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Top 4 Reasons Group Fitness Classes Rock

We have all seen the flyers, advertisements and heard people talking about the benefits of group fitness classes. However, many people already have it in their mind that it is "not for them". Here’s the truth, group fitness classes are a great way to get in shape. In fact, they offer many extra benefits you can’t get by working out on your own. Here are my Top 4 Reasons why I think Group Fitness rocks:

1. They Get Me Motivated

I am not a 4:00 am get up and run kind of person. In fact, rarely am I even a mid-day or evening fitness guru. I want to live a healthy lifestyle and I always feel better after working out, but I sadly admit it is one area of my life where I am not highly self-motivated. However, if I’m meeting a friend to workout, not only do I feel better about going to the gym, but I also have an extra level of accountability. If I know my friend is showing up, then I will go too. The cool part about group fitness classes is I have many friends encouraging me. That’s a great start.

2. Fitness My Style

There is such a wide range of group classes to choose from. From spin classes to yoga and Pilates to general fitness, there are so many options. Many people will be afraid to start because they feel they are too out of shape. This is a myth. In fact, our instructors at Jean-Robert’s Gym take special care to make sure all participants are working at their level, for both safety and maximum results. So whether you are just beginning or need something more intense, there are classes just for you. In addition, we keep our class sizes at the optimum level to ensure our instructors can keep an eye on everyone. We never recommend joining large groups where you get lost in the crowd.

3. Workouts Can Be Fun

Another aspect that shocks many people is that group fitness is fun. Working out alone can be hard, even the most seasoned athlete, but being in a group of friends makes it more fun. Our personal trainers live and work in Aspen because Aspen is fun. We carry this feeling all the way through our classes. We want you to enjoy your time while you’re getting fit. You should be smiling and sweating at the same time.

4. Real Live People

We live in a world dominated by social networks, emails and texting. Take a look around and you’ll see most people are captivated with their phone while there are people everywhere. Granted they may be connecting with friends and family, but there is truly something special about hanging out with people and talking face-to-face. Most people I talk to who attend group fitness classes comment on how they have made friends for life. That is truly something special.

I know that dedicating yourself to a group class can be a little scary, but the rewards are amazing. You’ll feel better about yourself, find yourself enjoying more of an active lifestyle and you’ll meet great people in the process. I call that a win-win-win! To learn more information about the classes we offer click here, give us a call or stop by the gym. We would love to talk with you and introduce you to your new best friends.



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