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Filenews 29 July 2020 

The Ministry of Health may designate public or private places, where there is an increased aggregation, to carry out random checks for COVID-19 disease, states the decree issued by the Minister of Health Konstantinos Ioannou and published in the official newspaper.

As noted, the Minister of Health, exercising the powers conferred on him by Article 6(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of the Infectious Disease Act, Cap. 260 and assigned to it by the Decision of the Council of Ministers dated 10 March 2020, adopts the following Decree: Definition of measures to prevent the spread of corovirus disease COVID-19.

This Decree will be referred to as the Infectious Disease (Determination of Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19) Decree (No. 35) of 2020.

'Because by a Notice published in the Official Journal of the Republic, with the authorization of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Health declared as contaminated local areas with the Corovirus COVID-19 under Article 4 of the Infectious Disease Act, Cap. 260, the Provinces of Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, Famagusta and Paphos, the following Regulations are issued:

The Ministry of Health may designate public or private places where there is an increased aggregation to carry out random checks for COVID-19 disease.

This Decree shall enter into force immediately by its publication in the Official Journal of the Republic', it shall be added.

Source: eyenews / CYPE


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