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Droop on Excavating Women

J.P. Droop famously commented in the 'Epilogue' to his Archaeological Excavation (The Cambridge Archaeological and Ethnological Series; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915)
whether in the work of excavation it is a good thing to have co-operation between men and women.
It should be noted that he was drawing on his experience of 'a mixed dig' which he observed was 'an experiment that I would be reluctant to try again'.

Almost certainly the experience was during the Phylakopi excavations in 1906 where one of his colleagues was Dorothy Lamb (no relation of Winifred) who had studied at Newnham College, Cambridge. Lamb (as Dorothy Brooke) later helped to prepare the catalogue of terracottas for the Akropolis Museum ("Terracottas." In Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum II, edited by S. Casson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1921).

For further information see:
Gill, D. W. J. 2002. "The passion of hazard": women at the British School at Athens before the First World War. Annual of the British School at Athens 97: 491-510.

Ten Exercise Ideas For Kids

If you have kids and you want some great ideas on how to engage them in exercising regularly, this article is for you.

Many kids today are so immersed in TV and video games; exercise is not a part of their daily routine. Since obesity has become a pandemic in our society, especially among children, it is important to establish an exercise program early on so that kids will not view exercise as something they dislike, but rather something they enjoy.

Here are some great exercise ideas to help you incorporate physical activity into your child's daily routine.

* Sports - Does your child belong to a sports team? Whether it is baseball, football, soccer or football, ensure they have signed up for after school sports activities.

* Indoor exercise - Do you have a home gym or an area set aside for exercise? Utilize an exercise DVD that you and your kids can participate in at a certain time during the day.

* Shoot some hoops - The entire family can play a game of basketball after dinner each night. Spending an hour exercising after dinner is also great for the digestive system.

* Handball - This is a great activity for kids. You can utilize the park area and play a few games. This is wonderful for younger kids to learn hand/eye coordination as well.

* Bike riding - Whether with family or friends, this is one activity most kids love to engage in either at your local park or around the neighborhood.

* Family walks - A 30-45 minute walk after dinner with the entire family is not only wonderful exercise for the kids, but the entire family as well.

* A daily walk with your kids is another activity encompassing fresh air and exercise. Whether it’s a trip to the local supermarket, pharmacy, or walking around the neighborhood, this routine is perhaps the best way to keep your kids active.

* Jogging - At a specific time each day, take your kids to the park and use the local track to begin a jogging routine. Utilize musical accompaniment with an MP3 player or iPod to keep up the pace.

* Chores - Whether it’s helping with chores inside the home, or cleaning up the back yard, this is a great way to engage kids in exercise.

* Walking the dog - Exercise can be as simple as walking the family dog or a neighbor's pet after school or after dinner.

No matter what the exercise, it is important to teach your kids to engage in some form of daily activity to strengthen their bodies and keep them active both mentally and physically. This is important especially during the winter months when cold weather tends to keep children indoors more.

Associates of the School

The first associates of the BSA were elected in 1896 during the directorship of Cecil Harcourt Smith. The purpose, according to the BSA's 'Rules and Regulations' (XXII, 1895/6), was for individuals who were 'actively engaged in study or exploration in Greek lands'.

Among them was the Rev. Alfred Hamilton Cruikshank (1862-1927), a younger contemporary of Harcourt Smith at Winchester; both were scholars. (Penrose, the first director, was also a Wykehamist.) Cruikshank subsequently went to New College, Oxford where he obtained a first in classics. After serving as tutor at New College (1889-91) he taught at Harrow (1891-94) before returning to Winchester in 1894 (and was chaplain from 1896). Cruikshank visited the Meteora during 1895/96 and published an account in the newly established Annual (A.H. Cruickshank [sic.], 'Meteora', Annual of the British School at Athens 2, 1895/6, 105-12). In 1910 Cruikshank left Winchester to hold the chair of Greek and Classical Literature at the University of Durham.

Two other scholars were elected Associates at the same time: Professor J.B. Bury of Trinity College, Dublin, and Arthur J. Evans, Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum. Both were later elected Honorary Students of the School.

Review of Movie video Websites

Here is a review of each movie website that can be seen at: - (good) - watch TV9 kannada, TV9 Telugu, and Malayalam TV. Also offers video clips of movies, latest songs, latest news in kannada, telugu and malayalam. Live Radio of TV9 is available too. For these TV channels, they have Program Guide too. Top 10 TV programs reviewed and you can comment too. Registration is free. Check it out!

techsatish - (Excellent Source) - Wow! what movies or tv programs does he not have? The number of Indian TV channels here surpasses any other that I have seen on the Internet. Movies are in many formats including DIVX. Movie dowloads, video songs, comedy videos. radio channels for all 16 or more Indian languages are here. The languages include: Hindi, Kannada, tamil, telugu, gujarati, marathi, malayalam, etc. The channels ranges are a vareity tool including: Star, Zee, Zee cinemas, Sun TV, Udaya, Gemini, Setmax, sony, CNN, CNBC, Aajtak, NDTV, tv9, ESPN, etc.

"Indian Religious Channels - Hindu tv sanskar culture" - India's spiritual Television channel. No free video available on the internet. Only free MP3s of bhajans are available. Some times the following URL can have some bhajans from Sanskar TV: - The faith channel. Directv broadcasts Aastha TV now in the US. Did not find any free video or audio for Aastha TV on the internet.

3 Top Metabolism Myths

There are a number of misconceptions about metabolism and calorie burning. Here are the top 3 myths ...

Myth 1: Cardio workouts are the best activities for increasing metabolic rate.
FACT: Running for 30 minutes will burn more calories than 30 minutes of weight training workout. However, weight training can maintain metabolism for longer period of time because it builds your muscle mass. As many studies and researches had shown that if your body has more muscle, you will have higher metabolism also.

Myth 2: Thin people can burn calories faster because they have a fater metabolic rate.
FACT: If you have a bigger body size, your body will burn more calories than a slimmer because you need more energy to move extra pounds in your body.

Myth 3: You will get fatter as you get older.
FACT: Although it's true that our metabolism will get slower as we age. However, this natural change of metabolic rate is very small, only about 4 percent per decade if we continue to exercise regularly. The reason why people gain weight as they age is because they are sedentary most of the time. So, if you want to keep those extra pounds off, stay active to maintain your muscle mass as you age!

Hope you find the above information useful. HAPPY NEW YEAR and have a SAFE HOLIDAYS!

Studies on Winifred Lamb

For work in Greece and Anatolia during the 1920s and 1930s see:

Butcher, K., and D. W. J. Gill. 1993. "The director, the dealer, the goddess and her champions: the acquisition of the Fitzwilliam goddess." American Journal of Archaeology 97: 383-401.
Gill, D. W. J. 1999. "Winifred Lamb and the Fitzwilliam Museum." In Classics in 19th and 20th century Cambridge: curriculum, culture and community, edited by C. Stray, pp. 135-56. Cambridge Philological Society supplementary volume, vol. 24. Cambridge: Cambridge Philological Society.
—. 2000. "‘A rich and promising site’: Winifred Lamb (1894–1963), Kusura and Anatolian archaeology." Anatolian Studies 50: 1-10.
—. 2004. "Winifred Lamb (1894-1963)." In Breaking Ground: Pioneering women archaeologists, edited by G. Cohen and M. S. Joukowsky, pp. 425-81. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
—. 2006. "Winifred Lamb: searching for prehistory in Greece." In Travellers to Greece, edited by C. Stray, pp. 33-53. London: Classical Association.
—. 2007. "Winifred Lamb: her first year as a student at the British School at Athens." In Archaeology and women: ancient and modern issues, edited by S. Hamilton, R. D. Whitehouse, and K. I. Wright, pp. 55-75. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press.

Studies on the BSA

Key overviews for the BSA can be found in:

Macmillan, G. A. 1910/11. "A short history of the British School at Athens. 1886-1911." Annual of the British School at Athens 17: ix-xxxviii.
Waterhouse, H. 1986. The British School at Athens: the first hundred years. British School at Athens supplementary volume, vol. 19. London: Thames & Hudson.
Huxley, D. Editor. 2000. Cretan quests: British explorers, excavators and historians. London: British School at Athens.
Calligas, E., and J. Whitley. Editors. 2005. On site: British archaeologists in Greece. Athens: Motibo.

Yeni yılınızı Sağlıkla geçirmeniz dileğiyle...

Atatürk Hakkında bilgiler..

Ataturk" hitabini ilk kez donemin Turk Dil Kurumu Baskani bir konusmasinda kullanmis, Mustafa Kemal de cok begenerek soyadi olarak almisti. Kendisine "Ata" diye hitap edilmesinden hic hoslanmazdi.

Manastir Askeri Lisesi yillarindan kalan bir aliskanlikla hayati boyunca en sevdigi yemek kuru fasulye ve pilav olarak kaldi. Tatliya duskun degildi ama cani istediginde cok sevdigi gul recelini tercih ederdi.

Omru yetseydi bir dunya turuna cikip Turk dili ve tarihi uzerindeki calismalarini genisletmek en buyuk hayaliydi.

Binlerce kitabi vardi. Ama bunlarin arasinda bir tanesini hayati boyunca hatta cephede bile basucundan ayirmadi. Resat Nuri Guntekin'in unlu "Calikusu" romanini hep yaninda tasir, her gun rastgele bir yerinden acar, birkac sayfa okurdu.

Atlardan sonra en sevdigi hayvan kopekti. "Fox" adini verdigi kopegi, Gazi`nin yataginin ayak ucunda uyurdu. Hayvanlara duskunlugu o dereceydi ki bir gun misafirlerinin de gorebilmesi icin yeni dogmus bir tayla annesinin Cankaya Kosku kabul salonuna getirilmesini bile emretmisti.

En sevdigi dans valsti. Muzik zevki cesitlilik gosteriyordu. Klasik Bati muzigi disinda Anadolu ezgilerini de severek dinlerdi.

Gomleklerinin hepsi beyazdi. Bu gomlekler ilk yillarda Isvicre`de ozel olarak dikilirken sonra yerli mali kullanma kampanyasina onculuk edebilmek icin Beyoglu`nda bir terziye diktirilmeye baslanmisti.

Takim elbiselerinin tasarimlarini hep kendisi cizerdi. Lacivert takim giymeyi sevmezdi.

Boyu 1.74 idi. Hayatinin son donemlerine kadar 76 olan kilosu hastaliginin ilerlemeye baslamasiyla 46'ya kadar dusmustu. 43 numara siyah rugan ayakkabi giyerdi.

Ozenli ve temiz bir Turkce konusurdu. Ancak bazi kelimeleri Rumeli sivesiyle telaffuz ederdi.

Hayatinda bir donem cok onemli yer tutan Mustafa Kemal`in evlenmesinden sonra hayatina trajik bir sekilde son veren Fikriye Hanim`in mezarinin nerede oldugu bilinmiyor.

Hayatinin cogunu gecirdigi savas cephelerinden sonra Cumhurbaskani olarak gecirdigi yillar ona bir tecrit yasantisi gibi geliyor, cok sevdigi halkindan ve sade bir vatandas yasamindan uzaklastigini dusunuyordu.

Kiyafet Kanunu cercevesinde tum din adamlarinin dini kiyafetleriyle sokaga cikmalari yasaklaninca, Monsenyor Roncalli`ye kendi terzisi Kemal Milasli eliyle bir koleksiyon hazirlatti.

Sabah kahvaltilariyla arasi hic hos degildi. Yataktan kalkar kalkmaz odasindaki divanin uzerine bagdas kurarak oturur, gunun ilk kahvesini sigarasini icerdi. Bir ozelligi de kendi kendine tiras olmamasiydi.

Evinde, cevresinde hatta konuk oldugu evlerde bile egri duran esyalari duzeltmeden rahat edemezdi.

Koylunun birinin gazete kagidina sardigi tutunu icmeye calisirken eli yanmis,"Alin bunu kendi icsin" diyerek Ataturk`e kufretmisti. Mahkemeye cikarilacakti. Ataturk olayi dinledikten sonra "Onu mahkemeye vereceginize dogru durust sigara icmesini temin edin" dedi.

Hastaliginin baslangicinda kendisini muayene eden Dr.Fissinger gunde kac paket sigara ictigini sormus, Ataturk "sekiz" demisti. Doktor bunu gunde bir pakete indirmesi gerektigini soyleyince gulumseyerek cevap vermisti: "Ben zaten bir paket iciyorum. Bundan sonra bunu sizin izninizle yapacagim".

Bir sabah milletvekilleri ile trene binmisti.Konduktorun milletvekillerinden bilet parasi almamasina sasirmis nedenini sormustu. Trenin milletvekillerine bedava oldugunu ogrenince epey sinirlenmis, "Ne de guzel halkcilik ama" demisti.

Ilk mecliste bir oturum sirasinda uyelerden biri laikligin ne manaya geldigini anlamadigini soyleyince Gazi cok sinirlenmis ve elini kursuye vurarak bir din bilgini olan uyeye cevap vermisti: "Adam olmak demektir hocam, adam olmak!"

Gittigi yurt gezilerinde kendisi icin kurban edilen hayvanlara bakamaz boyle durumlarda sirtini doner ya da kesilmelerini engellerdi.

Askeri lisede ogrenmeye basladigi Fransizca'yi sonraki yillarda gelistirdi. Zengin bir kelime bilgisi vardi. Konusurken araya Fransizca sozcukler de eklerdi.

Kumardan hoslanmaz ama arkadaslariyla fasulyesine poker oynardi. Oyun sonunda kazandiklarini iade ederdi.

Cephelerde dusmanla gogus goguse savasmis biri olarak en ilginc ozelligi savas meydanlari disinda kan gorunce fenalasmasiydi.

Fransiz tarihcisi Herriot Ankara`ya geldiginde Gazi`nin kulaklarinin duyuyor olmasina sasirmis anilarinda bunu espirili bir dille anlatmisti: " T.C`de bir tane kulaklari duyan kisi var onu da Cumhurbaskani yapmislar".

Sportmen kisiligi vardi. Her gun at biner , yuzmeye gider ve bilardo oynardi.

Egitim hayati boyunca en basarili dersi matematikti. Pozitif bilimlere ilgisi hayati boyunca surdu.

Yagcila cok kizardi Bir aksam sofrasida kendisine gereksiz sekilde iltifat eden Abdulhak Hamit`e mudahale etti.

1937`yi 1938`e baglayan son yilbasi gecesini Disisleri Bakani Tevfik Rustu Aras ile bas basa gecirmisti. O gece dolabindaki bazi elbiseleri bakana hediye etmisti.

Kuslari cok severdi. Cankaya Kosku`nde ozel bir bakicinin ilgilendigi guvercinligi vardi.