Template name : GameMix
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Release date : January 2013
Author : www.soratemplates.com
Template features : 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Games, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dark Background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.
License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template
Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:<div class='nivoSlider' id='slider'>
<a href='#'><img src='../slide.jpg' title='#sliderCaption1'/></a>
<div class='nivo-html-caption' id='sliderCaption1'>
<h2>Excepteur sint occa- ecat cupidatat</h2>
Excepteur sint occaecat cupid...
<a class='arrow' href='#'/></div>
- "#" with your featured post URL.
- "slide.jpg" with your slider image.
Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:<ul class='sf-menu'>
<li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>About</a>
<ul class='sub-menu'>
<li><a href='#'>Testimonials</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Archives</a></li>
Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
num=2, // Number of buttons will display
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