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12 in 2012 Running Challenge etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
12 in 2012 Running Challenge etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Bay Breeze Race Recap

Race #2 of the 2012 Running Challenge went well overall. The Bay Breeze Half Marathon, held in San Leandro, was also a Brazen race, just like race #1. If you recall, I really liked the last one (Race #1 recap HERE), so much so that I signed up for another. They are pretty cheap, compared to other races, and a lot of them are on dirt or gravel trails or paths rather than asphalt. (photo credit)

So, I know you are all wondering: how did it go!? The race was scheduled for 8 o'clock, which was not as nice as the 9 o'clock start that the last one had. A friend of mine went with me and getting her and the baby out the door and to Peet's as well as driving the 40 minutes to the start, was difficult.  We made it, but I would have rather started a little later. 

The weather started off windy, as the course was right near the water. As always, I was confused about what to wear, and not in the girly sense. We went to pick up the packet and it was a madhouse. Even though the lines were marked with letters for last names, people were everywhere and it was not well organized. It was such a difference from the last one! Last time I just walked right up and got my bib with no problems. Also the shirt line (separate from the bib line) was a mess as well, so I decided to get it after the race. 

The race went well; after the first mile the crowd was thinned out enough that I didn't have to worry about passing people, or them passing me. Most of the course was right on the water and was a nice, flat, out and back. The only thing I could say I didn't like was that the gravel in certain areas was big pieces of gravel and my feet started to be a little sore by the end. You can kind of see it in the below photo.

photo taken by race volunteer
Once I finished, I went to the t-shirt line, which was still pretty unorganized and they only gave us shirts, no other goodies. So that was a little disappointing. I always like the little samples you get afterward and I need a new pair of running shoes, so one of those Sports Authority coupons would have come in handy. However, I was not too sad, since I knew there would be Its-Its to make me forget. I went toward the food and coffee area and was wondering what all the people were in line for, until I realized...that was the food line! There must have been 200 people in line! Next time, get the darn 5k people out of the way by the time the half marathon people come in! I couldn't even get a water!

I decided that I could just go and buy myself a $2 Its-It and my friend and I left to find one. So, I wish the packet pickup, swag and after party had been a bit more organized. Other than that, the course was great. And I finished. The End.

Photo taken by my friend K's and her iPhone
Just kidding. I got a new PR, and I am very proud to say that my average time per mile was under 8 minutes! My final official chip time was 1:42:40 or 7:50/mile. So I got under the 1:45 mark and the 8 minute mile mark. This is exciting because when I was in High School, my fastest mile was about a 7:55. So I beat my High School self! Woo hoo. Take that. I guess the course was flat and fast, just like they said. No wonder it's called the Bay Breeze! (funny fact: the slowest mile was mile 1 at just over 8 minutes; the fastest mile was mile 13 at 7:37. I guess I wanted to get it over with!)

I am still kind of bummed about the Its-Its though. Did you know they've been a "San Francisco experience" since 1928?  

My next 12 in 2012 race will be the Bidwell Classic on March 3rd.

Don't forget to stop by Jill's for Fitness Friday! Also, if you are following this site using GFC, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to this blog manually so you can keep seeing me in your Reader! You can also do it using the "subscribe" button on the left sidebar.

Have you ever had an Its-Its? Do you like ice cream sandwiches? What was your fastest mile in high school?

Running Stuff

When I first started running, I did it with only the shirt on my back. Now I have all kinds of things that I have tried, some that worked for me, and some that didn't. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Fuel: 

I tried all the fuel: Gu, gu chomps, clif shots. I didn't really like them. I thought that most of them tasted like jelly. Nasty, cough syrupy sweet jelly. Thanks to Jill, who recommended the Honey Stinger Chews, I finally found one I liked (after much trial and MUCH error!) I have since also found out that the Gu Chocolate flavored Energy gel and the Clif Shot Blocks Black Cherry are not super horrible either.

2. Belts: 

After debating for a long time, because I wanted to buy a belt, but couldn't find very many in brick and mortar stores, but did not want to order online without trying them, I finally bought an Amphipod at REI (with a giftcard! Yay!) I love it. It does not slip at all, unless you have all the waters next to each other. But if you put them equidistant apart, it doesn't bounce at all. It has 4 - 8 oz bottles which can be taken off and one pocket for my iPod. The bottles snap in, which I like, since a friend told me that her Nathan belt started to lose the bottles out of the holsters.

The only complaint I have is that the pocket has a Velcro closure and has opened up once or twice mid run (when it is filled too full) and let my goods fall out on the road. If you carry less junk, you may not have that problem. It's also one size fits all with a Velcro closure, which I thought I would not like, but it has worked out just fine.
I also got to try the iFitness belt, which doesn't have water bottles. However, it does have a waterproof case for your iPod or phone, which has a zipper and works great. Not only that, but it has a pocket inside to fit your credit card or ID. It has a clasp with one size fits all adjustment and is comfortable and doesn't ride up. It also has a bib holder, which is great! Now I can take off my sweatshirt and not worry about where my bib is attached! I usually only use it for shorter runs though, since it doesn't have water bottles.

3. Headgear: 

I admit, I was skeptical. I have never worn headbands. I did buy some goody ones at Target once, but they were so tight they made my head hurt a couple minutes into the run. The Chica Bands, however, are great. I am still growing out my hair, so they are good for keeping those flyaway hairs out of my face. I am still not completely used to it and it has been pretty cold, so I have not had many chances to use them, but my initial review is that they are so far, so good. They don't seem to slip and only hurt my head when I put them too far forward (by accident!)

4. Footgear:

My first running shoes were Nike. They were too tight. I tried Brooks and they are too flat. So I tried Asics and have been using them ever since! I am currently using the Gel Fluent 4, but I pretty much buy whichever one is on sale when it's time for a new pair. As long as they are Asics, I don't discriminate!

These shoes now have 621 miles on them!
5. Garmin

Because of the price, I held off on getting a Garmin for a long time. I remember having to wait until the next mile when they would call out my time, to know what my pace was. I was an expert of multiplying 9 or 10 minute miles to figure out where I was. But when the Garmin 305 went on sale, I knew I had to get it. I actually requested it as a Christmas gift. I know, it's huge, and at first I wasn't sure I WANTED to know how fast (or slow!) I was going. But it has turned out to be a very great tool for me over the last year. I don't even use or KNOW how to use all of the functions, but just knowing my pace and being able to do intervals and tracking my progress has been great. Besides, its FUN to see how high that mountain I just climbed really was! I even measured my parent's driveway (.2 miles - 245 ft ascent).

Tomorrow I will be running the Bay Breeze Half, which will be my second half marathon for the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge! I will be back next week with a race recap! Don't forget to go over to Fitness Friday at Jill's each week to see some other great fitness related posts!

Disclosure: I was given the iFitness belt and the Chica bands for free for participating in the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge. However, all opinions stated on this blog are mine alone. 

What gear is a must have in your book? Do you use a Garmin or do you just wing it?

Coyote Hills Race Recap

I am supposed to be working on my taxes right now.

Do you want to know what distracted me? Well, the half marathon that I ran last weekend, the Coyote Hills Half Marathon, uses volunteers for photographers and they put all the photos online and you can go and download or print them for free! They put it on a Picasa Web Album and it is free for anyone to use! HOWEVER, they are not tagged by number or anything and there are about a million photos, so I had to go through them to find the ones of me. Moral of the story: WEAR a BRIGHT COLOR! Luckily I had a red shirt on! It was still hard to find myself.

Now for the recap. First, a quick reminder of what my goals were for this race: 1.) Finish 2.) Get less than a 2:20 3.) Don't look at the Garmin 4.) Have fun.

This was a hilly course, mainly on a paved bike trail which was about as wide as 3 people. A little less than half of it was on a gravel trail about the same width and about a quarter of a mile of it was a single, dirt track. It was along the east side of the San Francisco bay and was two loops with a short out and back on each loop.

I am not having as much trouble as the guy in front of me. Notice the bay in the background.
The water stations were plentiful. I think there were 3 of them on the loop, which meant that there really were 6 total, since we went around twice. There were plenty of port-a-potties at the start, but none on the course. Luckily I didn't need one along the way! The parking for the race was first come first serve, and was either paid ($5) if you got there early enough, or non paid in an overflow lot with a shuttle if you didn't. I actually parked about a mile from the start (which I did not realize) and had to walk in, so I got an extra mile or 1.5 miles walk in pre-race (which I probably didn't NEED). My bad though.

So, how did it go?

1. I finished. Here is the photo that it took me 4 hours to find to prove it.

2. I DID look at my Garmin. A LOT! Since I started out a little faster than I had planned (don't I always) I kept looking at my Garmin because once I set a pace, I try to stick with it. I really did not think I would be able to keep up the pace for long, since the course was hilly. My first three miles were 8:23, 7:51 & 7:58. I figured that when I hit the really hard hills, I would slow WAY down.

3. I DID have fun! Besides the one guy who kept slowing me down, everyone was observing the rules of the trail and surprisingly enough, having only room for three abreast, especially on the out and back, was not that much of a problem! Also, the park that we were running in was still open to everyday folks, so we were running around a lot of Sunday Stollers and Bike Riders, but it was fine! The weather was perfect. It started off around 40 and went up to maybe 50-55 by the time I was done. Plus there were Its-Its at the end. I say that's a win in my book. Running + Ice Cream = Happy.

I followed these guys pretty much the entire second loop. Nice buns!
4. Now...did I make my time "goal"? Well, funny you asked. I did not expect to PR at this race. It was on hills and gravel and there would be people to pass the whole time. I thought I would be lucky to break 2 hours. I surprised myself.

I PRed!

My final time was 1:47:03, for an average pace of 8:10 and one whole minute (total, NOT per mile!) faster than my last half marathon! Those hill training workouts must be working! I felt good the entire time. I noticed that although a lot of people are faster than me, I can usually pass them on the hills. I would love to try another hill race sometime soon!

All in all, I would say it was a great race! As far as the Brazen Racing goes, I liked them so much that I signed up for another one in February: The Bay Breeze Half Marathon! This one promises to be "fast and flat" so I am looking forward to another good race! Anybody going to join me?

When you set goals/rules for yourself, do you always follow them? When you race, do you follow the buns in front of you? What's the best post-race food you have eaten?

Notes and Peeves: Race Day

The race went well. I have a few notes to share about it and then you'll have to stay tuned for the recap, which will be posted on Friday! But first, a few random notes.

{1} Runners World wrote an article called Why is Running so White? I found it interesting that although the top performers are usually African, they stated that "Core runners" (who tend to enter running events and train year-round) are 90 percent Caucasian, 5.1 percent Hispanic, 3.9 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, and, in perhaps the most startling figure, only 1.6 percent African-American. Well Heads Up RW! Get your butt over to the Bay Area! We've got all kinds of runners over here!

{2} I believe that it is bad luck to wear your race shirt the day of the race. Plus, I think that you should not wear it before you EARN it! It would be like wearing a shirt that says, "I have a BS in Biology" when in fact you are still a freshman!

{3} When running a single track trail race, DON'T stop short in the middle of the trail! Also, when you are running on a double track, please don't run intervals, causing me to have to pass you and then you passing me and then me passing you the entire 2nd half of the race! It's hard enough to pass people when you HAVE to!

This guy was in my way from mile 6 - 12!
Other than that, the race was good! They had coffee and hot cocoa beforehand. The shirts were v-necked technical tees. They had overflow parking and a shuttle to take you back and forth. If you got there early enough, you could park at the race start, but it cost $5 (park fee). The booths were set up well; it was really easy to find the packet pickup and sweat check. There were plenty of port-a-potties at the start, but none on the course.

The course was beautiful. It was two loops around with a little bit of an out and back section. It was right on the bay it was a gorgeous clear day and you could even see the City (in the distance) from the course!  It was partially a paved bike path type trail, with sections of gravel trail and a small section of single track.

Afterward, there were cool medals. There was plenty of water and the snacks were amazing! There were ice creams and pie and cookies! I think they may have even had some fruit. Just kidding, there were also bananas, apples, oranges and bagels. For drinks there was coffee, cocoa, water and power aid. All in all, I would say there was a pretty good set up!

Do you have any running or crowded place pet peeves? Do you have any race superstitions? What was the best post race food that you've ever been offered?

You may have heard that GFC is going the way of the dodo. I am not sure what the whole scoop is, but to stay in the loop, you can click SUBSCRIBE on my left top sidebar OR click here to subscribe to this blog using your favorite reader!

Race #1 Here I Come!

Well, the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge is getting going! Many people who are doing the challenge have already run their first race!

Yesterday I received a treat in the mail! Chica bands!

For a long time I have been trying to grow my hair out. This is a pain in the butt not only on an every day basis, but especially when I am running. I have tried many clips and rubber bands and hats and everything else, but there are always strays! So I was excited when Jill not only set up the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge, but she even went so far as to get sponsors, and one of them is Chica bands! I can’t wait to try them out, as I have heard great things about them from other runners. They are really going to be great to have for the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge!

Our other sponsor is iFitness, who have agreed to give us a gear belt to use for the races. It's a great belt, with a waterproof pocket that fits my iPhone as well as a couple Gus and an ID, which will be great in this rainy and snowy weather we've been having! With these two sponsors, I am going to be good to go!

My first race is tomorrow! It is a Brazen Race (there are many in the Bay Area). I have never run a race that is put on by them, so I am interested in seeing how it goes. The race is at 9, which I LOVE (the last one I ran was at 7). The weather forecast is good and I have a few goals this time, but they are not like normal ones. Here they are:

Finish: I have no doubts that this will happen, but I am always glad to just finish the race!

Don’t look at my Garmin: I am not running this one for time. This will not be a PR. I will wear my Garmin, but I don't plan on using it. I want to run at a pace that feels good. Also, since this is a hilly race, I will be running slower anyway, so I may as well just be comfortable and see where that takes me!

Time: Even though I will not be looking at my Garmin, I still like to have a time goal. However, I have no idea what kind of time to expect. On my trail runs at home, I usually average about an 11:15, but I think this one should be a little less strenuous. So I guess I will try for about a 2:20 goal, which is a little under an 11 minute mile. I really don't know what to expect.

HAVE FUN: I am looking forward to this race. It should be a fun one, since it has variable hills and flats, dirt and paved. I think it will be a pretty small race as well, so it will be fun to see what they have in store for us! 

Good luck to everyone who is running this weekend: Jill, Courtney...and anyone else! Go get 'em!

Have you run a race yet this year? Do you wear a headband while running/working out? Do you play for fun or to win?

12 in 2012 (2): January

A while back, I joined up with Jill for the 12 in 2012 running challenge. You can read more about it on her site HERE. It entails running 12 half marathons in 2012, which sounded like a great idea to me! I thought it a great way to keep myself motivated and to possibly get to run a few races in places I have never been.

I will admit, I have had a hard time deciding how to schedule these races. I should have known that it would not be easy, since I travel a lot for work and don't really have a "home base" so to speak. And even when I do have a semi-home-base, I don't know how long I will be there, since my work is on a contractual, as needed basis and can arise at the drop of a hat.

So, I wondered, how the HECK was I going to plan 12 races this year!? Well, I started off by assuming I would be home, in California. I used Running in the USA to figure out where the upcoming half marathons near me were. Of course, I am hoping I will not be home, but at least this gives me a little bit of a plan, even though it IS tentative! There are some REALLY fun looking races in my area and there are also races year round, which is more than I expected! Luckily within 100 miles of me, there is pretty good winter weather conditions!

Next up was my training schedule. This has been hard, I have to be honest. First there was Christmas and family and then New Years and travel (with hiking and pilates though!) and the next week it was roofing and sorting! There just seems like a lot to do and I am so tired! But I am trying to run at least 15-25 miles a week, even though it has been a chore (and I haven't quite made my mark each week). Thank goodness for the HBBC or else I may have been a real lazy person during the holidays. Training has not been as good as I wanted, but it has not gone away entirely!

Dec 19 - 25: 28 mi run
Dec 26 - Jan 1: 20 mi run (+ 4 mi walk)
Jan 2 - Jan 8: 10 mi run ( +19 mile hike / 9 mi walk)
Jan 9 - Jan 15: 8 mi run (+24 hr roofing)

As you can see, I am going steadily downhill, which was not the plan at all! But, this week I have 11 miles so far, and plan to run 6 today and a 10 mile run this weekend, giving me roughly 27 miles.

The weekend after, I have my first of twelve half marathons for the year! It is the Coyote Hills Half in Fremont, CA. Since most of my running lately has been trail running, I decided to sign up for a semi-trail run. I am very excited to try something new, and kind of relieved to not have to attempt a PR, since trail running is already a little slower anyway! I plan to have fun and hopefully get some of my drive back!

Has anyone else run their first race of the year yet? Is anyone else running THIS race?

12 in 2012

Since I didn't get married on 11.11.11, I decided instead to do another alliterative challenge, 12 half marathons in 2012, otherwise known as 12 in 2012. I can't take credit for the idea though. It was thought up by Jill. Not only did she think up the idea, but she also went so far as to find sponsors and to organize everything for us. Sponsors so far are iFitness and Chica Bands.

You can run one a month, or instead you can run 12 in one month. If you are crazy. My plan is to try to run one a month, but probably some months (like January) will have none and other months (like September and other fall months) will have extras. This is going to be a challenge, but it will also be a lot of fun. I also want to run some trail races this year and I am also planning on running The Relay  in support of Organs R Us and a friend of mine who needs a kidney transplant. So, it will be a busy year.

You can do it too! All  you need to do is commit to 12 half marathons in 2012 and be prepared to blog about your races a little bit (which most of us are already doing)! If you are interested, go to Jill's website and email her to get details! This is a fun way to be fit and challenge yourself in 2012 and you will have the support of everyone else who is doing it!

So, who is in?

What goals do you have for 2012?