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Then and Now: May

Another month gone by already. It seems like only yesterday when I was talking about how I couldn't believe it was May already. Today is my Dad's birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! Now for the Who, the What and the Where -- May 2011 vs. May 2012.

The Who: 

In 2011:
I spent some time in Australia with Mr. L, then it was back to the US for:
Baseball with the broski, his lady and Gma, and my friend Hashi and his lady
Birthday fun with the parents
Mimosa Brunch in the Mission with K and A

In 2012: 
 Good times were had by my Relay team
Another Giants game with the trio (a tradition, it seems)
Mother's Day/Birthday with my two families

My, look how she's grown! 
2011 vs 2012
The What: 

2011: / 2012: 8

I definitely had extra time to read this year, due to the fact that I was traveling a lot last year vs this year. Also, my computer was down for about a week and a half in 2012 and it's amazing how much reading I got done because of it! Some of my favorites: Secret Daughter - Shilpi Somaya Gowda, Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin. See my Bookshelf page for more!

2011: 0 / 2012: 157

This month was not only the start of the ramp up for marathon training, but I also added a few miles due to some longer trail runs and a new goal to try to complete an ultra. I think that this is my highest mileage month to date.

2011: 0 / 2012: 2

This month I participated in The Relay, which for my portion was 23 miles over 4 runs over 24 hours. I also completed race number 5 of the 12 in 2012 challenge, which was a trail race in Oakland called the Cinderella Trail Run. You can check out my Races and Places page for more!

2011 vs 2012
Apparently I turn 5 years old every year.

The Where:

In 2011, after getting back from Australia, 
I spent a lot of time in California. 
Also, note that it snowed. I think that photo was taken on May 28th.

In 2012,  I also spent a lot of time in California. 
San Francisco, Sierra Nevadas, Napa, Oakland

The verdict? My hair is longer, my fitness has improved tenfold, and it seems like the birthday baseball game with grandma and the kids has become a tradition (as well has the Mother's Day with my second family). It does seem like May is when the weekends start being full of outdoor related and other fun activities, no matter where I am! All in all, I would give two thumbs up to both May 2011 and May 2012!

How was your May this year? How is it different from last year? Is it better, worse, or the same? 

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