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second world war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
second world war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

German Government Pays Pensions To WW2 German (Nazi) Soldiers Row

The row has broken out again over the issue of the German government paying pensions to German soldiers, including those in the Waffen SS who fought during the Second World War.

According to a recent BBC report a Belgian minister has raised objection to German government paying pension to over 2500 Belgians who fought in Hitler's army during 1939-45. 

The subject kicks up a hornets nest now and then even after 80 years since WW2 ended.

The argument is that many of the pension beneficiaries are former Nazis. 

We have no argument with Nazis who committed crimes being not only disbarred from pension benefits but if possible being tried.

But why paint all German soldiers with the same brush. For example the men of the Waffen SS were soldiers, barring the Totenkopf. They were elite soldiers, like tahe American Green Berets or Navy Seals.

They fought and fought hard for their country. Their misfortune was Germany lost WW2.

Pin pricking about pensions to these few surviving  men seems a bit low.

ALSO READ: Rape  of Germany 

Even American soldiers committed war crimes during WW2. So did Russian Red Army soldiers who raped millions of German women in 1945.

Did anyone talk about depriving them of pensions?

Germany lost a war in 1945. It suffered untold miseries. It's people were tortured, abused, humiliated. Let us leave the Germans alone, now. Let them deal with the matter as they deem fit. They know their country better than we do.

It is time to stop berating Germans for the sins of a few twisted individuals who controlled their country during that time in history. They have paid much. Let us not open unhealed wounds again. More than 80 years have passed. It will be playing into the hands of the neo-Nazis this incessant harping.

Remember the bible quote about the totally blameless throwing the first stone? No country was totally blameless before, during and after WW2.

Rare Random Images From WW2: Part 3

Rare WW2 Images Greek soldiers taken prisoner sit around  German guard watches
Greek soldiers taken prisoner sit around as a German guard watches over them. May-June 1941. Mussolini attacked the Greeks first but was thrown back by the tough Greek fighters. Hitler then steeped in. He wanted to protect the Balkans to keep the British out from getting a toehold. The Greek army however brave was no match for the Wehrmacht.

Two German soldiers support  wounded Canadian soldier after Dieppe raid. August 1942.Rare WW2 Images
For propaganda? Or kind Germans? Two German soldiers support a wounded Canadian soldier after the Dieppe raid. August 1942.

French legion  German army 638th Infantry Regiment  Moscow  Smolensk. November 1941 Rare WW2 Images
French legion of the German army (638th Infantry Regiment) on its way to Moscow from Smolensk. November 1941.

German soldiers Goliath during  suppression  Warsaw Uprising August 11 1944 Rare WW2 Images
German soldiers prepare a "Goliath" during the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. August 11, 1944. (Image by Gutermann)

 Waffen SS soldier chats  Soviet women  Belgorod. 1943 Rare WW2 Images
A Waffen SS soldier chats with Soviet women at Belgorod. 1943. It would be interesting to know what the conversation was about. We will never know.

Occupied Greece. April 1941. Sepp Dietrich of the   1st SS Panzer Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"  talks  Greek prisoners. Rare WW2 Images
Occupied Greece. April 1941. Sepp Dietrich of the   1st SS Panzer Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"  talks to Greek prisoners.

Soviet citizens  hanged by  Germans Rare WW2 Images
Soviet citizens about to be hanged by the Germans. Hitler's orders for Barbarossa was that all Soviet Commissars and partitions were to be executed immediately. The so-called "Commissar Order".

German soldiers listen carefully  Russian lady  saying. Novorossiysk, 1942 Rare WW2 Images
German soldiers listen carefully to what this Russian lady is saying. Novorossiysk, 1942. Why do men always listen carefully when a woman speaks? Be it war or during peace.

September 18 1944 Germans carry their wounded during  Warsaw Uprising Rare WW2 Image
September 18, 1944. Germans carry their wounded during the Warsaw Uprising.

German soldiers crouch behind  Stug 3 assault gun outskirts of Stalingrad 1942 Rare WW2 Image
 German soldiers crouch behind a Stug 3 assault gun in the outskirts of Stalingrad. 1942

German soldiers ruined factory  Stalingrad November 1942 Rare WW2 Image
German soldiers in a ruined factory in Stalingrad. November 1942. The photo was published on the cover of "Munchner Illustrierte Presse" of 10 December 1942.

French Legion  Wehrmacht Smolensk November 1941 Rare WW2 Image
French soldiers in the German army. French Legion of Wehrmacht soldiers during a show in Smolensk before the march on Moscow. November 1941.

American Lieutenant General Mark Clark Liberated Rome 1944 Rare WW2 Image
American Lieutenant General Mark Clark sits on the window sill of a house in liberated Rome. 1944.

Mussolini Skorzeny September 1943 Rare WW2 Image
Mussolini with a group of German and Italian military at the "Campo Imperatore" after release. He was rescued by a group of SS soldiers led by Otto Skorzeny (seen on the left of Mussolini) in September 1943.

1940 Captured French pilots chat with German soldiers Rare WW2 Image
1940. Captured French pilots chat with German soldiers.

Waffen SS soldiers kicks  captured Russian pilot  Kursk 1943 Rare WW2 Image
 Not a very nice man. A Waffen SS soldiers kicks a captured Russian pilot. Kursk, 1943.

German soldier Leningrad Lenin statue Rare WW2 Image
Near Leningrad. This German hardly seems to have any reverence towards Lenin. He is using the statue as a sign-post.

 Waffen SS soldiers  Kharkov 1943 Rare WW2 Image
Tough battle-hardened Waffen SS soldiers at Kharkov. 1943. They were by now fighting a losing war.

Polish employees Danzig post office captured September 1939 Rare WW2 Image
Polish employees of the Post Office at Danzig along with a few militia put up strong resistance. The Germans had  to blow down a wall using three guns and use flame-throwers to subdue them. September 1939.

Soviet soldiers destroyed Warsaw 1945 Rare WW2 Image
 War destroys. Soviet soldiers walk through a devastated Warsaw. 1945.

Horse Street Devastated Stalingrad 1942 Rare WW2 Image
A horse stands shaken amidst a destroyed Stalingrad. 1942.


Polish Tragedy: Warsaw Uprising Of 1944.

Warsaw Uprising 1944 German soldiers hiding behind pillarse Grand Opera Warsaw  crush  uprising
German soldiers hiding behind the pillars of the Grand Opera in Warsaw as they crush the uprising.

The Polish are a very fiercely proud people. So when the Treaty of Versailles gave birth to an independent Poland in 1919, it delighted the Polish heart. But not for long. In 1939 Germany and Soviet Russia swallowed it up after partitioning it.

1944. The Germans are being beaten thoroughly by the advancing Red Army. The Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa, the non-communists) thought the time was ripe to throw the Germans out themselves so that they could claim the right to rule Poland in a post-German era.

The Home Army thought that the Red Army on the other side of the Vistula would lent a helping hand. But the Russians just watched as the Uprising was brutally crushed by the Germans.

Many say Stalin did not help the uprising because he wanted a pro-Soviet communist government in Poland. This is partly the truth. The Red Army had been on the heels of the retreating Germans for months after Operation Bagration. The supply lines were stretched. The Russians soldiers were tired.

But one must admire the bravery of the Polish who took on the Germans themselves in 1944. What happened is a heart-wrenching story of how the Germans squashed the Warsaw Uprising and eliminated the brave men of Armia Krajowa.

Warsaw insurgents put up  barricade  street September Uprising 1944
Warsaw insurgents put up a barricade on a Warsaw street. September 1944.

SS non-commissioned officer inspects  bodies  two  Warsaw insurgents November 1944 Uprising
A SS non-commissioned officer inspects the bodies of two of the Warsaw insurgents killed in the Old Town. November 1944.

German prisoners captured by Warsaw insurgents near building  Polish telephone company Uprising 1944
A group of German prisoners captured by Warsaw insurgents near the building of the Polish telephone company. August 1944. Don't be confused by the guards wearing German Stahlhelm helmets. The Polish fighters used them too.

Polish Home Army fighters  with  7.92 machine gun Warsaw Uprising 1944
Moments of despair. Polish Home Army fighters  with a 7.92 machine gun (A Polish version of the American Browning gun) in October 1944 sometime before surrender to the Germans in the center of a devastated Warsaw.

September 7 1944 Representatives  Polish Red Cross arrive blindfolded to meet German military policemen  negotiate safe passage civilians Warsaw Uprising 1944
September 7, 1944. Representatives of the Polish Red Cross arrive blindfolded to meet German military policemen to negotiate safe passage of civilians.

Armia Krajowa fighters ride  captured German armored carrier streets  Warsaw August 1944 uprising
Armia Krajowa fighters ride a captured German armored carrier on the streets of Warsaw. August 1944.

Warsaw uprising  brutally broken by  SS, Police penal battalions and Russian collaborators
The uprising was brutally broken by the SS, Police, penal battalions and Russian collaborators. Men from the Russian People's Liberation Army are seen here with SS men.

German collaborators included  Russian Cossacks Warsaw Uprising 1944
German collaborators included the Russian Cossacks. Seen here are Cossacks (the one with a helmet on is an officer) watching the suppression of the uprising.

August 1944 German prisoners led by a Home Army soldier Warsaw Uprising
August 1944. German prisoners led by a Home Army soldier.

Polish civilian woman killed during  German air raid  10 Moniuszko Street, Warsaw September 1944 uprising
A Polish civilian woman killed during a German air raid at 10 Moniuszko Street, Warsaw. September 1944.

German prisoners marked with swastika line up  insurgents against  wall  ghetto  Bonifraterska Street Warsaw Uprising 1944
German prisoners marked with swastika line up by the insurgents against the wall of the ghetto on Bonifraterska Street. Were they shot later?

Germans used massive 600 mm guns  flatten insurgent positions Prudential building Warsaw Uprising 1944
The Germans used massive 600 mm guns to flatten insurgent positions. Here the Prudential building is hit. It collapsed in seconds.

Germans used Wurfrahmen 40 multiple rocket launchers against  Home Army positions September Warsaw Uprising 1944
Germans use the Wurfrahmen 40 multiple rocket launchers against the Home Army positions. September 1944.

 Warsaw burns during  Uprising 1944
 Warsaw burns during the Uprising

Polish general Komorowski  surrender  Germans October 4 Warsaw Uprising 1944
 Polish general Komorowski rides to surrender to the Germans. October 4, 1944.

Komorowski after surrender with Obergruppenfuhrer Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski Warsaw Uprising 1944
Komorowski after surrender with Obergruppenfuhrer Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski

Bach Zelewski welcomes back captured Germans Warsaw Uprising 1944
 Bach Zelewski welcomes back captured Germans.

Home Army fighters surrender Warsaw Uprising 1944
 Home Army fighters surrender.

Germans pull out  Armia Krajowa man from  man hole Warsaw Uprising 1944
 Germans pull out a Armia Krajowa man from a man hole

Polish insurgents hand over arms Warsaw Uprising 1944
The Polish insurgents hand over their arms.

Armia Krajowa fighters march into captivity Warsaw Uprising 1944
Armia Krajowa fighters march into captivity. Very few were left alive by the Germans.

Some Random Rare Images Of The Second World War: Part 2

American soldiers inspect  German Tiger tank  Belgian village  Corenne February 1945
Two American soldiers inspect a German Tiger tank at the Belgian village of Corenne, February, 1945. The third is admiring the passing Belgian women who too seem interested in the Americans

Romanian soldiers fire  mortar somewhere  Caucasus April 30 1943
Romanian soldiers prepare to fire a mortar somewhere in the Caucasus. April 30, 1943.

German soldier directs German war machines near Moscow. Winter 1941
A German soldier directs German war machines in the vicinity of Moscow. Winter 1941. He looks haggard.

Anton Klein  warden Mauthausen-Ebensee concentration camp moments before his hanging  November 5 1948 at Landsberg Germany
Anton Klein a warden at the Mauthausen-Ebensee concentration camp moments before his hanging on November 5, 1948 at Landsberg, Germany.

British soldiers  Norwegian village  1940
British soldiers at a Norwegian village in 1940. They were soon thrown out by the Germans.
Officer Waffen SS Florian Geyer 8th SS Cavalry Division eats  eastern front  1943
 An officer of the Waffen SS 'Florian Geyer' (8th SS Cavalry Division) eats on the eastern front in 1943. These men were used in anti-partisan actions in 1943.

German soldiers  Italian town with  Tiger tank  1944
The end was nearing. German soldiers in an Italian town with a Tiger tank in 1944

German paratroopers jumping  Netherlands  Ju 52 plane May 1 1940
German paratroopers jumping into Netherlands from a Ju 52 plane. May 1, 1940

Germans with North African most probably Senegalese French POW  St. Cloud
Germans with North African (most probably Senegalese] French POW at St. Cloud, A suburb of Paris. 1940.

German groundsmen preparing  fighter bomber Focke-Wulf Fw.190A-5   Kharkhov
German groundsmen preparing the fighter bomber Focke-Wulf Fw.190A-5  at Kharkhov, Russia. April 1943.

dead American soldier shot by  SS at Malmedy  December 1944
An American soldier points to the head wounds of a dead soldier shot by the SS at Malmedy in December, 1944

General Leclerc  Free French 2nd armored division paris
General Leclerc of the Free French 2nd armored division gives orders after reaching Paris. August 25, 1944. The French made a rush for Paris despite American orders to the contrary to revive some of the French pride which was lost in 1940.

Soviet T-34 tank burns  outskirts of Moscow December 1941
A Soviet T-34 tank burns on the outskirts of Moscow. December 1941. But the Germans never reached Moscow.

British POW  Trondheim Norway May 1940
British POW line up for lunch at Trondheim, Norway. May 1940. Hardly the proud, gritty British.

German soldiers march  Norway 1940
German soldiers march in Norway. 1940.

1940 German soldiers having soup street Danish village
1940. German soldiers having soup on the street of a Danish village.

Germans firing  20 mm Flak 30 anti-aircraft gun in Italy 1943
Germans firing a 20 mm Flak 30 anti-aircraft gun in Italy. 1943.

American POW walking through Belgian village December 1944
American POW walking through a Belgian village. December 1944.

Red Army prisoner-of-war  Finland  train during  Soviet-Finnish War 1940
Red Army prisoner-of-war about to be sent deep into Finland by train during the Soviet-Finnish War in 1940.

Red Army soldiers  Berlin. April 1945
Vision of a nightmare come true for the Germans. Red Army soldiers in Berlin. April, 1945.

American pilots aboard  light aircraft carrier 'Monterey'  attack Japanese fleet  Battle  Mariana Islands June 1944
American pilots aboard the light aircraft carrier 'Monterey' before flying out to attack the Japanese fleet during the Battle of the Mariana Islands. June 1944.