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Bill Gates : Trying to make a Difference

We all know Bill Gate's Story, Self made- Billionaire, Invented what is now our modern day Windows XP.
Now recently, Bill Gates managed to convince other billionaires to donate at least 50% of their wealth to charity, My Comments : O.O , He has convinced 37 billionaires and himself to donate more than half of his wealth to charity, that money is more than a typical country can produce, I'd guess more than 40 Billion Dollars ( I wish I had that kind of money) !! Kudos to you, Bill. Very Generous of him to do so, Wish there were more Generous people in Life. If there is anything we've learned from Bill, its these 7 lessons:

1)Failure Teaches Resiliency

2)Understand Your Ego

3Unhappy Customers Help You Improve

 4)Leadership isn’t about Control; It’s about Trusting Others

5)Treat Everyone with Respect   My Favorite quote of Bill is :“Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.”

6)Action Creates Results

7)Step Back and Look at the Bigger Picture

 I want all my viewers to take Bill or anyone else who have contributed, as an example to never give up and that we can give so much help for the sake of Humanity, Be it Technology, Charity Work, Religious Gatherings, It's Almost Infinite ! My message is:
 Help The World in Any Way !

Keep Up the Good Work Bill :)



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