Bayram Cigerli Blog

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House Progress 2

I am amazed at our house progress since construction began.  The foundation was only poured two weeks ago, and it feels like we have already come a long way--there are even windows and a roof!  When I was in San Diego, I requested that my husband stop by at least once, because I didn't want to miss the progress.  Every day it seems like they are leaps ahead from the day before.  

With the finish date looming over us at about three months from now, I have taken to ordering furniture and picking up some other furniture, rugs, and the like.  My new favorite motto is: "it takes the same amount of time for furniture to be  delivered as to build a whole house" (we have been quoted 12-16 weeks on certain items).  Our small apartment storage unit can't hold all of our stuff to begin with, so now our spare bedroom is overflowing with house purchases and old boxes rendering it another storage unit in itself.  I guess we will figure out a solution next time we have guests-but for now I just close my eyes whenever I walk by the room!


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