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Our New Collection In Edelhert Design Travel Store!

The Sunshine Travel Collection:

Sunshine Travel Collection

Hello Traveler,

Thanks for (re)visiting our blog,

Today we have created a New Collection with Travel Products.
The designs give you a nice Sunny Holliday Feeling.

Other Collections:

We also have

The Costa Rica Collection, the Peru Collection,
and the

South Africa Collection


See More Sunglasses

Your Thoughts:

We Love To See Comments About
How You Like These
Sunshine Travel Designs!

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That You Sure Will Like, When You Enjoyed
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Top 5 Electronics You Take With You On Your Travels

Did You Ever Think You Could Write A Novel On Your Vacation?

New Suitcase Design from Edelhert Design Travel

Hello Traveler,

Great to have you on this blog today,

Some time ago we had a special (Meerkat)

Summer Time Suitcase Design for you.

As you can see now we have
a new Suitcase Design for you

Feel free to let us know what you think about this
new design by writing your comment here below this
blog post.

Your Thoughts:

How Do You Like These
Travel Inspired Graphic Designs?

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Top 5 Electronics You Take With You On Your Travels

Did You Ever Think You Could Write A Novel On Your Vacation?

When you take your Digital Camera with you....,

'Alway's take with you
one or more Spare Memory Cards'


Nowaday's with digital camera's - for example
the highly popular
Canon PowerShot -,
it's easy to take a lot of pictures.

But wouldn't it be a shame to miss out
on one of those special moments
with your camera?

So alway's have enough memory
for your camera with you.

On Digital Camera-Ideas
you can find interesting ideas for your Digital Photography,
and info about how you can make money
with Travel Writing
and - Photography.

If you want to read about some great
travel photography tips
simply click at:

Travel Photography Tips


'What are your Favorite Photo Moments...?'

You can Post your Feed Back by clicking the "Comments" link.

Other Posts
That You Sure Will Like, When You Enjoyed
Reading This Post:

easily find hotels and a lot more practical info

Parfumes to remember

The Utlimate Travel

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That You Sure Will Like, When You Enjoyed
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Top 5 Electronics You Take With You On Your Travels

Did You Ever Think You Could Write A Novel On Your Vacation?

Summer Fun: My Birthday and Beach Trip!

Yesterday I turned 24 years old. I can't believe it. I still cannot believe I even turned 21. Now here I am turning 24. OMG! Where does time go?! I have had a great weekend filled with love, celebration, salty air, and good food. Here is what has been going on:

Friday: Long day at work, but at 5 o'clock it was finally dunzo. I started with a heavy leg work out at the gym and cardio then went home. There was lots of packing to be done! My cat was the best little helper in the world, then he decided to play in the bathtub. I just thought these pictures were cute! :)

Saturday: Marquis and I left for the beach bright and early. We arrived around 2 and had a drink at our hotel bar, toured some condo's, then got ready. We had dinner at our favorite Myrtle spot, "California Pizza Kitchen" then had a lovely evening on the boardwalk: live music, arcade games, shopping, and maybe a cocktail or two! 
Vodka tonic at our oceanside hotel bar!
Beautiful beach view from the bar!

Sunday: We spent the day at the pool and ocean soaking up the sun! When we were all pooped out from the sun, we showered and went to Planet Hollywood for an early dinner and cocktail, then saw "Wolverine" in 3D at the awesome theater at "Broadway at the Beach". By the time the movie was over we went back to our hotel for a drink at the hotel. It was such a beautiful night. The breeze was perfect and there is nothing like having a drink by the ocean. The bartender even turned on "True Blood" for me on the bar outside!

My beach bum!
Planet Hollywood
Planet Hollywood
Planet Hollywood
Drinks at Planet Hollywood in our souvenir cups!
Ready for an evening out!
Monday: We woke up bright and early and toured more condo's (we have been looking for a while) and finally placed an offer on an awesome ocean front condo at "Ocean Reef Resort" this place is amazing. It was a bowling alley in it, water park, general store, Starbucks, restaurant/exclusive bar, and tons of indoor/outdoor pools. The rest of the day was spent being beach bums again, but it was interrupted by a huge storm around 4 PM. We decided to go back to the room and get ready, then went to Encounters: UFO Museum. I love the paranormal and UFO's so I was really excited about it, but very disappointed. Afterwards we had dinner at Margaritaville. 

Gorgeous view
Soaking up the sun!
Poolside kisses
Encounters: UFO Museum
Encounters: UFO Museum
Encounters: UFO Museum
Encounters: UFO Museum
Encounters: UFO Museum
Encounters: UFO Museum
Listening to real 911 calls about UFO's in Encounter's
Encounters: UFO Museum
Tuesday: It was my birthday and time to leave the beach and head home. I spent the afternoon of my birthday grocery shopping, unpacking, prepping food, cleaning, and getting ready to be back on my grind. Marquis is prepping for his next bodybuilding show in October so we are back on our grind. We did take a little break last night for some birthday cake, though. My o my, it was amazing! I had a fantastic birthday and I welcome "24" with open arms!

Cake batter ice cream cake for my birthday!
My first picture at "24" - let's do this! :)

Weekend Recap: Back from the Beach!

I have been back home from the beach since Monday afternoon and have been trying to get back in the swing of everyday life. We had a great time and could not have asked for better weather!

Friday afternoon, I rushed home after a half day at work, we packed up my car, put the top back, and we were ready to go.

Let's get this show on the road!
We get to the beach around 6, check in, and go to our room. We usually stay at Breaker's Resort or Patricia Grande, but this time we decided to try a "pet friendly" resort so we could take our dog, Hope. We rescued Hope in November of 2011. She is a VERY old dog from a puppy mill, and had a hard life. We are trying to provide her the best life possible in case something happens to her in the near future. We stayed at the Sea Mist Resort, which is huge, but trashy. My list of bitching could go on for days, but I will spare you guy. Out of 5 stars, I would give it 1.5. The only thing I could say is we had a good view.

Hello, Myrtle.
I make Marquis and I some some drinks and since it was after 5 PM, we took Hope for a walk along the beach. Everyone was coming up to us on the beach talking about how cute Hope was. We ended up being out there for two hours. I had a great buzz.

Cheers to two years together
When we get back to the room, it was about 8:30 PM and we were starving. We decided to go over to the resort next to us, Coral something, because they had a bar and a bowling alley on their 4th floor. We had a blast there and were back in our room around 11. I was dunzo. I feel asleep in under 5 seconds.

Saturday morning, we were early birds. It was our two year anniversary so we were up at 7:30. We went to our favorite breakfast buffet at Breaker's Resort (notice how we keep leaving our resot, haha) and then go look at the tanning business we are maybe looking at buying. After that we went to tour a few condo's. Lots of work going on around us.

Early Myrtle morning
Finally around 1 it was play time. We spent the afternoon lounging by the pool and playing in the ocean. I definitely got creamed by 3 waves in a row while we were trying to get out of the ocean and had sand everywhere. Literally, everywhere. My thighs had some nice scrapes on them too from all the seashells I kept falling on.
Napping by the pool with his fake batman tattoo, lol
We come back to the room to get ready for evening and I make us my speciality drink; The Taylor Fruity Tini :)

We had dinner at our most favorite restaurant in Myrtle beach; Ultimate California Pizza. I had a mushroom sandwich and it was to die for. It had pesto, mozzarella, and the bread was Ciabatta bread with some type of seasoning on it. I am drooling now thinking about it.

I suck at taking selfie's, but this was the best we could do. His were worse than mine.
We spent the rest of the evening on the boardwalk. We watched a live band, had more drinks, and played arcade games. It was a blast. I love doing random things with Marquis. We have the best time. He is literally my best friend.

Sunday morning, we slept in, but not much later. We had breakfast then decided to nap by the pool. We laid out most by the kids pool that was only a foot deep. We put our lounge beds in the pool and it was awesome. We fell asleep for almost two hours. After laying out we were hungry and decided to split ice-cream for lunch. So healthy, right?

O. M. G.
We came back and decided to go back out to the ocean. Around 5 we came back in, got ready, then had juicy burgers at River City Cafe. It is one of the best places to go in Myrtle if you want a real, juicy burger. Afterwards we went back to the boardwalk. We had drinks at a local little bar there and watched a cheesy Elvis impersonator.
Look who we rain into walking in from the beach. So cute.

Side Story: Marquis is crazy about animals. He is a 240 pound bodybuilder, but nothing can bring him to his knees like animals. It's so cute. Well, these little babies, jumped in our hotel pool. A man in the pool started taking a freaking bucket and tried was trying to scoop the babies out of the pool! It had to hurt the babies, and it was making the mom go insane. Marquis started screaming at the man from our balcony on the 7th floor, ran down to the pool, made the man stop, called someone to safely get the babies and the mom out of the pool, and waited there with them. How awesome is that!
Never a serious picture.
Monday we left bright and early now I'm back in the real world. We have so much going on with the business side of the trip that I will write about on another day when I have my thoughts together.

Memorial Week

Since I had Memorial Day off from work, I decided to take a couple extra days and go somewhere!

After a few hours in the air (and a great sunrise view of the city),

sunrise over golden gate
The City & The Headlands
I was here:

Dear paradise, please don't leave me. You're so beautiful. I want to stay with you forever. #roatan #nofilter #beachvacation
West Bay

I am not going to bore you with stories of lazing around on the beach, reading, or overeating. Instead, let's talk about the ways you can attempt to stay fit while on vacation. I feel a little list coming on!

Beach Running: I tried to go every day, but there were a few obstacles. First, it was HOT and HUMID. I kept going earlier and earlier but once the sun was up (around 6 am) it was pretty much scorching by then. Also, running in sand is hard. According to this article, running in sand is 1.6 times harder than running on solid ground. So I am going to take that to mean that when I ran 2 miles, it was really 3.2. That way it sounds like I really did something! No really though, you supposedly expend 1.6 x more energy. Coupled with the heat, I would say it's closer to 2 times more!

Swimming: It was so nice to go for a few laps in the clear water (see photo above -- that was my lap pool) every morning after my run.

Diving: According to this website, you burn more calories diving than you do walking fast!  It states that I burned about 200 calories in a half of hour! Also, if you are interesting in scuba diving, I wrote a post a while back about my favorite places to go diving.

shiny sunset
Sunset walk

Kayaking: Coupled with the swimming, this made me have some tired arms at the end of the day! I always say I am like a T-rex: strong legs, weak arms. I need to work on that!

Walking: Where we stayed was about 2 miles from "town" although we did have plenty of restaurants and bars nearby. We walked to town every day and if we could, we also walked back. This was also on the beach, so I wonder if walking in sand is also 1.6 times harder? I am going to go with Yes.

Carrying Water:  We really take tap water for granted! When you can't drink the water, you spend a lot of time buying and lugging around big bottles of water. I drink so much that I buy it a gallon at a time, and that weighs about 8 lbs, so I got a bit of a workout every time I bought a bottle (and especially if I had to carry it from town)!

Dancing in the Sand: This a great way to burn some calories and to have fun, but it also gives you really sore calves the next day! I suggest the Samba. Along with this song. It will really get your blood pumping. By the way, there is actually a specific dance to this song; you can kind of see it here. It is pretty fun! Las Manos Arriba!

What's your vacation strategy? Do you just give up trying to be active or do you make time somehow? Do you plan vacations around activities or activities around vacations?

Speak On Stage?, How about Cruise Travel?

Talking about CRUISE TRAVEL...,

Using your Speaking Skills this way
does look a little like The Lazy Way to Success in Action!

'How about finding out how

Is that at all possible?

Yes, apparently..., and it even gets better, you don't even have to
Travel as 'One of the Crew', You can even get the 'Status' as a Passenger!!

'being able to also ENJOY all

Because apparently - as far as I understand - when
the Cruise Ships are 'cruising' there is a demand for 'Entertainment' onboard,
and apparently when you develope certain skills
to present usefull info for the passengers onboard
for example as the author Daniel Hall did
with a 'Presentation' about Vacation Spanish

Than you might be able to join
a Cruise Lines 'Enrichment Programm'

In the link here below, you can see (and listen) to find out
more about how you can CRUISE TRAVEL for FREE!!

Or you can simply have a look at
the resources here below:

On You can also find some interesting info
about 'Speaking On Stage' and can also offer you a great resource for getting Inspiration
for your own Speaking! You can find this link at:
Great Inspiration for Speaking On Stage

To Write - Your - Comments, simply click the Comments-Link here below:

One of the Best Happy Travel Campagnons You can Imagine.

An MP3 Player is one of the Best
Travel Compagnons you can Imagine.

Holliday Fun in the SUN
With an MP3 Player

Something that I Like on vacations, is reading Magazines
or Books Like for example

The Lazy Way to Success: How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything
Besides reading some great

Bestselling Book I Like Listening to

Music on an MP3 Player while laying in the Sun.

'Just Listening to my

Favorite Music not having to work
except for working on a Tan!'

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