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in-cyprus 31 July 2020 - by Annie Charalambous

The House plenum on Friday is set to vote in a new law which punishes motorists committing traffic offences with heftier fines and jail time.

But it won’t come into effect before October 1, so that motorists are thoroughly informed on the heftier fines, according to Philenews.

The bill includes escalated penalties for speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Heavy penalties will also apply to underage individuals who drive without a licence – an offence to be punished with up to a year in prison or a fine up to €3,000 or both.

The House Transport Committee completed discussion of the proposed changes – long sought by police to reduce the number of road accidents – back in May.

The MPs had decided to extend the time allowed to pay an out of court fine of over €100 from the current 15 days to 30. And fines of below €100 will still need to be paid in 15 days.

The amended bill also provides the following on out of court fines:

  1. For not wearing a seat belt, the fine will rise to €150 and then €300 if there is a second offence within three years.
  2. The fine for not wearing a helmet will rise from the current €85 to €200 and then €300 for a second violation.
  3. Use of mobile phone while driving will be punished with a fine of €150 (from the current €85). It will rise to €300 in case of a second violation within three years.
  4. A traffic light violation will carry a fine of €300 (now €85).
  5. The fine for parking in a spot reserved for the disabled will rise from €85 to €300.
  6. Parking on a yellow line will rise to €100 from €65.
  7. Overtaking on a pedestrian crossing will rise from €65 to €200.



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