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The Weekly Wrap

Well, this week did not go as planned! 

On Monday, I awoke feeling rested, well, and ready to start the week. I was even up early, so I sipped on a cup of Dunkin Donuts bakery flavored coffee and watched a few episodes of Forensic Files. 

When I got up to get ready for work, I made sure my hair was extra pretty for the day so I could take a picture of my new highlights. I went super dark back in January, and I absolutely love(d) it; but it faded so fast-- as dark usually does with my hair. I do not want to keep darkening it thus I decided to go with highlights and start the process of going back blonde.

Around 10 AM, I started getting really nauseous. I endured some pretty rough side effects from a medicine I am on, over the weekend, but I thought that was over, so I was unsure why I was feeling so bad.

Ten minutes after I started feeling bad, I threw up (TMI? Oh well). Afterwards, I felt better so I thought it was still just a side effects since I had been feeling bad over the weekend. A few minutes later I started feeling bad again. And well... I bet you can guess what happened. Over the course of two hours, I puked 7 times. I had to call it a day early and left for home at noon.

I spent the rest of day and evening sleeping. I felt absolutely awful. I was so sad, too. As you guys have read on my posts over the past two weeks, I have been sick a lot. I have cherished feeling "normal" and like myself again; so getting sick on Monday broke my heart. 

Tuesday ended up being the same way. I did not throw up as much, but I only lasted at work until 3. I once again slept all afternoon and evening.. I also talked to my doctor and learned that yes, I am indeed still pushing through some side effects. 

Fun, fun, I tell you. 

Wednesday, I woke up feeling better -- much, much better, but I had a headache (dehydration) and felt weak (expected). I was determined to have a good day though, so I made myself up extra fun with red and brown eye shadow (I love this look) and a positive attitude (ha).
I made it through the day without throwing up!

I was uber tired after work though, and Johnathan worked 12 hours in the sunshine and 80 degree weather, so he was even more tired and drained than I was. Needless to say, we went to bed very early; J had started falling asleep on the couch at 6 PM anyway. 

He is so cute when he sleeps, hehe.

Yesterday, I was back to normal, but still intensely fatigued (I am so damn tired of feeling tired all of the time), but I pushed through work and got caught up on everything.

Checks... invoices... bank reconciliations... credits... issues... make all of the numbers stop!

I did, however, have a nice little break in the afternoon and surprised my co-workers with an "ice-cream sundae" bar". There is nothing better than having happy employees! The weather was super gloomy, everyone has been working hard, and today is the first day of Spring, thus ice-cream just felt right. I opted for a low-sugar sherbet option so I could keep it healthier and still participate. Surprisingly (not), it was not a popular choice amongust the others. Ha.

Last night, I made sure I rested and relaxed, and I even watched "Crossroads" on Netflix. Man, that Britney movie brings back so many memories! I got in bed early and slept like a rock. 

Today I feel the best I have felt all week! I feel back to me again. Plus, having my work caught up is a great feeling, especially when I had a ton going on. I am super happy it's Friday as I am ready for the weekend.

Plus, when you receive texts like this at work, how can it not be a great day?

Let's Chat: Your Weekly Dose of Random!

It is Friday; and in true Fitness Blondie fashion, I am linking up with the girls and it is time for another round of "Let's Chat": your weekly dose of random in regards to all things life!

I received my Ipsy bag a little late this month; it felt like it took forever to come. I absolutely love the bag this though; the teal color is very pretty. I used the mascara, eyeliner, and lip color, in the picture below and I think they look great together. The lip color is natural and the mascara really thickens and lengths the lashes. The liner glades on nice and smooth; which is essential for me when I am picking out an eyeliner.

I have not used the protein BB cream that came for my hair but I am excited to use it as my hair is super dry. Has anyone else used it; what do you think?

If you do not know what Ipsy is, it is a monthly cosmetics subscription. On the first of every month you are charged only $10 bucks, and in the middle of the month you receive 4-5 beauty products. The best part? When  you sign up, you take a survey of your likes and wants, and Ipsy will send products catered to your preferences!
My mantra lately has been lazy girl hair. I have written about it before and I am still keeping this style going. I have not been a morning person at all; not that I have ever been, it has just been worse over the post couple of weeks, ha. Therefore, my hairstyles are all 3-5 minutes or less. However, it works! A little dry shampoo, leave in conditioner, and some volumizing hair spray is all a girl needs.
My anxiety has been so much better and damn it feels great to say that. I am staying so super busy with work and blogging; but it's great. It is essential to my growth and success; so I will take it. I have officially started training regularly at my new gym and so far so good. It is good to be back at a gym with a lateral cardio machine; I have been taking advantage of it regularly. I have also been really putting myself out there to make new friends. I have gone out with friends that I have not seen in a while and I have made a few awesome new ones; especially my girlfriends Candice and Brandie. I have been going out, doing new things, and having a lot of fun! That means so much to me especially due to the place I have been in life over the past months.
My dear friend Heather has launched her brand new company Shine Athletica. It is absolutely amazing to see women chasing their dreams and putting in the hard work and dedication it requires to be successful. Heather has done just that with her new apparel company. I know my friends and readers need new, awesome gym gear on a regular basis, so help me support small business and visit Heather's site! She has also been kind enough to offer a coupon code; which we all love!
The wonderful and amazing Diatta has interviewed me for the GuideStar Professional Connection blog to talk all things blogging; what I stand far, how I grow, and what blogging means to me. Head on over to read the article and show Diatta some love; she is so smart with blogging and works so, so hard!

Good Wine, Big Hair, A Budget Diva, and Cat Food...?

Happy Friday, everyone. I was originally not going to blog this morning, as this is my SEVENTH post this week, ha! However, 7 is a lucky number so I thought I would just share a few random things that happened this week and products I love. I started this morning off by picking up Crackbuck's for my boss and I. That made me come alive, thus I can write now.
Monday my best friend Kelly came over to my apartment when she got off of work. We had girl talk and a bottle of the best wine I have ever had. Sauvignon Blanc is my favorite type of wine and this bottle is the best. It is not sweet, but still has a rich fruitful flavor. Plus it's only $10 a bottle.
A few months ago when I took Marty for his annual physical and check up, the veterinarian told me he was almost a pound overweight. He is mostly hair and naturally a big cat due to being part Maine Coon, but nonetheless, he has some chub that needs to be fixed. 

It has been hard.

He is addicted to "Temptation treats" and knocks me over if I dare step in the kitchen and not offer him some. I have been transitioning him off of those treats and his regular cat food, to a natural, grain-free diet. I am sure a lot of you have seen the "Blue Buffalo" pet food commercials. I have, thus I decided to try him on it since it seems authentic and healthy. The doctor agreed. 

I have to say, I am shocked at how much Marty likes this food. He is usually "over" dry food quickly and will not eat it after a week or two, but not this brand. I have had him on this weight control kind for 2 months and he devours it like it's filet mignon. It just goes to show that quality does make all the difference, even with our pets. He gets half a cup of this in the morning, then half a can of Variety Pet's "fine dining" grain free canned cat food at night, which he also loves. I want my baby happy and health forever and ever.
Yesterday I needed to make an Ulta trip. I was out of my favorite dry shampoo and decided to try the "Powder Play" from Big Sexy Hair. I love big, voluminous hair; so if there is a product people are swearing by, I am going to try it. The verdict on this product is that it is worth every penny. Combine "Powder Play" with the dry shampoo, and my volume is out of control! Also, the dry shampoo does not make hair roots oily either. Win!

When I finished my errands and the gym last night, I had a letter in the mail from Sirius XM giving me a 3-month free trial of XM radio since I purchased my new car. I have never used XM radio so I am excited to try it out. I love talk show type things, so please leave any recommendations if you have them. My favorites are raunchy comedy, paranormal/ghost talk, motivational and inspirational messages, and celebrity gossip. 
Then I opened my email and Time Warner sent me two advanced screening tickets to see "Sin City" this upcoming Wednesday. They are also providing free concessions. That was unexpected and very welcome; especially since I die a little each month when I pay my cable bill. I can't wait to go.
Those are great additions to go with being a diva on a budget!

Lastly, I updated my about section so take a peak and let me know what you think. Now I believe I am finally out of things to write about so I'm signing off. Have a great weekend everyone. I'm linking up today; you should too! 

Let's Chat: All About The Week

Happy Friday! I am pleased to say that this week has been wonderful. There is no particular reason why or anything grand that happened, I just feel good. My spirit, my mood, my mind... I feel like my normal self again. Ah, I'm relishing in it! In true Friday fashion, today's post will be random things about my week that I want to share. 

Tuesday, I had my very first washer and dryer installed at my apartment. I finally purchased a set from Lowes Home Improvement. I got a great deal plus a great warranty. Previously I was paying $30 a month to rent a washer and dryer from a company and I was sick of wasting the money every month. I will always need to wash clothes, so I finally invested. I may have gotten a little too excited about owning a set. I am definitely getting old.

Since I have been working summer hours at my job (4 work days, 10 hours long), I have been lazy in the morning when it comes to styling my hair. Something that will only take 3-5 minutes is my go-to. And I think my system works! I am using Big Sexy Hair's powder for good volume, dry shampoo to keep my roots from looking so oily, and a beach wave spray from Ipsy, which adds just enough curl and wave. I really like it.

I have never been a big Starbucks fan. I do not drink coffee nor do I care for overpriced tea filled with sugar. However, a couple of weeks ago when my sister was in town, we went because she loves it. I was thirsty so I picked out their new Blackberry Mojito tea. Now I'm freaking addicted, ha! This has been my favorite go-to drink this summer. It has an authentic fruit taste (I am obsessed with anything blackberry flavored) and it is not loaded with sugar. If you are like me and crave all things ice-cream and smoothie during the hot months, this tea is a great option. You can purchase it unsweetened which is even better and as a lemonade. 

When I was a teenager and could blow money because I had no cares or bills, purses were my favorite thing to splurge on. My how that has changed since I have to be an adult now (ugh). I only purchase maybe 1-2 purses a year and carry it until it falls apart. In March I found the cutest bag at Target, but now the straps are hanging on to the purse for dear life, so I threw in the towel. I went to Burlington Coat Factory and found the cutest Nine West bag for only $27! Burlington is my absolute go-to for bags. They have a gorgeous selection and unbeatable prices. I am super excited!

When I was driving home from work yesterday and checked my mail, I noticed my Ipsy bag finally came! I was a little nervous this month because my mom told me she was a little disappointed in hers, and a lot of girls on Instagram seemed to concur. Not me! I loved this months bag. I can luckily use everything that came in it. It also looks as if Ipsy accidentally included an extra skin soother, which I always have use for. I give this month two thumbs up.  

If you don't know what Ipsy is - it is a monthly makeup bag you receive via mail. It is only $10 a month and with that you get a makeup bag and 3-4 beauty products. You are billed on the first of every month and products arrive between the 10-15th! When you sign up, you get to customize your settings so you get products closely matched to your beauty preferences. If you want to join, please click here and use my link. I will appreciate it so much!

Yesterday we also had the best weather in Charlotte. It was nice and warm; not humid and sticky. There was a light breeze and it felt like spring or fall. I decided I had to take full advantage of it, so I ditched the gym and hit the greenway. My hips are paying for it a bit, but it was well worth it.

Now on to get the work day over. I have a busy week ahead so I am ready to relax this weekend so I can take it head on...

Try Quest Protein Bars!

Lets Chat: Lots of Things to Share!

Since I am a little rebel, I am posting my Friday 5 a tad early. I feel chatty so I'm going to go with it!

What a week. I hate how I feel so drained by Friday, but I have been a little busier than normal. I was back in my hometown this past weekend, and that was nonstop with visiting family. When I arrived back in town Monday, that was just as busy getting things done from being gone. To top things off, I have been working 10-11 hour days at work. My mom and sister-in-law are coming into town tomorrow to spend the weekend with me, maybe get into some trouble, and have a little fun. I really feel like I need a release -- something to recharge me so I am hungry to keep pushing hard on my journey. I am hopefully gong to let loose some this weekend and get back on the grind Monday. I will still hit the gym though, I can't miss my leg workout! Okay, so things I want to talk about:

I love my Ipsy bag this month! They are really doing a great job. It has to be the best $10 I spend every month. On the below picture I am wearing the Bombshell mascara, DD cream, and the amazing NYX lip gloss. I am telling you guys, NYX has completely won my loyalty. I am obsessed with their lip colors and styles. They are so affordable too. Also in the picture, I am wearing gold/brown eye shadow I received in March's Ipsy bag which is also by the Bombshell brand. I am happy that so many of the products I receive are getting good use. 

If you don't know what Ipsy is - it is a monthly makeup bag you receive via mail. It is only $10 a month and with that you get a makeup bag and 3-4 beauty products. You are billed on the first of every month and products arrive between the 10-15th! When you sign up, you get to customize your settings so you get products closely matched to your beauty preferences. If you want to join, please click here and use my link! I will appreciate it so much!

I received the #SurfsUpVoxBox from the awesome Influenster this week. I am enjoying the products and  it easy to write about since I will definitely be able to use everything included!

Smoothie Kit: I love smoothies, especially with the hot weather. That is when I crave them most. And it is a total win when you can make them in a healthy way. I can't wait to pick up my kit and get creative! 
After Sun Aloe: My sister-in-law and I will hopefully be having a pool day Saturday depending upon the weather. That aloe will definitely come in hand,y plus it smells great, which is always a plus.
Sinful colors nail polish: I do not wear a lot of yellow because I have never thought it looks that good on my skin tone. However, my mom has more Indian in her than I do, so I think it will look fabulous on her. We are getting pedicures tomorrow so I am going to let her use the polish.
First Aid Shot Therapy: Like I stated above, I want to cause a little trouble this weekend. I have a big feeling that bad boy may come in handy!
Covergirl Bombshell Curvaceous Mascara: Covergirl does it again -- but what else would you expect? I love how this mascara has two ends, plus the brushes are shorter, so you are able to pull on your lashes for extra length. One side is for volume and the other side for thickness.

Along with the awesome Covergirl mascara from Influenster, I have been using my beach spray that I received in my Ipsy bag. That has been a lifesaver for me this week with long hours at the office. The last thing I want to do in the morning is spend a lot of time on my hair. I spray and go with that product. Plus the smell reminds me so much of the beach. 

Gosh I just freaking love makeup and cosmetics!

You probably see a lot of #TBT (Throwback Thursday) pictures on social media. When I was home this past weekend, my mom gave me and old picture from when I was a toddler. I had completely forgotten about that picture, but still remember that day at my aunts pool. I thought it was hilarious so I wanted to share it!

One thing I love about my group of Blogging friends is that we are so supportive of one another. I have made so many friends and continue to make new ones on a daily basis. That being said, I have two sponsors this month that I would love to introduce you all too:

I am so happy to have found Trace. She has a heart of gold and is one of the sweetest women I have the pleasure of calling a friend. Plus I am all about a girl who loves her wine. Her blog is a lifestyle blog and it is very fun to follow along with her daily happenings. She is also working hard to get healthy. A lot of know how that is! Trace, you're doing an amazing job. A little more about her: I'm an ex-sorority girl, native Texan, former New Yorker, Gemini and lover of avocado margaritas, cooking, animals, GIFs, and proper spelling. I also enjoy using parentheses. By day, I work in digital marketing (these opinions are mine, by the way). I'm forever trying to lose weight while still loving to cook and eat things like fresh pasta, homemade bread, rich cheeses, and all of the wine in the land.

Tricia is a dear friend of mine with an awesome fitness blog. I'm a little jealous, but that's OK. She has a lot of recipes and workouts. Plus she has a lot of demonstration pictures to give a visual for different exercises -- which to me is better than someone simply typing how to do an exercise. She is gorgeous, so caring, and has the best sense of humor. To keep inspired, motivated, and up-to-date information in all things health, you should definitely follow Tricia! A little more about her: I love health and fitness.  The way the body works is absolutely amazing and I sometimes call it a “machine” because as long as it is given what it needs, it will give you what you need too. My favorite past time is dancing; music is great for the soul...and the thighs and legs! I continuously learn about the way the body functions and have been studying it for over a decade.  I seek ways to improve and how to overcome obstacles in the most natural way possible.

If you are interested in advertising, sponsoring, and/or anything in between click here! I am passionate about what I do, so let's make things happen together!
Since I have come into this plateau for a couple of weeks now, it makes it very easy to get discouraged and pessimistic about losing weight. Combine that with working a lot of extra hours, and it has been very hard to stay positive. Like I said earlier in the week, at least I am doing the best I can with everything going on. A couple of days ago I came across a picture of myself on my work computer. It was taken literally 3 days (November 22nd, 2013 not the 25th, I captioned it wrong) before I knew I had to start a new weight loss journey. This picture was my breaking point. I was utterly shocked at how big I was and how bad I had gotten. This picture was even taken very high up which is probably the most flattering angle a picture can be taken from. When I compare that picture to what I look like now, I know I am on the right path and making immense progress. And I will always keep pushing no matter how hard it gets. You literally just have to keep going, one healthy choice at a time.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday, the best weekend ever, and don't forget to link up and share your Friday things!

Try Quest Protein Bars!