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Book etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Did you ever think (on your Vacation) You Could Write a Novel?

DISCOVER Big Long-term Writing Projects & 

Little Short-term Writing Projects 

Besides going to the Beach
and taking a swim...,

It's great to have vacation time,

I have seen that you frequently write about Inspiring Travel Related Topics in

your TWEETS, as I can see on Our TWITTER Page and it is also a Topic that I enjoy.
Something that helped me to get Inspired to create this Special TRAVEL Blog
TRAVEL also offers a great opportunity to take time to Read Books...,

Vacation is great for
pick up Travel Writing
or to read books,

A lot of people read great Bestselling Novels during their
Travel/Vacations as you can see at Dan Brown Interview
the author Dan Brown even thought:

"I can do that too"

I bet you might possibly thought this yourself
while on vacation, only few actually
really start to write....,

Since I like to write I also like to help people answering their

Great Things To Take With You On Your Travels

Hello Traveller,

In todays post...,

This is Exactly What
You Have Been Looking For

You can also check out some

Specially Designed Shoes

Specially Designed
Tennis Ware

You can also discover more
Shoes & Clothing in the link
here below:

Shoes & Clothing

to buy for your travels.

Other Posts
That You Sure Will Like, When You Enjoyed
Reading This Post:

easily find hotels and a lot more practical info

Parfumes to remember

The Utlimate Travel
To Write - Your - Comments, simply click the Comments-Link here below:

With the - One Click - Book marker
On the Left You Can Easily Bookmark This Blog,

So You Can Frequently Check Out This Blog
For - Crispy Fresh - New Blog posts

(Also for Just Browsing, Looking
on Keywords etc. etc.)

Or check out the,

Other Related Posts
That You Sure Will Like, When You Enjoyed
Reading This Post:

Top 5 Electronics You Take With You On Your Travels

Did You Ever Think You Could Write A Novel On Your Vacation?

Travel Writing & Writing Book Reviews

How About Discovering a Proven
and Very Effective Way to Make Money Online...???

You might have read in previous posts
about how you can become a Travelpreneur
with a travel blogspot,

You can just have a look at an example of
a Book Review I wrote

How to get the most from your Cool Drink!

Besides listening to nice Music
on your

MP3 Player

To really get into a Vacation mood don't just have
your Cool Drink in an ordinary glass, pick a special glas
that 'Sounds Good'.

Why on earth in a special good sounding glass
you might ask...?
Well, when you put
your Cool Dink in for example a 'Good Sounding'
longdink glass you will be able to hear
the ice cubes bounce at the glass making
the typical Clinging Sound adding
just an extra dimension to the

'I am having a nice Cool Drink
in the Sun Experience'

Hearing those nice
'Kling-Kloing-Kling'- Sounds

For other Inspiring Sounds
- to be more specific - MUSIC
you can have a look at:

HP's Happy MUSIC
Or else if you like to read a 'Cool' Work & Play at the Beach Story
about the Home Business (Writing) Lifestyle,
you can might like to have a look at:

Work & Play at the Beach

And talking about 'The Beach' when you want
to work on your 'Six-Pack' Tummy
you might like to have a look at:

Get Ready for Going to the Beach

When you really want to get into you Holliday - or Travel Mood INSTANTLY!,
you definitely want to have a look at
the Highly Recommended Reading you want to take
to the Beach and the Great 'Outfit'
you can all find here on the left side of this Blog.

The ultimate 'Travel': Discover the Way to Success!

As mentioned in a previous post I mentioned an item
that people - visiting this Travel Blog -
actually buy.

Now I couldn't help noticing that currently
a new developement has taken place, now I actually see
an other product that seems to be
catching on a little here
on this blog.

It's a book titled:

The Lazy Way to Success:
How to Do Nothing and
Accomplish Everything

I have listened to a Teleseminar with the author of this book,
and although the title looks disceptionally simplistic,
it really makes a lot of sense
what he has to tell!
'It definitely is some serious
reading if you want to study

Laziness and, if you want to have someting to read
while laying on the Beach!'

You can find it by clicking
on the Link-banner here below:

Other Related Posts:

the (Travel) Writer's Lifestyle

Christmas Ideas for Books Popular in Europe

for Christmas:

Since my Sister is real Passionate about reading
Books, I asked her to give me some tips
about books to put on your Chistmas-list

With Books that she can recommend for reading
under the Christmas tree.

Here below you can see some of the
Names on that List:

You can read about it in a post

Chistmas Ideas
for Books Popular in Europe

Other Related Posts:

Home Business Books for Christmas

Picture This, Books for Christmas

Imagine This For Christmas

easily find hotels and a lot more practical info

Parfumes to remember

The Utlimate Travel

One of the Best Happy Travel Campagnons You can Imagine.

An MP3 Player is one of the Best
Travel Compagnons you can Imagine.

Holliday Fun in the SUN
With an MP3 Player

Something that I Like on vacations, is reading Magazines
or Books Like for example

The Lazy Way to Success: How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything
Besides reading some great

Bestselling Book I Like Listening to

Music on an MP3 Player while laying in the Sun.

'Just Listening to my

Favorite Music not having to work
except for working on a Tan!'

When you want to have a look at all
different types of

MP3 Players they have on

Amazon Make sure to simply

Click to the Amazon 'Search MP3 Players'-Page to check it out!!!

Or simply

Buy your MP3 Players by clicking
on the Banner here below:

Travel Tip: Have Something to be able to pass the time in your Hand Luggage.

As you can read in a
Home Business Online Forum Post I discovered that
it can be handy - when you have to wait very long for your luggage -
that it can be handy to have something in your Hand Luggage
to be able to pass the time.

For example a Swim-suit or for example a book like
the ones you can find at: HP's Happy BOOKS Blogspot

Or just have a look at the 'Highly Recommended Reading' section at the top of this blog.

Other Related Posts:

what-is-your-best-tip-for-items-to-take with you?


How To CRUISE Travel for FREE!!!

the ultimate-travel, finding your-way-to-success

Work & Play on the Beach for Travelpreneurs

Once in a while - especially when it's great Sunny weather - I go to the Beach with some reading material about Internet Marketing because as an 'International Seller'(see post Your Chance) I also am an Entrepreneur with a Home Business Lifestyle as you can read all about at: HP's Happy HOME BUSINESS

'Looks to me as a reasonable combination
of 'WORK & PLAY' and a possibility to get an idea of
the Home Business (Writers) Lifestyle'

This Is What You Want To Read
When Laying On the Beach

The 'Work & Play' idea is also something that you can read about
in a book titled: The Lazy Way to Success: How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything Although "WORK" is actually something that I accidently (mis)used in my Title by mistake here! To discover more about a special definition for the word
"WORK" you definitely want to read This Book about Laziness. (It's an interesting nicely illustrated eye-opening book)

Sitting in the Sun reading some info about Home Business while having a nice (healthy) meal at a nice Beach Restaurant. Than after finishing my lunch throw my Beach Towel in the sand, putting little mountains of sand on each corner so that it doesn't get blown away by the wind, getting rid of my shirt and trowsers with only my Swimming Boxer Shorts on. (BTW on the left side of this Blog - you can find a complete 'Beach Outfit' if you want to Instantly get into your 'Holliday Mood') Simply lying on the beach soaking up the Sun while doing some more reading or listening to my Stereo Solar Radio with my Sunglasses on my head or for my eyes when reading. (BTW besides the 'Beach Outfit' you can also find the Sunglasses here on the left of this Blog)

Than now and than going for a swim nicely cooling down easily and relaxed floating arround accompanied by the Sun and a nice Blue Sky and seeing the Sun Chattered into a hundred little Suns reflecting on the small waves.

'Exactly as you can see on the 'Book Cover Photo'
of the little (e)book I wrote that you can pre-view for free at:
The VISION eBook FREE Preview

(BTW when you want to have a 'Six-Pack' Tummy to Look Good at the Beach
You might like to have a look at: the Getting Ready for Going to the Beach post at my
Healthy Lifestyle Blogspot)

Or like to have a look at for example Zumba at HP's Healthy Lifestyle to work a little on the abs.

Relaxed Floating arround or Moving arround like a fish while splashing the sunny sparkling water arround. Than afterwards dry in the sun while reading some info about Internet Marketing getting new ideas for my Online Home Business and when I am dry again 'Rinse and Repeat'

Book Review: The Man Who Sold The World

Title: The Man Who Sold The World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America
Author: William Kleinknecht
Publisher: Nation Books

I read this book about a month ago and I’ve been meaning to post a brief review of it, I purchased it a year ago because it promised to examine the legacy of Ronald Reagan and the actions of his administration and how Reagan’s actions as President of the United States undermined the culture, economy, and political system of the United States.  The author attempts to prove nothing less then Ronald Reagan, or at least those he put in power, deliberately engaged in a series of policies that were intentionally designed to transfer wealth into a smaller pool of hands within the United States, destroy the environment of the United States, and undermine economic organizations and regulations that protected small businesses, small towns, and individual consumers within the United States.  One of the major central arguments the author puts forward is that culturally Reagan undermined the idea of government competence with any sphere of society in the United States and also undermined the idea of community as a guiding force within the United States culturally.  Specifically Kleinknecht argues that Ronald Reagan, in his campaign for the Presidency as well as his administration, emphasized the ideal of the individual over the community, personal gain over societal gain, “me ahead of you” to put it crudely.

The problem however is that Kleinknecht in his book dabbles more in politics and in crafting an opinion then in actually reporting the history of the domestic policies of the Ronald Reagan administration, more critically he misses the target of his subject and instead drifts over a wide range of accusations against various conservative forces that took a leading role in the federal government while Reagan was in office.  Kleinknecht though does not limit his proof to that period, instead he draws upon events that happened while Reagan was in office, George W. Bush Sr. was in office, and William Clinton was in office, attempting to use all of these to prove a more broad hypothesis that conservative elements in the United States, since 1981, have engaged in a constant series of policies that have undermined what Kleinknecht argues are core values of the United States.  Specifically Kleinknecht argues in favor of federal regulation of markets and business, federal control and limitations on the economy, and returning the United States politically towards a system of federal control closer to that of the 1960s and 1970s then the system the United States currently operates under.

All valid outlooks to hold and argue but not matters of history – they are matters of policy and politics.  The line may seem a fine one to draw but Kleinknecht avoids dealing with the history of the Reagan administration directly and instead grapples with the ideology of the Reagan years, but even that task is not attempted in a neutral tone.  Kleinknecht has a point to argue, that Reagan and those Reagan brought into power undermined Kleinknecht’s ideal vision of the society of the United States.  If you are looking for a book documenting the history of the United States in the 1980s and the massive cultural revolution it underwent, a topic of considerable complexity and breadth, this is not a book I can recommend as a starting point.

Book Review: King Leopold’s Ghost

Recently I finished reading an incredibly well written book titled King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa written by Adam Hochschild, this book is focused upon the acquisition by Belgium of an African colony in the Congo region and the subsequent economic, social, and political exploitation and terror of that region by various different forces within the region.  In summary Hochschild argues that Belgium’s acquisition of a large colony in the Congo was due mainly to the territorial ambitions of its king at the time, King Leopold II, and Leopold gained that territory through a clever campaign of subterfuge, misdirection, diplomacy, intrigue, and lobbying both directly by King Leopold and by a web of his personal agents.  Hochschild then proceeds to examine the actual policies and actions of the various organizations and companies that ran Leopold’s newly acquired Congo colony.  Hochschild spends considerable time skillfully showing how Leopold ruled the Congo directly and treated it as a personal fiefdom, those agents acting within the territory did so at his personal approval and the funds raised from the various raw materials gathering efforts in the Congo went directly into Leopold’s personal fortune.

Probably the cornerstone value of this work is how Hochschild focuses attention upon both the atrocities conducted in the Congo by the agents of Leopold throughout his personal control of the colony, the extreme focus upon extracting the highest return of resources possible from the Congo during this period (specifically ivory and subsequently rubber), and the pioneering efforts by various concerned individual missionaries and reformers to bring about an end to Leopold’s abuses in the Congo.  Abuses is a highly appropriate word as evidence from various sources cited by Hochschild provide convincing evidence that during the roughly thirty years that Leopold personally ruled the Congo colony approximately fifty percent of the total indigenous population, or between 8 to 10 million people, died from both direct violence and indirect suffering at the hands of Leopold’s Congo policies and agents.  In addition to the high death count many survivors of this period lost their right hand to violence, a policy in the Congo was that it was expected for every round of ammunition fired an indigenous individual was to be killed.  Local soldiers who used their weapons to hunt would often take the right hand of a person still alive to even out their count.

As well Hochschild also does an incredible job of detailing the link between the novel Heart of Darkness and its authors real time spent in the Congo region.  Hochschild details how many of the events depicted in Heart of Darkness are directly drawn from Conrad’s own time in the Congo during this period.  The only complaint I would have for this book is, honestly, the title, it seems to imply a focus upon the post-Leopold II time in the Congo and the impact that ruler had on the region after his demise.  However this topic is only lightly covered in the final chapter of the book itself, most of the focus is on Leopold II and those who directly opposed him.  But beyond that minor complaint, this is an excellent book and I highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in either the colonial era in Africa, Belgian politics in the Congo, or a good very character focused history.

Saving on Airline Tickets!

Somehow while surfing on the web I accidently stumbled up on a Book that claims to help you save up to 75% on Airline Tickets. Personally I don't have any experience with this particular book, but it does sound interesting, So I thought that it would be worth mentioning on here on the TRAVEL Blogspot.

'It might directly put you
just as the BANNER you can find
here on the left of this Blog
- scrolling up a few screens - indicates!'

Here below you can find the Airline Tickets Book banner-link:

Feel free to give your comments, I love to hear comments from people who actually have experience with reading this book and from people that have enjoyed the tips they found in this book.

Morality coloring history…

One of the challenges that I consider central to the study of history, in fact one of the cornerstone duties of every historian, is to attempt to write history as neutral as humanly possible on a topic.  Now it is probably impossible to be truly neutral, the very process of analyzing history or choosing a topic to explore puts a bias on things, however I still feel a historian should do their absolute best to try to present the material that is free of emotion or effort to direct the readers’ emotions.  The book that I read recently that caught my eye with its textbook example of such emotional coloring was World War I: An Illustrated History by David Scott-Daniell, printed in 1965 in London by the Ernest Been Limited Corporation.  It is a entry level short history of World War I, I picked it up originally because the library had mistakenly bound it as a World War II history but filed it properly in World War I, so I gave it a whirl.

The quote that exemplifies the moral/emotional coloring of the book throughout is as follows, from page 76 of the book:

“Captain Bell [British pilot] was officially credited with the destruction of forty-one enemy aeroplanes in battl, but there were others not reported.  Richthofen [German pilot] had eighty victims, all British.  Richthofen had eighty victims, all British.  Richthofen was a pilot of outstanding skill and daring, even among his fellow heroes of the air.  He led the famous ‘Richthofen Circus’, twelve Fokker fighters, all painted bright red, and flown by outstanding pilots proud of the honor of following Richthofen.  Like the other ‘aces’ Richthofen died in battle in the air.”

For those who might not have caught it, Captain Bell, a British pilot, destroyed forty-one enemy airplanes, Richthofen had eighty victims, and in that simple word choice an emotional and moral slant is bluntly placed upon a historical point of fact.  Neither pilot skimmed through the air hunting down innocent civilian pilots who happened to be taking a pleasant flight through an active combat zone, both pilots engaged other fellow combatants in battle during a period of active, declared war.  Any of the pilots who were shot down, and killed, by Richthofen would have gladly killed him in turn had the chance presented itself.  (In fact one did, Richthofen was killed in a confused air battle in which ground artillery and a British pilot in combination resulted in Richthofen’s combat death.)  Describing anyone who goes into a war as an armed combatant as a victim of enemy action is at best emotionalism and at worst misleading, the business of war is death and destruction and those who march forth to engage in it should be remembered as such.  Fellow combatants joined in a test of strength, economic, political, social, and military strength, a contest in which some on both sides will die.  This in no way lowers the emotional impact or tragedy of their deaths, but historians have a duty to my eye to record these deaths in a tone free of emotion.  Either everyone who falls in a battle is a victim or no one is if you are a historian, to write otherwise is to shirk your duties as a scribe of the past.

Which though leads itself to a more pressing question in history, in this era of modern war were can one use the term victim selectively to describe individuals caught up in the actions of war who should not have been.  Using the word “victim” for everyone in war misses the point and power of the word but who, in a modern war, is actually an honest victim when two or more nations war with each other?  Civilians are no longer a clear distinction because during a total industrial war some citizens engage directly in war production, generating materials of war, where these individuals work is generally accepted as a viable target for military strikes.  What of the citizens who raise food, some of which feeds the working population and some of which directly feeds the armies in the field fighting the war, are they a viable target?  What of the crops they raise, is famine a valid tactic of war or does it create victims of the conflict?  The children of dead soldiers, are they victims or is their loss acceptable because their fathers and mothers marched to war?  What of those killed in military actions who are only engaged in a war to the extent they are citizens of a nation engaged in hostilities?

Plus then of course that opens another dimension to this question, what of the contrast of aggressor to defender nations, many historians writing of World War I and World War II will describe Belgium, France, Greece, Holland, Norway, Russia, and Yugoslavia as all victims of German aggression, and therefore by implication the suffering of their populations in all forms as that of victims.  But is that the marker and, if so, does that place upon a historian a duty to try to tease out which nation struck first, which nation is the true aggressor, to even create a framework to analyze that difficult relationship.  Take the current military action the United States is engaged in Afghanistan, the United States argues its actions are justified because of the events of 11 September 2001, that terrorists with direct links to an organization based in Afghanistan represent a threat to the security of the United States, i.e. the United States and its losses on 11 September 2001 made it the victim of aggression.  Not by a nation state but by a rogue organization, but what of those who were then injured in United States military actions only peripherally associated with terrorism in Afghanistan, are they victims or aggressors dying  a death due to a chain of action they began?

The use of victim is a powerful term, I do not have answers to the above questions, I don’t believe historians will, or should, ever have definitive answers to these questions, but I do know that a historian should use the word victim with care and careful thought and, to my eye, only in the most unique circumstances when speaking of combatants operating in the field of combat.