Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Since October 21...

Alright, I’m back. I turned in the first draft of my proposal to my advisor Tuesday morning.

Since my last real post, I have done several things in addition to rejoicing in my office’s heat.

I totally blanked on that Nov 1st race. I got so busy that I didn’t even think about it until yesterday, which was the 3rd, and evidently too late to race on the 1st. Oops.

I finally set up my bike trainer this Saturday. I finally went for my first ride on it about 2 hours ago. It’s not a lot of fun riding in place, but it sure beats riding in place at the gym on their awful bikes. I can watch TV while I ride too! Oh, and since we keep the place at a toasty 56ish degrees it’s a nice riding temperature, compared with the ridiculously warm temperature in the gym. Of course, when I’m not working out or moving I’m wearing a sweatshirt, shivering, and considering ordering some of those super-duper-warm long underwear. Space heaters are my friends!

I was in the lovely city of Pittsburgh for most of last week at a conference. It exhausted me! I had to be at the conference by 7:10 every morning and I didn’t sleep well the night before I left for it, so I was kinda out of it the whole time. It was fun though, and my talk went just fine.

On Sunday we met in the church building my church is attempting to buy. Initially I thought it was a bad idea, but it turns out we have a whole bunch more money saved up than I thought we did, and in my opinion the building is a great price for its perfect location and how gorgeous and well-built it is. I haven’t heard any news yet, but supposedly our offer was going in on Tuesday. Guess that means they didn’t reject it outright? I’m a bit concerned about the whole situation because either we get the church, stretching our current finances to the breaking point within a few years unless we grow dramatically, or we don’t get the church and everybody gets depressed and forward momentum vanishes.

Hi, my name is Lisa, and I’m a pessimist. But God’s will will be done! And that’s what matters.



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