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Welcome to My New Home, Week Recap, and Stuff...

Enjoy the pics today…they are all of Shelli since I’ve not been taking too many photos this week.  My apologies for the repeats.  So, I’m pretty disappointed this morning because we’d planned to go hiking on Crowder’s Mountain today, and the news keeps talking about how great the fall foliage is this weekend and the weather is supposed to be totally perfect.  But we’ve had two pee incidents with Shelli in the past three days, and I’m thinking that she’s starting to feel abandoned because of how busy we are with school and stuff and how often we’re gone.  We’ve had “pee issues” with her on and off since last Christmas when she was traumatized by a pretty big Christmas party we had at the house with lots of loud kids…we got her checked and it’s not medical, so it’s how she reacts to stress (unfortunately).  Joey mentioned yesterday that it might be good for her if we just rest at home this weekend and spend Saturday with her.  I’m missing the fall colors, but I also don’t want my baby to feel neglected…it’s weird…I’ve never seen a cat so needy.  Anyway, so today will be filled with reading, a little schoolwork, knitting, planning, stuff like that.  I can’t say that I’m disappointed.  Sometimes, not leaving the house is more rejuvinating than anything else you can do.  I’m planning to try the P90X DVD that I borrowed from Cory today…I really want to get into this yoga thing.

Sneaky, sneaky kins;)…

One of my biggest issues is the ability to clear my mind, to stop it from running, and I feel like yoga would help with that…not only the brain-clearing-out thing, but the flexibility and overall feeling of wellness.  With Heather so enamored with it and Angela now getting into it, I read about it pretty often, and it seems like it would be pretty theraputic for me, both as a workout and as therapy;).  Maybe it’ll keep me from going postal at work (or at least from being passive-aggressive to get my point across..hehe).

Prarie-dog Kins…this was taken when Santa Claus was riding through our neighborhood on the back of a firetruck (with sirens blaring)  flinging candy at children…those who weren’t too terrified to leave their houses…

School is really kicking my butt lately…I think I’ve hit that point in the semester where I’m just really tired and want it to be over.  I’m looking forward to Christmas break when I can focus on books that I want to read and knitting and stuff.

Shelli modeled my handknit Christmas ornament before I went to my ornament exchange party.  She didn’t really seem to like it.

Last night, we had some of Joey’s friends from his seasonal job over…it was so nice to talk to people who are in the same place in life as we are.  I always struggle with feeling like we’re behind everyone else our age.  There are so many sacrifices that have to be made for the sake of education, especially when one of you is going all the way through the PhD level…one is knowing that you’ll likely not have any semblance of a normal life for the next ten years or so.  They’re going through a similar situation and it’s so helpful to know that other people deal with those feelings too.

The “Sock of Death,”  also known as “the reason my right arm looks like hamburger meat.”  My psychiatrist asks me every time I go if I’m a cutter.  Sometimes, I wonder if he really believes that it’s from playing “Sock of Death” with “Killer Kins.”

I’m toying with an idea for setting up on Etsy shop…more on that later once I make a final decision, but I think it could be pretty fun and maybe something people would want to have:)

So, off I go to continue watching Due South with Joey and the Kins…I leave you with this, the most precious picture that I have…



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