I've just finished assorting all of my CDs ( yes ,I was thaaat bored :S). While going through the endless pile, I've stumbled upon a videotape (ye know, the old ones before we used the CD). It was the very first videotape I saw and watched (the film, not the cover), Guess what it was about ? The timeless classics of ''Mr. Bean'' :D
You might call me old fashioned, but I just couldn't forget Mr. Bean and all of his spectacular Misadventures, it was one of those good old classical comedic shows that just can't be replaced, Its sorta like Charlie Chaplain ( except for the Black and White). In this new modern age, there are new comedies, Scrubs,Frasier, Friends, Two and a Half men etc... Now, I'm not saying I dislike them, I'm quite fond of them myself, its just that they cannot match up to the level of comedy as ''Mr. Bean''. Old Rowan Atkinson does a fine job to bring humor back in the crude days of the 90s :D
The only downside to Mr. Bean, was when the show ended after ( I think) 14 episodes :S . Other than that I see no downside to the show, besides Mr. Bean not talking much ( though thats just me :)
And for all you who don't know who Mr. Bean is, Let me elaborate : Generally, Mr. Bean is about an Englishman called Mr. Bean who finds everything hard to do (even if its the simplest of jobs, like doing the laundry :P ) and often finds humourous and funny ways to solve the problem, not to mention having a nifty looking Mini and a cute little Teddy bear. This one time, he tried to drive home, while he was on the top of his car, Top That ! :)
The Mr Bean franchise now has 2 movies , Mr. Bean (1996) and Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007), as well as an animated TV series, And has the same level of internet fuss as LoL-CATS !! :D
So no offense to any other show, But Mr. Bean (the show) has been the only one to reach my funny bone, and no one can match the show's humour.
BTW: Rowan Atkinson plays Mr. Bean
Can't say Goodbye to Classics
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