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Environmentally Friendly Salad Dressing

Today, instead of a beer (inspired by Kim), I encourage you to grab a bottle of salad dressing, get comfy on the couch and look what I did this week. Did you know that this Vinaigrette is now made with 20% LESS plastic? Did you know that it was made with plastic at all? Me neither. But apparently it still has the same delicious flavor.

On Tuesday, I hiked to the top of this mountain. See the flag? I put that there when I got to the top (approx 6500 ft elevation.)

Here we are, trying to get to the top. Can you see the tiny people? Where's Waldo?

I picked, ate and cooked a lot of these. In fact, I am starting a series tomorrow called An Apple a Day. Check back to see what it's all about!

Dog Rock. I like to look at the comparisons in different times of year. Kind of fun, isn't it?

I went hunting for fall foliage with my Mom. We are surrounded by Evergreens, but we do have some little pockets of yellow.

Remember the canvas I made everyone vote on? I got it in the mail and it turned out good!

I went for an 18 mile run. It was hard. It started off nice, like this. La Di Da.

And then I found myself here. I think I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. I had to backtrack to try to find a more level ground. I think it added another half mile (uphill) to my run. NOT FUN.

As I mentioned before, I did a ton of cooking. Thank you, Joy of Cooking. Can you tell this one is well used? I think that's a bit of banana bread batter there.

How was your week? Did you do anything exciting? Are you getting all "nesty" like I am now that it's getting colder and darker?

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