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diva on a budget etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
diva on a budget etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Diva on a Budget: Health, Fitness, and Beauty Talk!

I have some things health, fitness, and beauty related that I want to share with you guys. I always love to share new health and beauty things I am trying and getting into, and I love to hear what other beauty and health junkies are using and intrigued by as well.

We live in a world where women are photoshopped, airbrushed, and filtered on a regular basis. Sometimes I can't blame anyone for doing that because of how ridiculed we can be if we don't. It is a doubled edged sword that can be debated without end. For me; I am not in the game of doing that because it goes against everything I stand and work hard for, thus I elect to refrain from such drastic measures. 

However, I think I have found something just as good: translucent powder by "It Cosmetics". The powder has light reflecting particles so when you are in the sunlight sunlight and other light, it makes your skin look even better.

I absolutely love this product and I am so happy I went on a whim and purchased it. It makes my skin look almost flawless, especially when you add a dash on bronzer on your cheeks. 

I went to GNC over the weekend because I had an awesome coupon-- just being a Diva on a Budget, of course. I picked up my vitamins on clearance, my 5HTP, and I think I am going to try the "apple cider vinegar" fad that has been going on.

My friend Gabe convinced me that there is all kinds of benefits from drinking it everyday; but I am struggling! This stuff is so nasty. You are supposed to do 1-2 tablespoons with 8 oz. of water first thing in the morning and then again 1-2 times during the day. It is gross to me though, even with water. I would like to just take it as a shot and be done with it, but I have read not to do that.

Who is on the Apple Cider Vinegar band wagon and do you feel like it has helped and improved your health?

I am ecstatic to be doing a promotional post and working with NatureBox. I know a lot of of you guys have heard of them. I have been trying their products and quickly fallen in love with everything. It is wonderful to me to be able to eat such delicious and satisfying snacks without all of the fat and calories. I will write more about this later, but I wanted to share my favorite right now.

If you love Girl Scout cookies, you will love the lemon tea biscuits. They are out of this world!

If you want to view all of the deliciousness NatureBox offers; click here
If you want a FREE trial; click here.

To continue my Diva on a Budget fabulousness this weekend, I had a 20% my total order coupon from Ulta plus lots of points to use. Those coupons only happen once or twice a year so I had to take advantage. My face has been breaking out bad a lot around my mouth and chin lately so I bought a new acne wash face. For a few days now, I have used it twice a day. It has helped without a lot with out drying my skin out.

I am so also trying out Paul Mitchell products for more voluminous hair. In my opinion, the bigger  the hair the better. In the above picture of me, I used both the hair spray and daily boost. I like them! I am almost as pleased with the daily boost as I am with Big Sexy Hair. I actually like Paul Mitchell's hairspray much better.

Lastly, I tried a new "Skinny girl" cocktail over the weekend. This brand is cheaper than "Skinny Girl", has few less calories, and tastes just as good. When you're in the mood for a cosmo (my personal favorite) this is a great go to!

Good Wine, Big Hair, A Budget Diva, and Cat Food...?

Happy Friday, everyone. I was originally not going to blog this morning, as this is my SEVENTH post this week, ha! However, 7 is a lucky number so I thought I would just share a few random things that happened this week and products I love. I started this morning off by picking up Crackbuck's for my boss and I. That made me come alive, thus I can write now.
Monday my best friend Kelly came over to my apartment when she got off of work. We had girl talk and a bottle of the best wine I have ever had. Sauvignon Blanc is my favorite type of wine and this bottle is the best. It is not sweet, but still has a rich fruitful flavor. Plus it's only $10 a bottle.
A few months ago when I took Marty for his annual physical and check up, the veterinarian told me he was almost a pound overweight. He is mostly hair and naturally a big cat due to being part Maine Coon, but nonetheless, he has some chub that needs to be fixed. 

It has been hard.

He is addicted to "Temptation treats" and knocks me over if I dare step in the kitchen and not offer him some. I have been transitioning him off of those treats and his regular cat food, to a natural, grain-free diet. I am sure a lot of you have seen the "Blue Buffalo" pet food commercials. I have, thus I decided to try him on it since it seems authentic and healthy. The doctor agreed. 

I have to say, I am shocked at how much Marty likes this food. He is usually "over" dry food quickly and will not eat it after a week or two, but not this brand. I have had him on this weight control kind for 2 months and he devours it like it's filet mignon. It just goes to show that quality does make all the difference, even with our pets. He gets half a cup of this in the morning, then half a can of Variety Pet's "fine dining" grain free canned cat food at night, which he also loves. I want my baby happy and health forever and ever.
Yesterday I needed to make an Ulta trip. I was out of my favorite dry shampoo and decided to try the "Powder Play" from Big Sexy Hair. I love big, voluminous hair; so if there is a product people are swearing by, I am going to try it. The verdict on this product is that it is worth every penny. Combine "Powder Play" with the dry shampoo, and my volume is out of control! Also, the dry shampoo does not make hair roots oily either. Win!

When I finished my errands and the gym last night, I had a letter in the mail from Sirius XM giving me a 3-month free trial of XM radio since I purchased my new car. I have never used XM radio so I am excited to try it out. I love talk show type things, so please leave any recommendations if you have them. My favorites are raunchy comedy, paranormal/ghost talk, motivational and inspirational messages, and celebrity gossip. 
Then I opened my email and Time Warner sent me two advanced screening tickets to see "Sin City" this upcoming Wednesday. They are also providing free concessions. That was unexpected and very welcome; especially since I die a little each month when I pay my cable bill. I can't wait to go.
Those are great additions to go with being a diva on a budget!

Lastly, I updated my about section so take a peak and let me know what you think. Now I believe I am finally out of things to write about so I'm signing off. Have a great weekend everyone. I'm linking up today; you should too! 

Being a Diva on a Budget

For me personally, my number one rule of blogging is to be open and honest. This next confession is no different. When I was growing up, I was spoiled. Money and food were used as rewards, medication, and everything in between. I never went without anything I needed or wanted. However, when I was 17 all of this took a dramatic turn, and the lifestyle I was accustom too my entire life changed. My mom finally separated from my former step father, we moved out of his house and into a new one, and she had only been diagnosed with MS for a year and was having a very difficult time keeping it under control and working.

Though I started working the day I turned 16 (literally, I went to the DMV, got my license, then started my first day of work), my parents always gave me money as well. My work paychecks were mine to play with, and my parents gave me money for gas and any type of needs like clothes. When life changed for me, holy hell, it was hard. I was 17 and in the midst of being a bad, bad teenager and I was as selfish as anyone could be. I did not adjust to well to this change, but I had no choice. Over time, my mom, brother, and I worked as a team, developed a balance, and made it work. We were a happy family.

Now that I am 25 and have lived on my own for 5 years, 3 hours away from my family, I am thankful that life changed for me when it did. That gave me time to adjust, learn, and grow, so when I did move out on my own, I would not have to learn those hard lessons about life-- I was already somewhat prepared. I cannot lie when I say it hasn't been easy, but I have always made it work.

Sometimes when I am online, I see some of my girlfriends post pictures of their new designer bags that are easily $300+ each, shirts that are $75 a piece, jewelry that is over $100 each, and the list could go on. I would feel bad about this because there is no way I can spend that kind of money on things like that. I live alone and pay every single bill by myself plus I use NO credit cards at all. However, I did notice that a lot of my friends who do afford materials like that are living with someone, have that financial help and partnership, are quite a bit older than me, or truth be told, are just at higher place career wise. Additionally, you never know what goes on behind closed doors; maybe someone inherited a big lump sum of money or in extremely bad debt. Nonetheless, it is none of my business how one affords luxuries like that, so I forced myself to stop comparing my situation to anyone else's, and just be proud that I do have a comfortable lifestyle at my age. I enjoy saving money and finding good deals whenever I can. It has grown to be like a game to me!

Now I find myself becoming excited when I find a good deal, make something myself, and save money. Over the past couple of years, I have called that "Being a Diva on a Budget". Because labels do not make a person. Someone is not better than you because their item is more expensive. Anyone can be a diva-- that is a state of mind and a sense of inner confidence-- and that my friends, is something that no amount of money could buy.

Today I wanted to share ways I try to save money so I can still live the good life -- my good life.

First and foremost, I believe this is the most important aspect to be a diva. If you do not pay all of your bills first, before you go get your glam and fun on, then something is wrong. Creating a budget may sound intimating and hard, but isn't. Gather and total up your monthly income, list all of your bills and an approximation of the amount that needs to be paid, and disperse the funds appropriately. This allows you to physically see and record how much money you have, where it needs to go, and what you have available to be a diva with. I briefly listed here how I do it here. Doing this makes a big difference on how one looks at their money. When it comes to finances, ignorance is not bliss. 

Thank goodness for Living Social, Groupon, and Amazon Local. The deals on these websites are truly awesome. I purchase these regularly and almost always double my value. I know they are not available in all areas, but if you live in a big city, or have one semi-near you, they are so worth it. By purchasing these I have done multiple wine tours and tastings, a ghost tour, painting and cooking classes, and the list could go on. What I love so much about this is the variety. It has allowed me to try new things that I may have normally not done. Another perk is they actually sell goods for a fraction of the price. I made my mother a personalized photo-book and purchased her a sterling silver monogrammed necklace as gifts for so much less money than retail. I regularly see deals for shoes, jewelry, and clothing as well.

This is perhaps something I take advantage of most. I have a few stores that I am very loyal too and because of that, I save a lot of money. If you have a particular store you shop at a lot, and they have a rewards program and/or card available, make sure you take advantage of it. The rewards combined with coupons save a ton of money.

A few examples: 

Ulta: if you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know I love cosmetics. Ulta is the only place I shop for them. I get tons of points using my reward card; which adds up to a LOT of money off of my purchases. They regularly have specials where you can double and triple your points per purchase. Additionally, they offer a lot of buy 2 get 1 free sales on products, and always have coupons available. Also, if you obtain enough points to become platinum you get free gifts periodically. There are tons of ways to stretch your dollar at this place!

Rack Room: this shoe store is my favorite. They have such a wonderful variety of shoes ranging from high heels to hiking shoes. Their shoes are ALWAYS buy 1 get 1 half off. Then if you sign up for their reward program, you get $15 dollars every 200 points. That can be used on top of the "bogo" as well. Furthermore, you can sign up for email and text alerts and periodically they will send percent off coupons. You can use those coupons on top of the "bogo" and reward points! So if you're smart and plan wisely, you can get your shoes buy 1 get 1 half off, a $15 deduction in reward points, AND an additional 10-15% off with the coupon. That. is. awesome.

GNC: this place can look expensive and overpriced on the outside. However, you just need to be smart about it. They offer great discounts for their Gold Card memberships. Normally the Gold Card is $15 a year, but I have never had to pay for one. They offer great sales that will sometimes provide a free Gold Card with purchase, and  I have seen coupons that simply state "present this coupon to receive a free one-year Gold Card membership". Back in April, I got my Gold Card renewed for free because I showed a valid gym membership. On top of the great Gold Card sales, they email a LOT of coupons. Every month I am emailed a coupon for $10 off of my purchase of $20 or more. This helps me so, so much. You guys know how much I love Quest Bars and eat them every single week, so this coupon ON TOP of their permanent special of buy 3 get 1 free, saves me so much money. I usually get 12 Quest Bars for $15, making them only a little over a dollar each.

Before I make a purchase online or in a store, I always search for coupons. It literally does not matter what the store is, I always, ALWAYS Google for coupons. There are also apps you can download on your phone; I enjoy "Retail Me Not". If I am in a shopping center or driving to a store to purchase something, in the parking lot, I will pull up the application, and see if there are any valid coupons I can use for the day. I would have to say 80% of the time there are. 

A couple of examples:

Last weekend I was out running errands. I had been out for a few hours, it was super hot, and I was hungry and thirsty. There was a Smoothie King in the shopping center I was in. I rarely go there because it is too expensive for my tastes, plus some of the smoothies have way too much sugar. However, I noticed that they had new vegetable smoothies that were available so I was curious to try one. When I was standing in line, I checked on Retail Me Not for a coupon; there were none available. Then I Googled "Smoothie King Coupons", and sure enough I found one; receive a medium smoothie of your choice for $2.99. 

I never buy anything from New York and Company at retail cost-- ever. That is my favorite place to purchase clothes and they constantly have sales and coupons. A few months ago, I really wanted a new dress. I searched through my email inbox and did not have any valid coupons. I checked my phone and did not have any text coupons. I took to Google and sure enough I found a coupon code and saved 20% off of purchase. 
Ipsy is a subscription package I receive for $10 a month. What you receive are cosmetic related items. They range from makeup, hair and skin care products, nail polish, and other items similarly related. I  read a lot on different subscription companies before I made a choice, and easily felt like Ipsy was the best fit for me. I receive 4-5 products every month and a lot of times they are full sized and great brands. Even if I receive something I don't need right away, I put it up for when I do need it. The items always get used so I can definitely say it is worth every single penny. I have not bought lipstick and eye shadow in I don't know how long because of what I have received from Ipsy. That alone makes it worth while; single eye shadows and lipsticks easily cost $10 each!

Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Home Goods are wonderful stores to shop at for your home and/or anything decor related. Since I am on a budget and need to make every penny count, it has benefited me immensely to get creative and be self-sufficient. It is actually quite fun, too. I decorated my entire apartment on items from those stores at literally a fraction of the cost. I am not very good at crafts and DIY, but I am learning and having a LOT of fun in the process. 

An example: I REALLY want a princess headboard. However, those bad boys are super duper expensive ($500+). So, I am making my own and it is only going to cost between $60-80. I will share the experience, of course!

Now that I have listed my ways to save money, do you have anything to add? I feel as though you can never share too many money saving tips!

Weekend Recap: My 50 y/o Mother's 1st Tattoo & Cucumber Vodka

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was great, but definitely did not go as planned. Initially I had a couple of friends coming down from New England to stay the weekend with me. But thanks to the north getting a freaking snow storm, that was cancelled. It completely sucked, but oh well. Next, my good friend and co-worker Karen made plans for a girl's day with me Saturday then a movie Sunday. However, her son ended up getting in big trouble at school. In her words "he is grounded for life" thus she has so stay home with him all weekend to "supervise". Another bummer, but I made the best of it!

First off, how amazing is this month's Ipsy bag? I received mine Thursday night. It has to be my favorite yet! I love everything in it. If you don't know about it, it is a monthly makeup bag that you receive via mail for only $10 a month. You get a makeup bag each month along with 4-5 beauty products. It is amazing. If you want to join, please use my link; just click here!

Friday morning when I was getting ready for work, I could not wait to try my new products. I used the grey eye shadow from Pop Beauty and the lipstick from NYX. I am beyond in love with the color of this lipstick! It is a cross between brown and purple and it is absolutely beautiful. I am about to use the polish now to do my nails. 

Friday I worked all day as usual then when 5 o'clock finally came, I hit the gym with my best friend Kelly. We did 45 minutes of cardio and our ab routine. By the time we finished, I felt pretty tired. I usually am on Friday's after the week. I bought "Revenge" season 2 DVD (My favorite show ever) at Target on my lunch hour so I decided to watch that while I did things around my apartment. My washer and dryer were finally installed Friday afternoon as well. I had TONS of laundry to do - three loads to be exact, ugh!

Meanwhile, my freaking 50 year old mother and new grandmother was out getting her first tattoo! I could not believe it! Here I am "being a good girl" on a Friday night and my MOTHER is out getting a tattoo!

I still do not know how I feel about this. I mean, it's weird. I have tattoo but I was 18 when I got it and it is easily covered and hardly ever seen. Her's is on her forearm. I find it hilarious, but weird nonetheless. She is already talking about another one and I told her absolutely no way. She has to listen to me, too. Now that I am older, our roles have reversed quite a bit, ha.

The tattoo is in honor of her battle with MS.

Saturday morning looked a little bit like this:

It was so rainy and so gloomy so I decided to fold the mountain of laundry and run my Saturday errands. Groceries, Target, GNC, and Ulta. Except I forgot my Ulta coupons so I had to go today. Target has the cutest sweaters on sale for $15 bucks too! Later that afternoon I pushed myself at the gym. It was a hard work out. The weather was awful and I just wanted to stay cuddled at home. But I didn't! I did 40 minutes of cardio and an upper body weight circuit.

Then it was time to get ready for a night out!

My friend Alexis and I started out at this new spot in my neighborhood of Charlotte called "Bradshaw's Social House". We had dinner and cocktails and enjoyed life music. After we were there a while a few of my friends decided to join us!

I sipped on a on a drink called the "Caroleena". It is SkinnyGirl Cucumber Vodka and tonic water. I know it sounds kind of weird, but it was surprisingly delicious and light.

After Bradshaw's we went to my favorite place to dance; Cosmos. It is in the same strip as Bradshaw's so that was convenient. I even ran into the girls who work at the office of my apartment complex and danced with them! It was so random, but so fun.

This morning I slept in until 10:30. Ugh! I never sleep that late. But I did not go to sleep until after 3 AM so I needed it. When I woke up, I hit the ground running. I cleaned my apartment top to bottom then went out to run errands.

I was on a mission to find the perfect centerpieces to dress up my dining room table. My chairs were supposed to arrive Friday, but in true Liz fashion they're late. Since I am a "diva on a budget" I hit up Ross and Dollar tree to complete the look for dining room table.

I am super happy with how it turned out. Everything on my table, combined, was $35!

All of the candle holders in the center, plates, napkins, and napkin holders are from Ross and the tea candles and place mats are from Dollar Tree!

After spending over an hour of hunting, comparing, and figuring out what I wanted, I was finally finished. I went to the gym after. I am so thankful tomorrow is my rest day because my body is so tired. I only did 40 minutes of cardio today. It was supposed to be leg day, but my body is too sore.

I refueled with my favorite salad ever after the gym. It's the "steak and bleu cheese" salad from Panera. Yum!

The rest of my evening has been spent prepping food and getting things organized for the week that is about to ensure. I will say though, this upcoming week is the last 5 day work week for 2 weeks. That is something to be celebrate!

Who else is SO excited for the "Revenge" mid-season finale tonight?! I cannot wait to see how this wedding goes down!

I hope you guys had a great weekend!
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