Bayram Cigerli Blog

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School scares me !

It's that time of the year again, where the leaves start to die and fall to their eventual rebirth, and the heat of the summer sun begins to invade the southern reaches of the world (Thank Goodness :), No... I'm not talking about winter, well... yet anyways, I'm talking about something so fearful and dreadful that even the mere mentioning of the word sends shivers down my spine : ''School''.

At this point, you'll probably feel disappointed, ''Ah , Dude ! It's just school ! Get Over It ! '' would be the typical comment I'd hear, but it's not just any other school year, it's the year I take my *coughs* IGCSE exams.

Now, to all those who have no clue what that is, It's an exam where every student, once they reach Grade 10, have to do in order to go to University (besides A-levels). Basically, it's the exam which potentially decides what you'll be doing for the rest of your life, so no pressure ! :D

While going through all my school memories, I keep one little sentence in mind at the end of each year :

''This is the End I reached before, What new adventures lie in Store ? ''

P.S. Sorry for the Delay, School's such a Burden on a Lad's Soul.


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