit for public view)? Did you learn anything new this weekend?

Survivor - Ludacris ile Birleşme Partisi

Saçlarını ‘Mohikan’ modeli kestiren Mustafa Topaloğlu partinin yıldızı oldu...

Dominik'te Felekten Bir Gece

TÜRKİYE’den binlerce kilometre uzakta muhteşem parti! ‘Survivor Ünlüler-Gönüllüler’ yarışması için aylardır Dominik Cumhuriyeti’nde olan yarışmacılar birleşme partisinde felekten bir gece çaldı. Günlerdir doğru düzgün yemek yemeyen ünlülerden Mustafa Topaloğlu, Almeda, Alp, Nihat ve Anıl; gönüllülerden de Hasan, Cevher, Hayim, Serhat ve Begüm bu özel gecede önce Amerikalı rap yıldızı Ludacris’le akşam yemeği yedi.


ACUN Ilıcalı, yarışmacılar için Türk mutfağı ağırlıklı bir mönü hazırlattı. Yarışmacılar musakka, mantı, tas kebabı ve köftenin de aralarında olduğu yemeklerle karınlarını tıkabasa doldururken, Ludacris’in favorisi Ilıcalı’ya özel olarak sipariş ettiği döner oldu. Ünlü repçi 7 porsiyon döner yedi. Daha sonra yarışmacılar Ludacris’in şarkılarıyla eğlenirken, partinin yıldızı ‘Mohikan’ modeli saçlarıyla Mustafa Topaloğlu oldu...



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Mercedes'in İlk Hafif Ticarisi: Citan

Mercedes Hafif ticari araçlara güçlü bir rakip olabilecek Citan modelini geliştirdi. Mercedes’in Renault-Nissan ile yaptığı ortaklık ilk meyvesini verdi. Kompakt ticari araç pazarına bir kere daha giriş yapan Mercedes bir yerde bu işte Renault’ya ne kadar güvendiğini de göstermiş oluyor.

Renault’nun bu sınıfta liderliğe oynayan markalardan olduğunu bilen Mercedes, Citan’ı geliştirirken çok uğraşmamış gibi görünüyor. Ön kısmı makyajlanmış bir Renault Kangoo olan otomobilin iç mekanı da bu otomobilden alınmış. Yine Kangoo gibi üç değişik boyda üretilecek olan Citan’da Renault’nun 1.5 litre hacimli turbo Diesel motoruyla 115 beygir güç üretebilen bir benzinli ünite görev yapacak.

Vic Chang

Vic Chang 
Competition Posing


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Stretching and Exercising At Work Guide

Stretching and Exercises Guide

If you have spent much time around cats, you might already be well aware of the benefits that can come from frequent bouts of brief and gentle stretching. For instance, they sleep in one position for several hours, wake up and do a bit of yawning and stretching and then begin wandering about without seeming to encounter any difficulties in terms of easy and fluid movement. This is because they do this sort of stretching throughout each day and night, and when people must remain stationary for hours on end, it helps to emulate a cat. In other words, it is tremendously beneficial to get up and stretch out from time to time throughout the day.

Even if you can't get up from the workstation or office chair in order to stretch, we are going to show you some handy ways of giving your muscles, circulatory system and brain a boost through simple stretching and movement. These movements are going to become an essential part of your day because they will enhance your mood, clear your mind, greatly reduce incidences of back or muscle ache, and always deliver a nice "lift" to your energy levels.

Why Stretching works

Why will stretching be so useful for you? Let's consider what stretching really means. For instance, stretching can be:
Lifting the arms towards the ceiling to elongate them and the torso;Placing the hands flat on the floor and lengthening the "hamstrings";Clasping your hands to stretch wrists and forearms;Lifting legs to stretch the calf muscles;Laying down on the floor and extending the arms and legs as far as possible to stretch them and the "core" of the body;A lot more!

Circulatory Benefits

Of course, stretching "works" for the body because it enhances circulation too. For instance, the Mayo Clinic (2011, Mayo Clinic), agrees that stretching "increases blood flow to the muscle". What happens is actually very simple...the contractions that occur as you stretch trigger a circulatory response. This brings blood to the muscles being used, but there is another benefit - nutrients are carried to the muscle and waste is carried away. This means that you feel better immediately after stretching because the body is cleaning up any accumulated junk, but it also means that an injury is healed faster if you stretch the muscles that have been damaged.

So, as you stretch you are improving the circulation, and relaxing some of the underlying tendons and muscles. You are also ensuring that you reduce the risks of injury by keeping yourself as "limber" as possible too.

The Symptoms of Bad Circulation

We have already looked at the way that stretching at work can improve circulation to the muscles, and how this carries in nutrients while simultaneously removing toxins. This, as we know, helps to speed up the healing process, but it does a lot more. It is easier to understand how stretching can address bad circulation if we first understand the many "symptoms" associated with it.

When we say that someone has "poor circulation" it can be due to many things. They could have a heart condition, diabetes, low thyroid function, or simply lead a very "sedentary" lifestyle stuck at a desk all day. Any way you look at the situation, however, you have to appreciate that stretching can often help with the worst symptoms of the condition.

For instance, the following are often symptoms that need to be addressed:

Chronically cold hands or feet;Frequent incidences of cramping (even when asleep);Swelling in feet, hands or legs;Varicose or "spider" veins in the legs;Cramping when doing physical activity; andSkin that turns pale or "blue" quickly.

Clearly, none of these things can be seen as life threatening, but they are uncomfortable, unattractive and a bit annoying. Fortunately you can often address them easily with periodic rounds of stretching added to the workday, and the non-working hours too!

You can use these results to improve circulation, well being and mental clarity. You can boost energy and even your appearance. Now are you ready to stretch?

Source: Mayo Clinic Staff. "Stretching: Focus on Flexibility." 2011. Mayo Clinic. 2012. offers a free ebook and guide, as well an invitation to all to discuss your experiences on our community page at

Luke Norman is the author of "Stretching, Exercising, and Being Happier in the Workplace" and the founder of

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