Well ladies, the holidays are over. Tomorrow it is back to a 5-day work week with no holidays off until Memorial Day. No more family gatherings, yummy food, Christmas decorations, carols... anything. What a bummer.

*Lots of great Monday link-up's going on! Check them out here!
Now it's time for all of us to hit the weights hard - keep it dirty in the gym and clean in the kitchen. I lost 5 pounds the week of Christmas; 20.6 pounds since November 25th. I will go to the doctor on Thursday for my B12 shot and have them weigh me to see what I lost last week. I am not looking forward to that. I have been fighting off a cold and my mom stayed all week with me. I definitely ate more than usual. Ugh...
This weekend was a lot of fun, but way more relaxing than what I usually have. And I loved it. My mom came down on Tuesday; New Years Eve and left this morning. I normally cry like a baby when she leaves, but I kept myself busy so for once I didn't. Yep, I am 24 and still cry. What can I say? I am a total "mama's girl".
Friday, my mom came up to my office so she could meet my boss; the President of my company. We then went out to lunch. I wanted to try a new place so what better time than with my mom? The place was called "Terrace Cafe" and it was amazing. We had our favorite appetizer that we get anywhere we go; "Tomato and Mozzarella".
I then went back to work and she went to her favorite boutique called "The Cubby Hole". Any time she comes to stay with me, she has to go there. It is a cute place. Once I got off of work, I hit the gym for cardio and weights. I had lunch to work out and it was an awesome work out.
When I got back to my apartment, mom had a gift for me on the counter!
How cute right?
She picked up a purse for me while she was at "The Cubby Hole". Thanks Mom!
We then took off to pick up a salad for me and McAlisters (I am addicted to the Savannah chopped salad) then picked up Chinese for her and Marquis. I wanted Chinese as well, but I resisted. It was not easy though. Since Marquis has been sick with the flu, we took him dinner and hung out for a while.
Yesterday mom woke up not feeling well. She has MS and it was taking over. She did great all week; we were really busy and on the go. But Saturday it was time for her to just rest. We had plans to go out to dinner and see a movie, but it was time to improvise.I went to the grocery store and bought all kinds of fun stuff to make finger foods for her. I then invited my girlfriend Crystal to come eat with us too. I absolutely love cooking but this took all day! It was well worth it though.
I made bacon wrapped water chestnuts, Parmesan and rosemary whole wheat bread bites, a whole wheat pepperoni and cheese pizza, and chocolate covered fruit!
Since Crystal was coming over, I had all of my candles and lights going. I love candles and fun lights, and I do not turn them on unless I have company.
This is my favorite section, it's my small bookcase. I of course filled it Marilyn and zebra print, duh!
This was my set up for dinner, I loved it!
We had a great time eating and talking.
Crystal left around 10, then I got busy on Mario Cart. When my mom came down on Tuesday, she brought me my brother's Wii. And I have been addicted ever since. I get my family's used electronics and I am so grateful I do!
And I am so proud to announce that I unlocked the Star and Leaf Cup's on there! Anyone have any advice or codes to get more things? I still have two more cups to unlock.
This morning mom and I woke up around 9:30 and she left half an hour later. I knew I needed to be out and about after she left, especially because it is so rainy, gloomy, and cold today. So I met Marquis at a delicious Mexican restaurant called "Cantina 1511" and we had an early lunch. Afterwards we saw "Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones". It was so freaking good! I am a horror junkie, and this movie did not disappoint. It was hilarious and really scary and the ending was super cool. Now I am excited for "Devils Due" in a few weeks!
The best part - I received a free popcorn since I gained enough points on my Regal card. I love having that card.
Now I am back home and I am going to make the best of this gloomy Sunday. Tomorrow it's back on the grind. I am going to beat more levels on Mario Cart (hopefully) and play with my new Kindle. My mom gave me her Kindle Fire!
I think I am going to buy "Divergent". It looks really cool.
And if you are addicted to Revenge like I am, it comes back on at 9 PM tonight! I can't wait to see what is going on with Emily!
PS: My blog hop starts back this WEDNESDAY! Do not forget. Come add your link (no specific entry is required) so you can advertise your blog and network with other Blogger's. I have to tell you, I have some of the best Blogging friends around. Co-hosting opportunities are here.
See ya then!
*Lots of great Monday link-up's going on! Check them out here!