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Associates of the School

The first associates of the BSA were elected in 1896 during the directorship of Cecil Harcourt Smith. The purpose, according to the BSA's 'Rules and Regulations' (XXII, 1895/6), was for individuals who were 'actively engaged in study or exploration in Greek lands'.

Among them was the Rev. Alfred Hamilton Cruikshank (1862-1927), a younger contemporary of Harcourt Smith at Winchester; both were scholars. (Penrose, the first director, was also a Wykehamist.) Cruikshank subsequently went to New College, Oxford where he obtained a first in classics. After serving as tutor at New College (1889-91) he taught at Harrow (1891-94) before returning to Winchester in 1894 (and was chaplain from 1896). Cruikshank visited the Meteora during 1895/96 and published an account in the newly established Annual (A.H. Cruickshank [sic.], 'Meteora', Annual of the British School at Athens 2, 1895/6, 105-12). In 1910 Cruikshank left Winchester to hold the chair of Greek and Classical Literature at the University of Durham.

Two other scholars were elected Associates at the same time: Professor J.B. Bury of Trinity College, Dublin, and Arthur J. Evans, Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum. Both were later elected Honorary Students of the School.


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