Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Closet Envy

What girl hasn't dreamed of having her own Sex and the City closet experience?  You know the one...where your significant other surprises you with the closet of your dreams: airy and bright with endless amounts of space for clothes and bags and shoes.

Well, I am just excited to have a closet that will house both my husband and my clothes.  So far he has always been relegated to the guest closet.  And now my closet will have designated shelves for shoes, bags, folded clothes, and multiple spaces for hanging racks:

What you can't see is another set of shelves for my husband's shoes!

I'm hoping one day I will have the space for a fabulous shoe collection to rival the closets featured on The Coveteur:

Images via The Coveteur
Until then, I will just settle with day dreaming!


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