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Why My Mom Should Not Have Facebook; (part 2)

Well my friends, it is time for Why My Mom Should Not Have Facebook; part 2. I did part 1 in June so if you have not had a chance to her prior antics, you can do so here. She is such a weirdo.

I accidentally bought some sex vitamins at GNC. My mom wanted them.

She is not a fan of "Honey Boo Boo". I deliberately replied to her posting that picture on my wall (she feels the need to share 8382 pictures with me everyday on Facebook) with a boo boo comment because she hates them.

She thinks I could be a stripper.

and that my cat is a drunk.

and that you can die from eating mushrooms.

Hope y'all enjoyed. I love my mom more than life and we have the craziest relationship. She lets me be the foul mouthed wild child that I am, and I owe her my life for letting me be that way.

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