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Three Days of Christmas

This year, since Christmas fell on a weekend, it meant that the whole weekend was packed with fun Christmas things!

Every Christmas we give out tons of cookies to the neighbors. Otherwise we would eat them all!

This year, for pre-Christmas-Eve dinner, we had dunganess crab!

We always open one gift on Christmas Eve. This one was a big one, so rather than carry it (we have Christmas at my Aunt's house) I opened it! It was just what I wanted, a new hiking backpack! 

We watched the old standby, The Muppet's Christmas Carol.

On Christmas Eve, we all headed up to my Aunt's house for a feast! Around 1 o'clock we put out hors d'oevres: 7 types of cheese, several dips, veggies, chips, bread, and a few kinds of meat. After that, we are not really very hungry, but we still manage to put out dinner (and put down some of it!) around 5. We had turkey, mashed potatoes, a stein full of gravy, real cranberry sauce and the kind shaped like a can, stuffing and broccoli!

Next up, dessert! Lemon meringue pie, pumpkin pie, and tons of homemade whipped cream! Somehow I managed to have a little bit of each one.

After all the food, a walk is in order. We take a half an hour or so to mosey around the neighborhood, looking at the lights, trying to stay warm and trying to work off (or pretend we are working off) a little bit of the turkey!

After that, it's Wii time. We like Wii bowling and Wii frisbee golf. I am pretty bad at all of them! The next morning we got up early and opened our stockings! We still have stockings and we stuff them with little things such as soap, undies and pens. The only non-adult at our party had fun playing with the wrapping paper more than the presents!

After stockings, we eat a huge breakfast. My brother made biscuits and gravy, eggs, bacon and hashed browns. Even though I did not need any more food, I managed to eat 4 pieces of bacon. I am not sure how. They just kept sliding down my throat. Gobble, gobble.

After that, the boys went out to shoot their guns (yes, I live in the woods) and I went for a really nice and much needed run (through the woods). Then we came back and relaxed, played games and checked out our new toys before having a nice dinner of turkey sandwiches.

running trail
We ended the night with a bang.

The day after Christmas, I always get together for a nice breakfast with all my highschool friends from home. Each year we add a few kids and the moms have started to come as well. It's always nice to see everyone and to catch up on what has been going on in their lives.

And then, just like that, it's over. It always feels a little strange to get back to real life again after the holidays.

How was your holiday weekend? Do you eat real cranberry sauce or the kind shaped like a can? Do you overeat as much as I do?

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