BAD FATs - Bad fats are the saturated fats - or the four legged -as I like to call it. They come from the four legged animals - cows, pigs, etc. Along with clogging arteries, these fats impair the function of the HDL cholesterol particles (good cholesterol). Limit these to 2 times per week. DEADLY FATs - are the Trans fats! Stay away from these as much as possible. Trans fats provide a quadruple insult to your arteries, clogging them more readily than any other ingredient ever identified in our food supply. They lower your HDL (good) cholesterol, elevate triglycerides and directly incite arterial inflammation. In a Harvard-based Nurses' Health Study, subjects who substituted a mere 2% of their daily calories from trans fats with a healthier form of fat, diminished their risk of cardiovascular disease by 53%. Trans fats are also linked to Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the metabolic precursor to both metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes, which are both major contributors in the obesity epidemic.
Trans fats are found in three basic food categories: · Processed foods made with partially hydrogenated oils · Stick margarine · Shortening
You must read labels to find these because food manufacturers are able to claim their food is trans fat free if it contains a small level. Read labels and avoid anything with "hydrogenated" in the label. |
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