Bayram Cigerli Blog

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trainingplan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

I used to post this a while back, but I stopped when I really fell off of the bandwagon. Then in November when I started from scratch with a brand new journey to re-establish myself, I did not want to share my eating with you guys, because I did not want any of you to copy it. Initially I kept my carbohydrate intake really low, plus extremely intense training. However, I could do that because of vitamin B12, 6, and 1 shots I was getting twice a week at my doctor. But now I am on a more realistic path and only receiving a B12 shot once a week. 25 pounds lost in the past 8 weeks! This is my nutrition plan I follow Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday, I still keep my meals clean, but I will switch it up. I usually have a cheat meal for dinner on Saturday and Sunday as well.

Meal 1 (7:15 AM)
3 egg whites, 2 tablespoons of fat free cottage cheese, a handful of spinach, 2 tablespoons of low fat feta, and Garlic and Wine Seasoning all cooked together via stovetop.

Meal 2 (10:30 AM)
1 Quest Bar (the flavor changes day to day) and a large apple.

Meal 3 (1:30 PM)
GardenIn vegetarian mandarin "chick'n" and fresh asparagus (cooked via stovetop with fat free Parkay butter spray and Garlic and Wine Seasoning)

Meal 4 (4:00 PM) [Pre-workout Meal]
80 calorie Dannon Light and Fit Greek Yogurt with a handful of fresh blueberries and 15 plain almonds

Gym: 5-6:30

Meal 5 (7:00 PM) [Post-workout Meal]
2 Peanut Butter Protein Muffins *This week I made them with coconut flour instead of oats

Meal 6 (8:30 PM) 
Spaghetti squash topped with 3oz of 99% fat free ground turkey, organic tomato sauce, and two tablespoons of low fat Feta.

Bed time: 11 PM

Monday: (Legs) - done! (796 calories burned)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Leg Workout:
   -Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
   - Leg Extension (3 x 15, 50 pounds)
   - Leg Curl (3 x 15, 110 pounds)
   - Leg Press (3 x 15, 270 pounds)
-10 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline, 9 and Resistance, 9)

Tuesday: (Core)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
- 3 sets of 30 second planks
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  20 elevated leg crunches
-20 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 2 minute walk on a speed of 3.2 MPH with an incline of 12 [the highest is 15] Rest: 1 minute walk at 0 incline and a 3.4 MPH speed. Alternate)

Wednesday: (Weights)
-25 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Weight Circuit
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
*It is hard for me to list the exercises I do for my weight circuit. The gym is so crowded when I go that I almost always have to improvise when I left weights. It depends on what is free at the time to be used.
-15 minutes cardio: Tredmill (HIIT: Work: 2 minute walk on a speed of 3.2 MPH with an incline of 12 [the highest is 15] Rest: 1 minute walk at 0 incline and a 3.4 MPH speed. Alternate)

Thursday: (Core)
-30 minutes of cardio: StairMill (A mild HIIT: Level is switch between the highest which is 20 and level 5 for my rest. Work is 1 minute, rest is two minutes)
- 3 sets of 30 second planks
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  20 elevated leg crunches
-20 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 2 minute walk on a speed of 3.2 MPH with an incline of 12 [the highest is 15] Rest: 1 minute walk at 0 incline and a 3.4 MPH speed. Alternate)

Friday: (Weights)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Weight Circuit
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
*It is hard for me to list the exercises I do for my weight circuit. The gym is so crowded when I go that I almost always have to improvise when I left weights. It depends on what is free at the time to be used.
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 9)

Rest and relaxation

Sunday: (legs)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Leg Workout:
   -Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
   - Leg Extension (3 x 15, 50 pounds)
   - Leg Curl (3 x 15, 110 pounds)
   - Leg Press (3 x 15, 270 pounds)
-10 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline, 9 and Resistance, 9)

**I would like to do a Q&A on my blog soon. Is there anything you want to know or curious about? Weight loss, health, fitness, life? You can ask me here. You can be anonymous, but please be nice.**
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