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Book etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Did you ever think (on your Vacation) You Could Write a Novel?

DISCOVER Big Long-term Writing Projects & Little Short-term Writing Projects Besides going to the Beachand taking a swim...,It's great to have vacation time, I have seen that you frequently write about Inspiring Travel Related Topics in your TWEETS, as I can see on Our TWITTER Page and it is also a Topic that I enjoy.Something that helped me to get Inspired to create this Special TRAVEL...

Great Things To Take With You On Your Travels

Hello Traveller, In todays post..., This is Exactly What You Have Been Looking ForYou can also check out some nice Specially Designed Shoesand Specially Designed Tennis Ware You can also discover more Shoes & Clothing in the link here below: Shoes & Clothingto buy for your travels.Other Posts That You Sure Will Like, When You Enjoyed Reading This Post: easily find hotels and a lot more practical...

Travel Writing & Writing Book Reviews

How About Discovering a Proven and Very Effective Way to Make Money Online...???You might have read in previous posts about how you can become a Travelpreneur with a travel blogspot, You can just have a look at an example of a Book Review I wrote...

How to get the most from your Cool Drink!

Besides listening to nice Music on your MP3 PlayerTo really get into a Vacation mood don't just haveyour Cool Drink in an ordinary glass, pick a special glas that 'Sounds Good'. Why on earth in a special good sounding glass you might ask...? Well, when you put your Cool Dink in for example a 'Good...

The ultimate 'Travel': Discover the Way to Success!

As mentioned in a previous post I mentioned an item that people - visiting this Travel Blog - actually buy. Now I couldn't help noticing that currently a new developement has taken place, now I actually see an other product that seems to be catching on a little here on this blog. It's a book titled:...

Christmas Ideas for Books Popular in Europe

Books for Christmas:Since my Sister is real Passionate about reading Books, I asked her to give me some tips about books to put on your Chistmas-list With Books that she can recommend for reading under the Christmas tree.Here below you can see some of the Names on that List: You can read about it in a post titled: Chistmas Ideas for Books Popular in EuropeOther Related Posts: Home Business Books for...

One of the Best Happy Travel Campagnons You can Imagine.

An MP3 Player is one of the Best Travel Compagnons you can Imagine.Holliday Fun in the SUN With an MP3 Player Something that I Like on vacations, is reading Magazines or Books Like for example The Lazy Way to Success: How to Do Nothing and Accomplish EverythingBesides reading some great Bestselling...

Travel Tip: Have Something to be able to pass the time in your Hand Luggage.

As you can read in a Home Business Online Forum Post I discovered that it can be handy - when you have to wait very long for your luggage - that it can be handy to have something in your Hand Luggage to be able to pass the time. For example a Swim-suit or for example a book like the ones you can find at: HP's Happy BOOKS BlogspotOr just have a look at the 'Highly Recommended Reading' section at the...

Work & Play on the Beach for Travelpreneurs

Once in a while - especially when it's great Sunny weather - I go to the Beach with some reading material about Internet Marketing because as an 'International Seller'(see post Your Chance) I also am an Entrepreneur with a Home Business Lifestyle as you can read all about at: HP's Happy HOME BUSINESS'Looks...

Book Review: The Man Who Sold The World

Title: The Man Who Sold The World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America Author: William Kleinknecht Publisher: Nation Books I read this book about a month ago and I’ve been meaning to post a brief review of it, I purchased it a year ago because it promised to examine the legacy of Ronald Reagan and the actions of his administration and how Reagan’s actions as President of...

Book Review: King Leopold’s Ghost

Recently I finished reading an incredibly well written book titled King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa written by Adam Hochschild, this book is focused upon the acquisition by Belgium of an African colony in the Congo region and the subsequent economic, social, and political exploitation and terror of that region by various different forces within the...

Saving on Airline Tickets!

Somehow while surfing on the web I accidently stumbled up on a Book that claims to help you save up to 75% on Airline Tickets. Personally I don't have any experience with this particular book, but it does sound interesting, So I thought that it would be worth mentioning on here on the TRAVEL Blogspot. 'It might directly put you into a HOLLIDAY - or TRAVEL MOOD,just as the BANNER you can find here...

Morality coloring history…

One of the challenges that I consider central to the study of history, in fact one of the cornerstone duties of every historian, is to attempt to write history as neutral as humanly possible on a topic.  Now it is probably impossible to be truly neutral, the very process of analyzing history or choosing a topic to explore puts a bias on things, however I still feel a historian should do...