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TALA CULTURE - Cyprus Weekly edition 15 August

Please find below the text from an article regarding Tala Culture by Lucie Robson which appeared in the Cyprus Weekly on Friday 15 August.

Local community puts cross-community culture in spotlight
Lucie Robson

No matter what the age or background, we all like to have something entertaining to do on an evening. If a variety of entertainment is available year round, it is a bonus. Furthermore, if events are taking place off the beaten track it means the welcome avoidance of traffic.

With the events programme in Tala taking off over the last couple of years, there’s no need to head to the towns for an evening of entertainment. Since the last municipal elections in 2011, Tala has become one of the most active villages on the culture front. Members of the community council work constructively together in order to devise a diverse programme of entertainment in its outdoor amphitheatre and indoor Church Hall located in the village.

The varied programme includes acts to suit the multi-national tastes of the community. World-renowned violinists have rubbed shoulders with traditional Cypriot musicians on the programme and first-class tribute acts grace the same stage as theatre performances. This year, the venue is hosting more than 20 European shows alone.

Impressed by the range and regularity of cultural events in the village, The Cyprus Weekly met with community council member Cathi Delaney to find out about the thinking behind the event planning and what is in store in the future for culture in Tala.

“The public response has been fantastic with support from as far afield as Limassol, Latchi and even Nicosia,” Delaney said. “Tala, and the wider Paphos area, have a large multi-national community and it was felt that there were limited entertainment facilities unless you visited the tourist bars, clubs and restaurants. Tala Council wanted people to use the facilities in the village and made them accessible to the community and people in the Paphos District as a whole.”

Three Tala Community Council members are in charge of organising events at the village; Maro Savvidou, who looks after the accounts in the Tala Community Council office, Community Leader, Areti Pieridou and Delaney.   “We all have different contacts and interests – hence the eclectic mix of shows!”
Delaney says that there have been countless highlights since the programming got underway in earnest but two evenings in particular stand out for her.“The amphitheatre was bursting at the seams for the two Jersey Boys shows last September.  The atmosphere for the performers and the audience was electric.  Another example would be a very talented young lady from Tala singing unaccompanied at a Cypriot show. You could hear a pin drop. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and she brought tears to your eyes.”

Providing a good night out is only one part of the equation. Some of the events at the amphitheatre are also used to aid much-needed fundraising for local needy causes and initiatives.  “The Cyprus Kidney Association run by expats has raised a sum of €1,054 over two shows towards the appeal for a new dialysis machine costing €25, 000 for Paphos General Hospital.  Before the end of September, the council will be running a bar at the amphitheatre to raise much needed funds for the Tala schools,” Delaney explained.

The success of the cultural activities has been its own reward for the efforts of the council and involved performers but there is a lot of hard work which goes on behind the scenes to make it fall into place smoothly. The most time-consuming part is the actual day of the performance.  Volunteers man the doors, ensure the amphitheatre and toilets are clean and stocked, open up the facilities for the performers so they can set up, and are on site for the period of the show to ensure everything runs smoothly.
“We are there until the end switching off the lights and locking up. That’s an average of five hours for each show. It is all voluntary and unpaid, with Maro looking after the Cypriot shows and me and a team of generous volunteers taking care of the European ones.”

Tala Council says it wants everyone to have a good time, but litter and chewing gum are a headache as are those who partake of too much alcohol. “The offenders are, thankfully, only a small part of the audience.”

Stimulating artistic activity in the village has a long-term goal.  “Tala has a very talented pool of creative people and we are hoping to have a multi-cultural centre which will provide such artists with a permanent home and also allow other group activities,” Delaney said. “I would say that bringing the various activities into the village has shown the community how we can all work together to bring people into Tala and also given the community as a whole something to be proud of.” 

Tala Amphitheatre Programme

August, 21.TOTTevents. The show will feature Matthew Edmondson and will introduce the Welsh Diva Songstress Lisa Evans-Hughes. This ultimate party show includes music from well-loved artists across the decades, performed by the talented Talk of the Town Show team.  Music from The Beatles, Tina Turner, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, Monkees, Abba, Queen, and many more.  Tickets are €11 when pre-booked online (see below) or €15 on the door. Alternatively contact 97 718 671, or   Children under 12 free.  Doors open 7pm and show starts 8pm.

Thursday, 28. Join us to witness three of the best vocalists in Cyprus performing together as you have never seen them before.  Stevie Dean, Chris King and Ben Mills  will, for one night only, entertain in this fabulous dance extravaganza. The Show will feature top hits from the 1960's through to the 1990's.  Tickets at: Hearn's Book Shop, Peter Morton's, So Easy Kiosk or book online (see below).  For further information call Jay Enterprises hotline on 26 931 344  or  99 034 576. For details re disabled access ring  26 653 132. Starts at 8pm.

Friday, 29. Papageorgio String Quartet. This quartet play regularly at weddings across the island and are very much in demand. They have also appeared on local television.  They will be playing pop and rock arrangements of popular tunes. Doors open 7.30pm.  Show starts at 8.30pm.   Tickets €10 on the door or available from Tala Council office.  Tickets can also be booked online (see below).

Sunday, 31. Her Eyes Were Ivory. Composed and performed by Andreas A. Artemis and ensemble of artists. Celebrating 30 years as a composer, Artemis is holding this concert in support of feeding needy students at Tala Primary School. Tickets €7. Starts at 8.30pm.

For details on the fabulous programme of events in September and October (including the return of Jersey Boys and a concert held in memory of world War One) and to reserve tickets online, go to:

“The splendid views from Tala amphitheatre which waits to be filled with audience members ahead of four excellent events this month.”  

“The accomplished Papageorgio String Quartet are performing arrangements of popular western hits in Tala this month.”


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