For Immediate Release – December 24th, 2009
(Optimum Edge Training, located at 9050 Fairway Dr. Ste., # 115, Roseville, Ca.) launches Acceleration Training™ utilizing Power Plate® to aid in the loss of body fat and to improve circulation, stability, balance, bone density, strength, and reaction time.
(Better Human Performance Report – Roseville, CA.) – Power Plate® is used for movement preparation, stability and core training, flexibility training, strength training, balance training and speed training for (Optimum Edge Training) clients. Power Plate® Technology stimulates the body’s natural response to vibration. These vibrations transmit waves of energy throughout the body, activating muscle contractions between 25 and 50 times per second, enhancing overall performance in sessions as short as 15 minutes once a week. Acceleration Training™ on Power Plate® offers benefits including an immediate improvement in blood circulation, increased muscle strength and flexibility, improved range of motion, decreased cellulite, increased bone mineral density, reduced pain and soreness, and faster recovery. The benefits are grounded in extensive academic and independent scientific medical research.
“Power Plate® technology provides a revolutionary opportunity for us to expand our market by providing a significant health and fitness solution for thousands of aging baby boomers and de-conditioned older adults,” says (Mike Evans, Owner/Master Trainer). “
Power Plate™ technology creates instability in the human body, as with each vibration the body is forced to perform reflexive muscle actions, multiple times per second. The principle by which Power Plate® machines work lies in the law of motion that the force of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by acceleration, or f = m x a. Other forms of conditioning use mass – as with weight machines, free weights, etc. Power Plate® machines, instead, use the second half of this equation, by applying acceleration forces to the body, while keeping mass, i.e. body weight, the same.
Power Plate technology allows optimal “loading” of the human frame while minimizing high impact and external loads. Gravity is a force that adds load to the human body every second of every day for every movement we perform. Power Plate® machines make the body feel as though it “weighs” more by accelerating the body with vibration. The result is that the body works against the increased “load” of gravity in every movement you perform on a Power Plate machine.
For more information on Acceleration Training™ utilizing Power Plate® visit
their website at or call 916-771-6776.
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