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The Farmhouse

 Well, here she is! My sister Becky's lovely old house! The farmhouse was built around 1900's and has some lovely features. Right now she needs lots of love..... and Work!!
We spent the weekend helping them get started!

 One of the loveliest features is the front staircase. Everyone who walks in the front door can't help but exclaiming. The banister has already been restored, but the walls certainly in need of  a little sprucing!

This is looking back toward the living room from the dining room. There is new drywall that needs to be plastered and hardwood floors that need to be refinished through out. 
It already looks like a construction zone doesn't it?!

The kitchen is also in need of a bit of work.

And here is the new bathroom tile floor we laid! It took awhile to get all the prep work done. As with most old houses, one always comes across previous owners handiwork. The bathroom floor had two layers of plywood and a layer of vinyl, which all takes time to remove.....

I will keep you updated on the progress. We will be heading up a couple more times this month to help with projects.


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