Bayram Cigerli Blog

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    Hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde sende web site sahibi olmak istiyorsan tek yapman gereken sitenin aşağısında bulunan iletişim formu üzerinden gerekli bilgileri girmen. Hepsi bu kadar.

  • Web Siteye Reklam Ver

    Sende web sitemize reklam vermek veya ilan vermek istiyorsan. Tek yapman gereken sitenin en altında bulunan yere iletişim bilgilerini girmen yeterli olacaktır. Ekip arkadaşlarımız siziznle iletişime gececektir.

  • Web Sitemizin Yazarı Editörü OL

    Sende kalemine güveniyorsan web sitemizde bir şeyler paylaşmak yazmak istiyorsan siteinin en aşağısında bulunan iletişim formunu kullanarak bizimle iletişime gecebilirisni

2 Columns etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
2 Columns etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Keilir Blogger Template

Template name : Keilir

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : August 2013

Author :

Designer :  BluthCompany

Template features : Blogging, Personal, Responsive, Dropdown Menu, Social Widget, Page Navigation.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  •  <ul class='nav' id='menu-primary'>
    <li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Theme Options</a></li>
    <li class='dropdown'><a href='#'>Pages</a>
    <ul class='dropdown-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Full Width</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Right Sidebar</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

Aurana Blogger Template

Template name : Aurana

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : Aug 2013

Author :

Designer :  QuanticaLabs

Template features : Blogging, Portfolio, Corporate, Clean Design, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dropdown Menu, Social Widget, Page Navigation.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div id='slider'>
    <a href='#'><img src='../slider_img1.jpg'/></a>
    <img src='../slider_img2.jpg' title='#sliderText1'/>
    <img src='../slider_img3.jpg' title='#sliderText2'/>

    <div class='nivo-html-caption' id='sliderText1'>
    <div class='sliderCaption sliderCaptionVisual'>
    <h2 class='topNone'>Visual identity</h2>
    If you want promote your business... <a href='#'> more &#187;</a>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "slider_img1.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='sf-menu'>
    <li class='current'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Blog</a>
    <li><a href='#'>Blog Main</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Single Post</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Social Widget:
search for:
  • <ul class='footerSocial itemList'>
    <li class='footerSocialRSS'><a class='imageLink' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'/></li>
    <li class='footerSocialFacebook'><a class='imageLink' href='#'/></li>
    <li class='footerSocialTwitter'><a class='imageLink' href='#'/></li>
Replace "#" with your Social Account's URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

Newline Blogger Template

Template name : Newline

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : Jul 2013

Author :

Template features : Blogging, Youtube, Corporate, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dropdown Menu, Social Widget, Gray Background, Page Navigation.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul id='slider'>
    <a href='#'><img height='326' src='../slider1.jpg' width='890'/></a>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "slider1.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div id='menuwrap'>
    <div class='ddsmoothmenu' id='smoothmenu1'>
    <li><a href='#'>Home</a>
    <li><a href='#'>Nivo Slider</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Piecemaker 2 3D Slider</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Anything Slider</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Social Widget:
search for:
  • <ul id='headersocial'>
    <li><a data-rel='fadeimg' href='#'><img src='../facebook.png' title='Facebook'/></a></li>
    <li><a data-rel='fadeimg' href='#'><img src='../twitter.png' title='Twitter'/></a></li>
Replace "#" with your Social Account's URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

ModernBlog Blogger Template

Template name : ModernBlog

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : June 2013

Author :

Designer: vickystudio

Template features : Personal, Interior, Fixed Width, Dropdown Menu, Social Widget, Gray Background, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='nav-menu' id='menu-main-menu'>       
    <li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Custom Color</a></li>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Interior</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Portfolio</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Social Widget:
search for:
  • <div class='share_item'>
    <a class='twitterIcon' href='#'>twitter</a>
    <a class='facebookIcon' href='#'>facebook</a>
    <a class='googleIcon' href='#'>google</a>
Replace "#" with your Social Account's URL.

How to change Author Section
search for:
  • <div class='author_post_name'>
    <h4>About &quot;<a href='#' rel='author'>Administrator</a>&quot;</h4>
    <div class='author_post_pic'>
    <img class='avatar avatar-56 photo' height='56' src='/avatar.png' width='56'/></div>
    <div class='author_post_desc'>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame..........

Configure Page Navigation Widget
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

Alyeska II Blogger Template

Template name : Alyeska II

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : May 2013

Author :

Designer :  themeblvd

Template features : Magazine, Fashion, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dropdown Menu, Social Widget, Pink Background, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='nivoSlider' id='nivo_slider'>
    <a href='#'><img height='400' src='../slide.jpg' width='920'/></a>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "slide.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  •  <ul class='menu' id='menu-main-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Blog</a></li>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Full Width Page</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sidebar Right</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display


Template name : MusiMag (Green Skin)

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : March 2013

Author :

Template features : 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Music, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Green Background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='featured_banner'/>
    <div id='slider'>
    <div class='jFlowPrev'><img alt='' height='194' src='images/previous.png' width='35'/></div>
    <div id='slider_img'>
    <a href='#'><span>The best interview is here</span><img height='360' src='../image.jpg' width='900'/></a>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "image.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div id='navigation'>
    <li><a href='#'>Interview<span>Meet your artists</span></a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Videos<span>Watch Stereolite TV</span></a>
    <ul class='sub_menu'>
    <li><a href='#'><span>Concerts (2)</span></a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

MusiMag Blogger Template

Template name : MusiMag

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : February 2013

Author :

Template features : 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Music, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Blue Background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='featured_banner'/>
    <div id='slider'>
    <div class='jFlowPrev'><img alt='' height='194' src='images/previous.png' width='35'/></div>
    <div id='slider_img'>
    <a href='#'><span>The best interview is here</span><img height='360' src='../image.jpg' width='900'/></a>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "image.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div id='navigation'>
    <li><a href='#'>Interview<span>Meet your artists</span></a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Videos<span>Watch Stereolite TV</span></a>
    <ul class='sub_menu'>
    <li><a href='#'><span>Concerts (2)</span></a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

WebDesign Blogger Template

Template name : WebDesign

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : January 2013

Author :

Template features : 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Website Design, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dark Green Background, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='nivoSlider' id='slider'>
    <img src='../slider-1.jpg'
    <div class='nivo-html-caption' id='sliderCaption1'>
    <div class='title'><a href='#'>Consectetur</a></div>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</div>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "slide-1.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=3, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

Christmas Gifts Blogger Template

Template name : Christmas Gifts

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : December 2012

Author :

Template features : 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Christmas, Portfolio, Featured Video Slider, Fixed Width, Dark Background.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Video Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <li>
    <div class='boxgrid captionfull'>
    <a href='#'><img height='269' src='../slider1.jpg' width='296'/></a>
    <div class='cover boxcaption' style=' top:269px; cursor: pointer;'>
    <h3 class='entry-title'>christmas decoration #1</h3>
    <div class='entry-content'><p>$57</p></div>
    <a class='more' href='#'>read more</a></div>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "slide,jpg" with your slider image URL.

Wilderness Blogger Template

Template name : Wilderness

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : November 2012

Author :

Designer :  devilcantburn

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, 3D Slider, Fixed Width, paper-wood background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div id='slider_wrapper'>
    <div class='marg_0_0_20_0' id='sliderCss3d'>
    <img alt='Slider 1' data-transition='{&quot;effect&quot;: &quot;blindsVertical&quot;, &quot;slices&quot;: 6, &quot;animSpeed&quot;: 1400, &quot;delay&quot;: 100, &quot;delayDir&quot;: &quot;fromCentre&quot;, &quot;easing&quot;: &quot;easeInCubic&quot;, &quot;depthOffset&quot;: 800, &quot;sliceGap&quot;: 5}' src='/slider.jpg'/>
"image.jpg" with your slider image.
Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='menu' id='menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Fullwidth page</a></li>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Buttons</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Google Map</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=3, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

How to change Author Section:
Find this:
  • <h4>About the author</h4>
    <div id='author-info'>
    <div id='author-image'>
    <a href='#'><img height='80' src='/avatar.png' width='80'/></a>
    <div id='author-bio'>
    Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.

Replay Blogger Template

Template name : Replay

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : October 2012

Author :

Designer :  themex

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Music, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Social Widget, Dropdown Menu, HTML5 Music Player, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='ribbon-slide'>
    <li class='slide-400'><a href='#'>
    <img class='fullwidth' height='400' src='/image.jpg' width='400'/></a>
Replace"image.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='menu' id='menu-main-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>News</a>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Ribbon Slider</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Fade Slider</a></li>
Just replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Social Widget:
Search for:
  • <a class='facebook' href='#' target='_blank' title='Facebook'/>    
    <a class='tumblr' href='#' target='_blank' title='Tumblr'/>
    <a class='twitter' href='#' target='_blank' title='Twitter'/>
Replace "#" with your Social Account URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=5, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

Configure Music Player:
search for:
  • <div class='playlist'>
    <a href='/song1.mp3'>Song Title 1</a>
    <a href='/song2.mp3'>Song Title 2</a>
Replace song.mp3 and Song Title as you want.

Eclipse Blogger Template

Template name : Eclipse

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : Oct 2012

Author :

Designer :  devilcantburn

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Social Widget, Dropdown Menu.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='nivoSlider' id='nivo_slider'>
    <a href='#'><img height='400' src='/image.jpg' width='920'/></a>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "image.jpg" with your slider image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='main_menu' id='menu-menu-1'>
    <li><a href='#'><span class='gfont'>Home</span> <span class='subline'>&#8592; Back</span></a></li>
    <li><a href='#'><span>News</span><span class='subline'>Read Us!</span></a>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Attractive Design</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Inspirations</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Social Widget:
Search for:
  • <div id='social_networks'>
    <li class='sorting-01 facebook'><a href='#'><span class='inv'>Facebook</span></a></li>
    <li class='sorting-03 twitter'><a href='#'><span class='inv'>twitter</span></a></li>
    <li class='sorting-02 googleplus'><a href='#'><span class='inv'>googleplus</span></a></li>
Replace "#" with your Social Account URL.


Template name : eSpecial (Light Skin)

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : Sep 2012

Author :

Designer :  temashdesignlab

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, 3 Columns Footer, Left Sidebar, Portfolio, Business, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Light Gray Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Instructions : eSpecial Blogger Template


Template name : ChromeGT (Red Skin)

Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Release date : Sep 2012

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Modern, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dark Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

Author :

Designer :  temashdesignlab

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Instructions : ChromeGT Blogger Template

eSpecial Blogger Template

Template name : eSpecial

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, 3 Columns Footer, Left Sidebar, Portfolio, Business, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dark Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

Release date : Sep 2012

Author :

Designer :  temashdesignlab

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Post Date:
Log in to Blogger Dashboard --> Settings --> Format. Make sure the Timestamp Format and Language are all changed to the following:

If you don't do this, it will display "UNDEFINED".

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='lof1-main-wapper'>
    <li><a href='#'><img src='/image.jpg'/></a>
    <div class='lof1-main-item-desc'>
    <div class='lof1-main-item-title'>
    <h2><a href='#'>Professional Business &amp; Portfolio Theme</a></h2></div>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
    <ul class='lof1-navigator'>
    <li><img src='/thumb.jpg'/>
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "image.jpg" with your slider image.
  • "thumb.jpg" with your thumbnail image.

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='s-menu' id='menu-main-navigation'>
    <li><a href='#'>Home</a>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Home page layout 2</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sliders</a>
Just replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=4, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

Insomnia Blogger Template

Template name : Insomnia

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, 3 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Personal, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dark Background, Top Navigation Menu, Social Sharing Widget.

Release date : Sep 2012

Author :

Designer :  designerthemes

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

An impressive blogger template which uses an advanced Auto CAD software used along a creative 3d software will provide more blog customization options.

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <li class='featured-post col g4'>
    <a class='dt-thumb' href='#'><img class='dt-post-image thumbnail' height='225' src='/image.jpg' width='300'/></a>
    <div class='post-info'>
    <h2 class='entry-title'><a href='#'>Under Lights in Astoria</a></h2>
Now replace:
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "image.jpg" with your slider image

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='fadein drop' id='menu-main-nav'>
    <li><a href='#'>Blog</a>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Entertainment</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Politics</a></li>
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Pegasus Blogger Template

Template name : Pegasus

Template features : Wordpress Look, Portfolio Homepage, 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, 4 Columns Footer, White Background, Social Widget, Page Navigation Widget, Dropdown Menu.

Release date : August 2012

Author :

Designer :  wpexplorer

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Updated (12-08-2012): fix a critical bug that make all js effects stop working

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='menu-main-container'>
    <ul class='sf-menu' id='menu-main'>
    <li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Blog</a></li>
    <ul class='sub-menu'>
    <li><a href='#'>Black</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Blue</a></li>
Now replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=12, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display

Leatherbound Blogger Template

Template name : Leatherbound

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Elegant, Personal, Fixed Width, Wood Background, Dropdown Menu.

Release date : August 2012

Author :

Designer :  4template

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Post Date:
Log in to Blogger Dashboard --> Settings --> Format, change this:

If you don't do this, it will display "UNDEFINED".

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul id='dropmenu'>
    <li class='first current_page_item'><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Photo Galleries</a>
    <ul class='children'>
    <li><a href='#'>Nature</a>
    <ul class='children'>
    <li><a href='#'>Clouds</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Water</a></li>
Now replace "#" with your menu item URL.

ChromeGT Blogger Template

Template name : ChromeGT

Template features : Wordpress Look, 2 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Modern, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Black Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

Release date : August 2012

Author :

Designer :  temashdesignlab

License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger Template

Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <div class='nivoSlider' id='slide'>
    <a href='#'><img src='/image.jpg' title='Modern Futuristic Unique Design'/></a>
Now replace:
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "image.jpg" with your slider image

Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
  • <ul class='menu' id='menu-main-navigation'>
    <li><a class='parent' href='#'><span>Home</span></a>
    <li><a href='#'><span>Left Sidebar Homepage</span></a></li>
    <li><a href='#'><span>Homepage Layout 2</span></a></li>
Just replace "#" with your menu item URL.

Configure Social Widget:
search for:
  • <div id='social'>
    <a class='tt_top' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;' id='rss' title='RSS'/>
    <a class='tt_top' href='#' id='googleplus' title='Google+'/>
    <a class='tt_top' href='#' id='twitter' title='Twitter'/>
    <a class='tt_top' href='#' id='facebook' title='Facebook'/>
Replace "#" with your Social Account URL.

How to change Author Information:
Find this:
  • <div class='post-author-title'>
    <h2>About the Author</h2>
    <div class='post-author-content'>
    <div class='border-img leftside avatar-box'><img class='avatar avatar-60 photo' height='60' src='/gravatar.jpeg' width='60'/>
    <h3>Written by Admin</h3>
    <p>ChromeGT is a modern, powerful...</p>

Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
  • var posts=3, // Number of posts in each page
    num=2, // Number of buttons will display


Dark Skin of Unite Blogger Template


Author: soratemplates
Designer: Parallelus