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WEHRMACHT: German Soldiers: Part 7

Lieutenant-General Heino von Rantzau sits on an anti-tank gun

Two German parachutist open  the container with weapons during the invasion of Crete.

German paratrooper in Normandy with a MG42 machine gun firing

Paratroopers during the Balkan campaign.

Nursing the wounded

A German is decorated in the Eastern Front, 1944. In the background, a Soviet T-34 tank
Winter 1944. The Russian front

German soldiers with a Panzerschreck


Panzerschreck was the popular name for the Raketenpanzerbüchse ('rocket armor rifle', abbreviated to RPzB), an 88 mm calibre reusable anti-tank rocket launcher developed by Nazi Germany in World War II. Another popular nickname was Ofenrohr ("stove pipe").

The Panzerschreck was designed as a lightweight infantry anti-tank weapon. The weapon was shoulder-launched and fired a rocket-propelled, fin-stabilized grenade with a shaped charge warhead. It was made in much smaller numbers than the Panzerfaust, which was a disposable recoilless rifle firing an anti-tank warhead.


Tankman of the Waffen-SS. North of France, 1944.

German soldiers in Latvia. 1944

Yugoslavia, in 1943 the artillery units of the SS Handcshar

The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) was one of the thirty-eight divisions fielded as part of the Waffen-SS during World War II. Its recruits were composed of Bosniaks and Croats. The Handschar division was a mountain infantry formation, the equivalent of the German "Gebirgsjäger" (Mountain troops) units. It was used to conduct operations against Yugoslav Partisans in the Independent State of Croatia from February to September 1944.


A Wehrmacht soldier with a dog

600-mm. Self-propelled mortar "Karl"


Coastal Battery Lindemann during commissioning. Atlantic wall / France, 1942

German artillery observation balloon.

The mighty Karl gun


-- German soldiers: Part 1
-- German soldiers: Part 2
-- Rare Images Of The Wehrmacht: Part 3
-- Wehrmacht: Part 4 
-- Wehrmacht: Part 5 
-- Wehramcht (German Soldiers): Part 6 
-- Wehrmacht: Part 8 

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