Can you believe it has been eight years!?! Goodness. Eight years. So much life lived.... Especially this year with all that has happened, it has reminded me how very important Home and Family is. I have always been so very very grateful for this little house. It has truly been our haven and safe sanctuary."We...
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anniversary etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
anniversary etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Happy Anniversary and Have-Done-List 2019
Can you believe it has been 7 years since I bought this little house! My goodness, what a journey. I remember the excited mix of terror that day I signed the paperwork. I was a bit frazzled already with the whole buying experience! But oh the excitement! It was a three year dream come true! And...
Happy Annivarsary Little House!
Yesterday was a quintessential November day in southeast Wisconsin. Rainy, windy, gloomy. Leaves and rain whirling and swooshing. I enjoyed it! I don't think Mandy was quite as enthusiastic as she is suffering from a head cold right now. Kerri and I had fun though; feeling the wind in our faces, admiring...
Have-Done List 2017
(Every year on the anniversary of owning my bungalow I like to create a Have-Done-List to celebrate all that I have accomplished on my house. I started this on my first anniversary and it is one of my favorite things to do each year!)It is that time of year again! This will be the 5th year I have owned...
4th Anniversary and a Have-Done List
My how time flies..... It is hard to believe it is already 4 years I have owned my little house!This years Have-Done list is a bit shorter then previous years. But we got a few big projects done that have been waiting on the list since I bought the house.The biggest project was getting new sidewalks!...
Have-Done-List 2015
Here is this year's Have-Done List! Not as much got done this year, but there is not a lot of major projects left to do! This summer was mostly windows and even though I only posted twice about them, we worked on windows many many weekends. JanuaryWeekend Project- Back Stairs FebruaryKitchen...
3 Years......
Today, the little house has been mine for three years!That day all those years ago I was such a nervous wreck. I knew this house was going to be mine, that everything would work out in the end, but it sure took a lot of work! Have I told you about the first time I saw the house? It was is a few...
2nd Year Have-Done-List
By Tarihçi at 13:34
anniversary, bathroom, bedroom, decorating, dining room, have-done list, house, kitchen, living room, upstairs
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Can believe it?! I have owned the little house for two years! What busy years...... I have decided to write another Have-Done list, like I did last year.Front YardI re-did the flower beds and have been adding plants all year. They are coming along nicely, but it is so different to what I am use...