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Flexibility etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Flexibility etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Is there Such a Thing as "Too Much" Mobility?

If you Google "mobility," you can find pages upon pages of articles about how to improve your mobility at any given joint. Thoracic mobility, shoulder mobility, ankle mobility, and the like are central themes on fitness blogs all over the internet (mine included). As a trainer, it satisfies me to see...

Stop Stretching Your Hamstrings

If I had to pinpoint one "tight area" about which many people complain most, it's the hamstrings. I'll often find gym-goers using multiple methods to stretch those stubborn muscles: asking a partner to push them deeper into a stretch, or yanking on their legs with bands. Yet, somehow, despite their...

8 Ways to Improve Your Flexibility

To get the most benefit from your workout regimen, you have to improve your flexibility. The greater your flexibility, the more effective your workouts will be and the more you will improve your physical health.Following are eight tips that will assist you with ways to increase your flexibility.It would be more beneficial if you are able to do some deep breathing techniques when you stretch. A major...