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A good weekend to get out

A good way to get fit is to get out and explore. Some options in the Triangle this weekend …


Neuse Kayak Sampler

Learn to kayak

Neuse River, Raleigh

8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Spend Saturday learning to paddle flatwater.

Interested in getting into kayaking but not sure how to do it? A day spent with Raleigh Adventure Program on the Neuse River should answer most of your questions. All equipment and transportation is provided, as is instruction by American Canoe Association-certified teachers. Adult-oriented, but kids 12-15 may attend with a parent. $75 for Raleigh residents, $85 for non-residents. 831-6855.

Longleaf Festival

Celebration of the longleaf pine, with live music

Harris Lake County Park, New Hill

10 a.m.-2 p.m.

This sounds like the ideal Saturday: Load up the mountain bike and take a ride on the 8-mile Hog Run trail network or load the day pack for a hike on the 5-mile Peninsula Trail, then celebrate the park’s efforts to bring back the longleaf pine with craft demonstrations, live animals, “fire and water displays,” hay wagon tours and live bluegrass at this free festival. 387-4342.


Nuclear Swim

Open water endurance swim

Harris Lake County Park, New Hill

8 a.m.

You can also learn a little something about yourself this weekend— like how you’d fare in mile-long open water swim. The Nuclear Swim is the third and final race in this year’s inaugural Triangle Swim Series. Race director Marty Gaal tells us 225 swimmers have already signed up to swim nuclear, but there might be room for another swimmer or two. $35 and membership in USA Triathlon required (you can buy a one-day membership at the race for $10). Find registration information here.

Talking turtles

Nature hike

Eno River State Park, Durham and Orange counties

3 p.m.

You’re hiking along a river, you look out and see six turtles basking on a log. Can you name them? You can after attending Turtle Talk, wherein you’ll learn to distinguish the three basking turtles found in/on the Eno. Free, but space is limited and preregistration is suggested, by calling 383-1687.



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